The Red Heifer

Duration: 49min
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I.H. Klassen
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And I think it's good to understand the setting of this truth of the red heifer.
Is because of this sacrifice or this?
This incident of the red heifer came in.
In the 39th year of the wilderness of the wilderness, they came to the end of the wilderness and.
Practically, and then this offering comes in.
And the reason it's so important is because that's where we are. We're right at the end of the wilderness. We're about ready to step into Canaan.
The reason that this offering comes in to is because.
There is so much defilement if you stop and think in the wilderness. What was happening in the in the wilderness?
A plague would break out and 50,000 were slain in the plague.
There have been many died before then, perhaps before. Well, there were different plagues and so every time you touch the dead body you were defiled.
Now in a sense to us a dead body is something that has no life, God worth.
And we're doing this all the time. I think that.
Well, like.
I think you mentioned last night about it, even involvement with relatives. It's so easy to touch a dead body, something that has no like no spiritual life or nothing or something that won't help you on.
To the God Word, as it were. So this, this sacrifice comes in then at the end of the journey, and it speaks to us that God has made a provision as to how to meet the day in which we live. God has made provision, provision of cleansing.
So it says in verse 2, this is the ordinance of the law which the Lord hath commanded, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me a red heifer without spot, where it is no blemish, and upon which never came a yoke. Now if you would read of the any of the other offerings, it's not that it it didn't say all those things it said without spot, yes.
Maybe without blemish, yes, but here it's without spot, without defect.
And really the word blemish.
And so.
It's a red heifer. No, the word red there means Ruddy.
It's the same word as you get a Song of Solomon where you have Ruddy or with David was Ruddy, it says, which would speak of hell. So it it must be a very healthy animal. And now it was a heifer. It wasn't a Bullock. Many cases they offered bullocks, but this was a heifer because the heifer speaks of state.
Our state of soul, where the Bullock speaks of our position.
What we have in Christ. They offered a book for a burnt offering.
But here it's its state, and so it isn't dealing here now with lost sinners in this chapter is dealing with Saints that have fallen.
Or become defiled.
And so they have heard was a heifer and then it says without spot that would be on the outside and without defect or blemish that would be on the inside.
No, I dressed up many, many animals for.
For eating, you know, and they may look perfect on the outside, but you, you open them up and you find some defects. Something isn't right. Well, that kind of animal couldn't have been used for this purpose. And so this speaks especially of the Lord Jesus, because he was without blemish outwardly and he was without defect inwardly.
The you know, Peter and Paul and John all gave witness.
You know, they said he did no sin in him was no sin.
Well, it's even Pilot and the thief.
They could just know him outwardly. But Pilate said, I find no fault in this man and the thief says this man have done nothing amiss. So this is the offering and we're all never came a yoke. Never came any yoke. Now again, you wouldn't get this in the offering in Leviticus. Don't say anything about it. 1 Coming under a yoke, but.
The Lord Jesus.
And all that he went through never came under the yoke of any man. He never came under the influence of any man.
Even when he was teaching, as it were, the multitude, you know, came to hear him and he took a bolt and he thrust out in the water and he talked to people. Well, he never came under the influence of the people. Today, many a preacher comes under the influence of the audience. Remember a young man I grew up with?
He got saved and and he, he was really devoted to the Lord. And so he went his mother, so his mother's persuasion, he went to a seminary.
Well, of course we lost track of it and some years later my father bumped into him.
And he said, Leonard, what are you doing? He said. I've got a church over in Oakland, CA.
And my father said, oh, you've got a good opportunity to give the gospel, don't you, Leonard? He says, Mr. Clawson, if I go gave those people the gospel, I'd lose my job. Well, he was a man that came under the influence of the multitude.
The Lord never did, and so it's a word to us. But we don't come, as it were, under the influence of man. But if we do well, there is cleansing.
Now the next thing you have Eliezer the priest. Now we want to remember the Elias of the priest is not a type of Christ. Sometimes he is, you might say, but here he is not a type of Christ because you find in verse seven that.
He washed his clothes and made his crushing water and was unclean until the Even so it couldn't be speak of the Lord, but I believe it's the priestly element in the assembly. In the assembly you have what you might call an element and it should characterize all of us, an element that cares for God's glory.
