The Seventh Appearance of the Risen Christ

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
The next appearance of our Lord was in Galilee. Peter had declared that He would go a fishing. Six other of the disciples went with Him. They toiled all night at the fishing and caught nothing. When the morning was come, behold Jesus stood on the shore. Unrecognized by the disciples, He asked them if they had any meat. Being answered in the negative, He bade them cast their net on the right side of the ship. They did so, enclosing one hundred and fifty-three great fishes, and yet the net did not break. 0
Was this a reminder that our Lord had called His disciples to be fishers of men, that when they went back to fishing for fish they had caught nothing, yet at His word they had ample supplies. Moreover when they got to shore it was to find that the Lord had provided them with a fire of coals, and fish laid thereon and bread? Was not our Lord, who had called them to fish for men, sufficient to meet their bodily needs?