Many of the readers of “Messages of the Love of God,” may never have seen even a picture of this wonderful rock that stands so high up out of the water at the entrance into the Mediterranean Sea.
Many have advertised their business as being “strong as Gibraltar,” but after all, that is not so very strong or secure, for an earthquake could bring it down, and cover it with water. Then, too, there is a time corning when the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
It is indeed good that our salvation is not like even strong Gibraltar, for there would be a time when it would fail and pass away; but Christ is the rock of our salvation, and He abides forever. No change can come to Him, and He has said.
Are you rejoicing in that blessed, competent Saviour, and can you say, “He is the One on Whom I am resting?”
If you can, then this Scripture shall be true of you.
ML 01/14/1945