Now that's the priest. The mediator was interested in man, but the priest.
Interested, as it were, in the interests of God, and so he functioned. God works. So whenever problems arise or defilement, the first thing that's necessary is for the priestly element, as it were, to get a glimpse of the death of Christ. And so it says, There you shall give her unto iliage of the priest, that he may bring her forth without the camp.
And one shall slay her before his eyes. Well, how touching that is in a way, if in any way we could get a vision or a glimpse of the death of Christ.
Why don't you slay her before his eyes?
And if we see that, if we see the death of Christ, the sufferings of Christ is going to give us all together a different attitude in relation to, should we say, to help a man in his recovery.
Then verse four, an illegal the priest shall take on her blood that is with his finger and shall sprinkle of her blood directly for the Tabernacle in the congregation 7 times. Well, I think it's really wonderful to realize that there might be failure, there might be defilement, but that does not take us off on the ground of the work of Christ the shed blood.
It's it's the work of Christ is something that has brought us.
Saved us and.
Though we may fall and get defiled, we still are the Lords, and the blood has been applied. But anyway, again one shall burn the heifer in his sight. Her skin, her flesh, her blood, her dog. Shall he burn now again in no offering.
Chapter 19. University.
Speaking of the priestly element in the assembly.
First of all, as it were, gets in the presence of the Lord, and sees something of the sufferings of Christ.
We want to slay her before his eyes. And verse three. And then here one shall burn the heifer in his sight.
And it speaks of burning her skin, her flesh.
But no offering was a blood burned. I don't think you could find another offering in scripture where the blood was burned, but here the whole thing was consumed.
And so it's really a more drastic picture of the death of Christ than any other.
Everything is consumed and then of course it's reduced to ashes. But what happens now to the priestly element in the assembly as they view the burning?
Well, they take anything that they might be able to. Gloria Cedar wood.
Or Hemphill or Scarlet. Everything we have goes into the fire. You know, sometimes we think we have a lot of prestige to hang on to our little authority or a little, a little place or something. But as we view the death of Christ in this way, we just, we don't say, well, you have to put it in the fire, No.
Spontaneous, when we ever get a vision of the death of Christ, the sufferings of Christ, we, as it were just for everything that we might have thought we had and put it in the fire. And I believe we see a little of that in the apostle Paul on the third of Philippians, when he took the best that he had and founded it refused.
Well then, the priest. So here we have the Father. It couldn't be the Lord Jesus Christ.
Even the priest, you know, the police never failed here. He hadn't fallen, he hadn't touched a dead body, but he got such a vision of the death of Christ that he even felt his own uncleanness.
And really, I believe that a man that really gets a vision of the death of Christ feels unclean us more than a man that has been defined.
And so this man bathed his flesh in water and washes his clothes. Now washing our clothes is very important because clothes big of our associations and our habits. And many times our associations and habits have brought us into difficult places and maybe even put us in places where we touch dead bodies, as it were and.
And we become defiled so.
There as you view the death of Christ, any of us, we might be a priest, we might be clean, but still as we view the death of Christ, it's real searching as to our associations. Are we are we hanging on to something that would really hinder us from.
From the reality of this and then it says he shall be unclean until the even, while they get that expression quite often unclean till the even. But what it means is the complete day, a complete cycle of exercise has Ruddy's course.
Well then, you have he that burneth her shall wash his clothes and water, and bathe his flesh in water, and shall be unclean until the evening. Here's a man that hadn't touched a dead body, and yet as he handled those ashes, he felt his uncleanness again. I hope you understand what I mean.
When you when you get a glimpse of what Christ suffered, but you feel what you are even seeking to go on.
And now you come to another man, and a man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the hammer and lay them up for the camp in a clean place.
And so forth.
Now here we've had the priest, now we have the clean man. Now the priest, he cares for God's glory. That's his chief interest. But the clean man is a man that is able to meet the defiled man.
And so it takes a clean man gathers up these ashes, and in Galatians 6/1 it says, Ye that are spiritual, restore such in one, lest thou be tempted, and so forth so.
There are those are really men. Should we say that Paul is talking is to clean men, Ye that are spiritual restore such an one. Well, what's a spiritual man you know?
