The Sea

Table of Contents

1. The Sea

The Sea

Laughing, lilting, lashing Waters!
Foaming, frisking, flashing Waters!
Dancing, dazzling, dashing Waters!
Waves, like children, romping, rushing,—
With each other playing, pushing,—
How I love to watch you play,
Sparkling Waves, so bright and gay!
Soaring, surging, smashing Waters!
Cruel, crafty, crashing Waters!
Dreary, dreadful, dashing Waters!
Waves, like fiends, are raging, roaring,—
Tossing proudly, wild hate pouring,—
How I hate to watch your wave,
What else is it, but a grave?
But you wild and willful Water,
Wot you not you have a Master?
One Who says, ‘You go no farther’?
Waves, like children, must obey Him, —
Cruel or gay, You all must fear Him, —
Now I joy to watch the sea,
For HE cast my sins in thee!
“He will have compassion upon us; He will
subdue our iniquities;
And THOU wilt cast all their sins into
the depths of the sea.” (Mic. 7:19)