The Shadow of the Cross.

The shadow of the Cross of the rejected Son of God falls across Wembley, its wealth of enterprise, and its “sideshows” of every kind of pleasure. All earthly glories are shadowed by the Cross on which the world’s Redeemer died. The nations of the world gathered at Calvary, and all shared in the rejection of Israel’s Messiah, and the world’s rightful King. “Where is He, that is born King of the Jews?” was the question when Christ was born. Ask the question at Calvary. “Where is He that is born King of the Jews?” Where is He? Crowned with thorns and crucified between two robbers; execrated by all the world―mocked as He hung dying. Rejected by all, “Away with Him,” “Crucify Him.” “We won’t have this man to reign over us.” Thus Jesus, the Son of God, died―killed by the hatred of those He came to save. The glories of the Roman power were seen in full splendor when our Lord was crucified. The ritual of Jewish worship was continued in all its details when Messiah was slain. The business of the world went on as usual when the world cast out the “Holy One of God.”
The guilt of Calvary will darken the world for evermore and shadow all its glory. Where is He that was born King of the Jews today?