I don't think we can call ourselves spiritual men, but I suppose a spiritual man is a man that is directed by the Spirit of God. Perhaps the Spirit of God is able to direct him.
But the point here is that even the clean man, you know, you never can have to do with with evil or defilement without feeling your uncleans. You may not be involved in it, but you still feel when you have to do with it, you're unclean and you feel it. But anyway, the clean man, he goes through the same purification.
He that gathers the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, wash his clothes, and be unclean until even.
There shall be unto the children, unto the children of Israel, and unto the strangers that still join us among them for a statute forever.
Well, here we have what you call the ashes of the heifer, and that has to do with restoration.
Not with the saving of a Sinner, but it has to do with the restoration of a St.
And now you come to verse 11, and it says He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days so.
That brings out now the thought of having touched something on again.
Where you where you've gotten defiled and so you need to be clean cleansing has to come in?
And so.
There we have Then he shall purify himself with it on the third day and on the 7th day.
The summer's day shall be clean.
If he purified of himself the third day, then the sanitation will be clean.
No, I think we made a lot of mistakes. I know we have, especially in receiving perhaps.
I mean, allowing one that's been defiled to only go to the third day.
And not have a full restoration to the summit place.
No, I just like to picture that and that I don't know if a better picture than Genesis 4041.
Because the story of Joseph is known to most of us, I think we could understand this. Genesis 42.
Now we know that God caused a worldwide family for king sons who had sold their brother.
And haven't repented of it.
And it's it's just unbelievable because they have what God?
God works sometimes. Think about a worldwide family.
And yet you see the blessing side too, by selling of Joseph, Joseph comes into Egypt and Egypt gets its information and wisdom from Joseph and the whole world.
Is is preserved by the food through Joseph, so God and his government always has blessing too. But here were ten sons and and you could hardly believe it. Here are 10 boys for 20 years.
Hid what they did. They they had sold Joseph, they deceived their father. And you would think of these men, their wives or their children, something would leak out sometimes what had happened to Joseph. But they were so bound together in this thing that it never reached out as to what happened to Joseph. But here in our 20 years after they had done it. And they were different men now. They were men that had sympathy for their father and so forth.
But they come, and so they come to Joseph. Joseph is governor, verse six. And Joseph was governor of the land, and he it was a soul to all the people of the land. And Joseph Bradley came and bowed down themselves before him, with their faces to the earth. And Joseph saw his brother, and he knew them, but made himself strange into them, and speak roughly unto them.
He said unto them, Whence came ye?
And they said from the land of Canaan to buy food. And Joseph knew his brethren, but they knew not him. And Joseph remembered the dreams which he dreamed of them, and said unto them, Your spies to see the Niquitus of the land, or you come, and so forth.
But anyway, here's the result in hand. Verse 21. And here now the boys are talking to each other.
And they said one to another, we are very guilty concerning our brother and nobody had said anything about their brother or anything, but there was a conviction.
Concerning our brother, in that we saw the anguish of his soul when he besought us, and we would not hear.
Therefore this distress come upon us well.
At least the third day there was there was a real conviction of roles.
And of course they didn't know Joseph could understand what they were saying, but not supposing Joseph would said, Oh, I'm Joseph right here by what would have been missed. There were two more years necessary to to really bring on. And so we might point that out in verse 44 where they come to the 7th day.
Now the 10.
Had come and they got their sacks full.
And so they were sent back, and Joseph was with them, of course, and.
And so Joseph had then put the silver cup in Benjamin Sack.
And so after they were gone aways, why they sent the steward after them and said.
You know, somebody has stolen Joseph Cup and the brothers, they just couldn't believe it. You know, they, they, they, they were honest men now and they just couldn't believe it. Well, they brought their money back that they'd given. Why should we see on the cup? And so they had to go through this exercise from the oldest to the youngest to open each one is back and search for the Golden Company.
And finally, they come to Benjamin's side.
And Benjamin has the silver cup.
Well, Benjamin was the only one of the boys that wasn't guilty of selling Joseph because he was home with his father and yet he had the silver cup. And so Benjamin again is a type of Christ.
When we see, as it were, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Bearing the price of redemption. This is what breaks us down.
David. He came to the third day in the 32nd Psalm.
But when he comes to the 51St Psalm, that's the 7th day he said against thee, and the only have I send it on this wickedness he felt his sin against God well.
