The Reds' Anti God War.

God or Lenin
The Reds of Moscow have thrown down their greatest challenge to the world. They have launched a campaign to dishonor God, defame the Bible, and eliminate religion from the life of mankind.
Emissaries trained in special centers in Moscow have been sent to all countries, for the Reds aim at sweeping away all religions.
In this country a “Union of the Godless” —the name of the organization which brought religion low in Russia—has been initiated, and is claimed to be making headway.
It is setting up branches in our large towns, while in smaller areas groups are being formed. “Cells” —one or two adherents — are also being established in universities, colleges, trade unions, factories, and even schools.
For God these Communists seek to substitute Lenin, and, terrible though it may seem, there are some churches in England which are showing sympathy to these teachings.
They are to be found in Lancashire, Cornwall — the stout heart of Nonconformity — and Essex.
“The Right to Kill.”
Special efforts are being made to capture young people in the Red Sunday schools, in which the Bible is ridiculed, God caricatured, and Christ derided.
Apart from the Union of the Godless, there are at least 15 other Communist organizations actively operating in Great Britain through which the Reds are working, and another, the League of Militant Atheists, is projected.
In furtherance of their militant attitude, the Reds, in their Sunday schools, are teaching young people this murder doctrine: If an individual is excessively harmful, if he is dangerous to the revolutionary fight, you have the right to kill him, obeying the order of your legal class organ.
In moments of acute danger it is useless to await this order. The murder of an incorrigible enemy of the revolution is a legal ethical murder, a legal death sentence.
Another means by which Moscow is seeking to undermine religion is by booklets. Thus, in the East End, at meetings largely attended by Jews, there have been distributed during the last few days booklets in Yiddish ridiculing the Jewish faith.
How these and other blasphemous articles are reaching Great Britain no one can say with certainty, but it is generally believed that they are brought by Red ships making regular journeys between London and Petrograd.
Daily Mail.
Note. —Are we as Christians at all awake to the state of things that is going on all over the world today? The devil is going about “as a roaring lion.” He is not afraid to seek to terrorize mankind by the most direct and blasphemous attacks on God, and Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Each Christian is responsible to God to do what we can to check, by the power of God, this awful world-invasion of the powers of darkness.
Was there, ever such a need for the Scriptures of Truth — the Word of the Living God, being circulated as now? For the last eighteen years we have been especially occupied in the Distribution of the Scriptures from “The Testament and Tract Depot,” Post Office Chambers, 12/14, Gandy St., Exeter, England. We have sent away Bibles, Testaments, and Portions of the Word of God at the rate of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) a year. (During the Great War a great many more.) We issue a magazine called “In His Harvest Fields,” which is devoted monthly to an account of this work God has given us to do. We will send a copy of this Magazine to any reader who will ask us for it. We shall be only too glad to do that.
In this Magazine we have a large number of requests for prayer from anxious souls all over the world. We want your prayers for them. There are over one hundred requests for prayers in our November issue.
These things I am telling you are realities. I hope you will pray for this work of ours. We have hundreds of letters sent us speaking of blessing through the distribution of the contents of our parcels. If you can send us copies of the Word of God — do. We can send to hundreds of willing and eager workers, who spend their time to distributing in a great number of languages. I must not tire you, but do help us in this most needed work for Christ’s sake.
Heyman Wreford,
Post Office Chambers, 12/14, Gandy Street, Exeter, England.