Very simple are the Scriptures,
Simpler than earth’s boasted lore,
Tidings of God’s love and mercy
To the ignorant and poor.
Very precious are the Scriptures,
Mine of wealth to faith made known;
Pastures where the soul can fatten—
Where the fruits of heaven are strewn.
Very steadfast are the Scriptures,
Nought so steadfast, nought so sure;
Every work of man must perish,
But the Scriptures shall endure.
Very blessed are the Scriptures,
Joys and comforts there abound,
Heavenly wisdom and instruction,
On its every page are found.
Priceless Scriptures! Christ disclosing;
Leading to Himself, its goal;
May the Holy Ghost in power,
Stamp its impress on my soul!
ML 10/01/1916