As they view Joseph with a sober cup that brings that out to that the only one that was not guilty was charged with redemption's work. And so if that doesn't break us down, well, it broke the boys down here, verse 14 of chapter 44, and Judah and his brother came to Joseph's house.
For he was there, and they fell before him on the ground. And Joseph said unto them, What deed is this that you have done working off, that such a man as I can certainly divine. Now here is the 7th day. And Judith said, What shall we say unto my Lord? What shall we speak, or how shall we clear ourselves? God has found out the iniquity of thy servant. Behold, we are my Lord, Service both we and he also.
Well, now in the next chapter, Joseph makes himself known.
Point is that many times we just wait for this little third day, as it were, and we don't wait for the Lord to finish the work those other four days and consequently we have.
A faulty restoration. I mean, we've experienced this. I don't say it happened here or not, but we have experienced that it has not worked out.
So then it brings out.
Whosoever touches a dead body of any man, that is death defile not himself, and purifies not himself.
The father of the Tabernacle Lord. Now this phone, isn't it? The Tabernacle of the Lord is a picture of the assembly.
We might say, well, I'm the only one that's affected by this, but isn't true. The whole assembly is affected, the Tabernacle Lord, and that's all going to be cut off from Israel because the the water of separation was not sprinkled upon him. He shall be unclean. His uncleanness is yet upon him.
And then it brings out some things that cause uncleanness. Should we say this is the law when a man dies in a tent or a tent is a whole?
Sometimes maybe a father can bring a thing into the home that defiles the whole home.
One man I can attend and all coming to attend our are defiled by that an unclean 7 days.
Every open vessel which have no covering bound upon it, unclean. Well, it's wonderful. In our work and our daily life there is such a thing as having a covering on the back. We don't have to be defiled by everything that goes on.
But anyway.
It brings out different ways of defilement here.
And verse 16 Whosoever touches one that is plain with a sword.
The one plane with the sword would be a thing that's very close, very fresh, just happened.
And sometimes that there are some of those momentary things that just suddenly drop us at work and requirement comes in.
But then there is a dead body which might be something older.
Then there is a phone, which would be something real. Many, many a man fell in the wilderness, and it would be some time before a bone might shorten. Sometimes something that happened way back here someplace a long time ago. And yes, some of these bones are presented sometimes in the assembly. What do you want to do? What?
And grave. I don't know what to say about a grave. Mothers might have a better thought than mind, but a grave seems to me like this evidence of death.
But still you don't really have a certainty.
It looks like somebody's been buried there, but.
But perhaps you can't really see.
You just don't have evidence to know for sure what the situation is. I don't know, Maybe Gordon, do you have a thought on that? Great. Yeah.
Sometimes, you know, we jump into things and in suspicion and so forth, and we don't really have evidence for a thing and it really isn't fair. It would be wait until if the grade would have to be in power to find out for sure. But anyway.
Whatever you have to do with any of these things, the fireman comes in.
Well then, verse 17 for an unclean person, they shall take of the ashes of the burnt heifer, and purification for CNN running water be put therein in a vessel.
Now they take the ashes, you know, that have been burnt out.
There is the evidence of the burning of Christ, as it were, and.
But it's taken with running water. Running water would speak of the Spirit of God. You can't do these things mechanically or just because they ought to be done, but by doing it over running water speaks of a freshness and it speaks of of done in the Spirit of God. And so.
Like I say, these things can't be done mechanically or just because some writer in the past has said this way it should be done.
You can't. You've got to take it where the fresh water which is, which is really gotten by the spirit of dependence and so forth. In the first two days you might argue and say, well, I know worse than anybody else and I know a brother that's done worse than I have and all that kind of thing. But still all that doesn't give you any peace. And so you finally come to 3rd day and it's more remorse.
And regret than repentance.
But when you come to summer today, then it's true repentance. But anyway, it isn't always. I don't say that you might go after a brother.
Under certain occasions, but for the most part the most satisfactory restorations are if the defiled person takes the first step. What do you think about that? Going to call me? Do you think I?
And I thought about.
Her then let them return. Well, there's a lot of truth by that. I don't say in some cases they might you might stir up but then.
