The Rock Refuge

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“Trust ye in Jehovah forever: for in Jah Jehovah is the Rock of Ages.”—Isa. 26:44Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord JEHOVAH is everlasting strength: (Isaiah 26:4),
In perfect peace Thou wilt him keep,
Who in Thy place is dwelling;
The storm may rage, and waters deep
Around him may be swelling;
But fixed is he, Thy word is sure,
No storm can reach that place secure,
Nor foe touch that Pavilion.
For from eternity that place
Was planned by God and founded,
Ere this round earth he hurled in space
Or lands by sea were bounded;
Aye, ere the stars, or ere the sun,
Or ere creation was begun,
‘Twas laid by the Eternal.
Yea! deep in His own inmost heart—
Oh, place of love unmeasured!
Where Thou the Son forever wert,
His loved One ever treasured;
And Thou that place hast opened wide,
By wound deep pierced in Thy side,
That we by faith might enter.
And loving souls, the tried, the true,
That fortress strong have entered,
Waiting till all things are made new,
And rule in Christ be centered.
Kept free from rage of angry foes,
From Satan’s darts, raid sin’s deep woes,
Safe sheltered in God’s mansion.
Let man and devil do their worst!
Shall God be beaten? Never!
Their raging waves may madly burst,
To sink in foam forever—
And still God’s rock unshaken stands,
For neither Satan, nor man’s hands
Dare touch or reach God’s Center.
And in that day when earth shall quake,
And all things shall be proved,
Creation to its limits shake,
And heaven itself be moved,
God’s dwelling-place unhurt shall rest
And all who’ve entered it shall test
The Strength of God’s Foundation.
W. M.