The healthy way is if I make the first thought of the word first move.
And so it says here that person in verse 19, the person upon whom the water was sprinkled, the Sabbath, they shall purify himselves and wash his clothes and bathe him so in water and be clean. And even that is the person that.
Needed the cleansing. He now, as it were, washes his associations and self judgment and he's he.
He is clean and not even.
And so you get a real picture of true restoration if you can go, as it were, to the 7th day instead of jumping in right at the third day. You know, I believe that at the third day it's very important. And I believe a man comes to the third day that you would associate with him with the desire of helping him.
They still he has to go, as it were, the next four days before he's really fully restored.
And we could turn to a birth.
In their back in in Leviticus the 14th chapter.
And I think it's a good principle and I would say that we have experienced some restoration.
Restoration by using this word.
Record 14 Eight. And he that is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes, and shave off all his hair, and wash himself in water, that he may be cream, and after that he shall come into the camp.
And shall carry abroad out of his ten 70s.
Now coming into the camp, I believe, is coming into the good graces of the assembly. I don't mean now received into fellowship or breaking the bread, but he comes into the camp where he can converse with his brother in and perhaps get some instruction and some help.
And then he doesn't come to his original position now, which would be the tent would be his his original position for another seven days.
And so I like to think of the coming into the camp as the third day.
And then and then he goes through a special exercise, we might say. And then in verse nine, it's more drastic. His self judgment is more drastic than it has been. And then is it where he's received into the 10th, but it shall be on the 7th day that he shall shave all his hair off his head, his ear, his eyebrows, even all his hair.
Shall we shave off and he shall wash his clothes?
Also he shall wash his fresh and water and shall be clean, and then what comes out is a much larger offering than two turtle loaves, as we had earlier in this chapter. But on the eighth day he shall take two lambs without blemish and so forth. So I think there you get a little picture of the third day in the 7th day and the restoration of the.
The letter.
And so I don't think you can just take what I said and apply it to your case and use it, but I think there's room for exercise in each case as to how to meet it.
I think we're we can pretty well be tackling the third day of the week. We can detect when a man wants to be recovered. And so we appreciate, we show our appreciation, but we don't right away throw our arms around him and say, well.
Come into your original position because it takes a while.
No any questions.
Mainly I could answer them, but it could but.
It might be helpful if I didn't make it clear some of these things.
One reason that I thought of this chapter especially is because in a way, we're losing sight of some of these things that we need today.
There's more development than ever today, and we need to know how to meet it. God has made provision to meet it.
There's six there's three things in the cedar wood and my sister and the.
Well, the theaters, the street and you know, theaters of Lebanon straight, it might be something that I would have that maybe it's true, maybe some.
Some ability or maybe something of a stately character or something that I might be hanging on to. But if I view the death of Christ, that has to go really nothing left. And the hip hop, you know, let's speak of that, which is very lonely. Well, in Colossians they were, they were priding themselves in their humility.
Forgot to tell that verse goes but anyway it was a.
We may have a false humility that has to go into the fire.
Starlight, of course, speaks over.
Of having some authority or as we thought of a kingly situation.
So, but all that, all that goes.
Actually, none of us really have anything to boast in or to hang on to.
And nothing detects that pride like you're getting a glimpse of the sufferings of pride.
Can I open 14 there where you have this the letter being claimed? We never have a letter being claimed.
Because that's a literal number that you're talking about. That's when you think of leprosy in the spiritual sense. It's where the will has worked.
And it's extension, perhaps about the most of anything, is one's own will.
And the will, the will is so determined and when the, when my own will work, when it's a kind of a blinder of the eyes that you don't really, you can't really discern or write when the will is at work.
And sometimes said, you have your own will, you have the Lord's will, and you have Satan's will. And sometimes kind of hard to discern which is what.
But many times, you know, when Peter speaks of it being willingly ignorant, and that kind of ignorance is really serious because it's governmental.
To be willingly ignorant. There's no hope for willing ignorance because you can't meet it. Man might be ignorant, but if he wants to be ignorant, why, How can you penetrate it?
So the thought of the matter is.
Encrypted himself well and.
Yes, it's a picture of them, especially in the doctor stands, but.
You think of leprosy in the forehead.
It's really.
One mind, isn't it work? And then?
That's what's in is it doing your own will, isn't it? And then with John says, how did you put it?
Sin is lawlessness.
You mean now in the New Testament? Is that what you mean?
Well, the Lord said, go show thyself to the priest, to the leopard that he had planned.
But I think if you want to get a little picture of this, you might get it in the man in the fifth of the first Corinthians that had to be dealt with. I think you can see where the man came to the third day in the 7th day, and Paul has to encourage the Corinthians to receive the man back into fellowship.
Prior to the blood being burned, they just took a little of it sprinkled.
But the rest of it was burned.
Now if you'd asked me why or what speaks that I can't say. But then the only offering were the blood was burned. But I think it just brings out how drastic or should we say the extent of the death of Christ.
That in a way comes before us, especially in this day where there's defilement on every hand.
Have a question?
What's the difference between this chapter and the 13th of John Will have St. Washington?
Well, 13 of the young.
The Lord says, If I wash thee, N thou hast no part with me.
Now he's not talking to a man that neat had touched a dead body.
That will is the Lord. The Lord was in heaven, wasn't it? He was going to be going to attend, and he said, if I washed thee enough, thou hast no part with me.
Doesn't mean you cease to be a Christian, but in a certain sense.
There wouldn't be the communion with the Lord, the communication with the Lord. The Lord doesn't wash and.
For the most part, I feel that foot washing is.
Is refreshment.
Being refreshed in the past.
I had thought that the 13th of John would be sort of minor to bottom or this would be sort of a matrix to found this. Would that be right? Well, it could involve that.
Like I said, the first time it's mentioned is the 18th of Genesis where you get the Lord coming to Abraham.
And we're sure that he didn't. He wasn't defiled in the sense of this chapter. He may have had some dust on his feet.
It has really a different thought. It's just, well, I sometimes said it this way when I used to bring the cattle home from from a very desert area and no water there where the cattle were grazing. But as I came down to civilization, why I would run across the springs or something.
Level of quicks and I take my shoes off, sit down and put my feet in the water. Four or five minutes or so and then.
And then get up and.
Put my shoes and socks back on and you just feel like you had a foot treatment.
You don't know what that is here from.
Well, that's the knee of foot washing in its major sense.
You can.
You know, we're contracting development all the time.
That could be as much the work of the advocate as the high priest.
You understand from this 19th member that they're in the three persons who are declined like the seventh verse. The priest remorse is closed sheet of furnitures from washes clothes first ten. He then got on the answers of the heavens for walking to school.
What could they be entitled to?
I took this off to one place and the brother said I don't say this reflection on me, but his comment was you couldn't have taken up another chapter for me.
He said that we have had a certain outbreak in our assembly and he said no, I'm not involved. I became defiled just handling, handling the case.
And so a clean man, as it were, when he has to do with defilement, even if he hasn't defiled himself, as it were, he senses.
That he he needs friendly.
And I believe that a clean man feels defilement more than a man is defined. Do you believe that?
Yeah. And so we said first it was the priestly element in the assembly that felt deflated.
But see, that was because they viewed.
The burning of the heifer.
So the whole thing. But now the clean man, he goes to the unclean man and has to apply the ashes.
And the water purification and consequently you can't help but then well, but for the grace of God, that's what I'd be is where that unclean man is. And so it brings out self judgment to you.
And in many cases where you get the third day in the seventh day.
And even with Peter, for instance, when the when the Lord met him after resurrection alone, that was the third day, but went to the 21St of John and he really came seventh day.
Hypocrisy was on the part of of those that that led to Jesus and upon.
They said.
Jesus went not into the hall as they should be behind.
They had that faint pious feeling when they said they didn't want to.
Take the Lord on the Passover date.
Well, this is something altogether the opposite of that. Really feeling, feeling a situation and you're delight in restoration. Just long for it. But there is a way to carry it out.
If I feel when I'm dealing with with a man that's defiled, if I have that feeling that you sinned and I haven't, well, I, I don't have the right feeling. You get it pictured in Daniel and also in in Ezra with me. They, they may just send their own. And so when you make the man in your own, then you do need cleansing in the sense of washing your clothes and so forth.
All right, here you folks have to go. I don't want to keep you.
Maybe somebody could close this little session with a word of prayer and then.