The Shepherd Boy

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A traveler from a commercial house, while crossing the extensive plains in W. was joined by a man passing the same road. The traveler, a pious man, observed, with regret, that the conversation of the man was of a light and trifling cast, often bordering on profanity; and resolved to take the first opportunity of slipping away from so unprofitable a companion. Before, however, such an opportunity occurred, they reached a place where the road separated. Uncertain which way to take, they proposed to inquire of a shepherd boy, who was reclining near the spot with a book in his hand.
The man, disposed to exercise his wit on the simple country boy, thus addressed him,
“Halloo! my lad; what book are you reading?”
“The Bible, sir!” was the reply.
“The Bible! so! so you read that in hopes to find out the way to heaven?”
“Yes, sir!”
“Very well; that road I neither know nor care anything about; you tell me, if you can, the road to S.; and I will leave you to dream about the other at your leisure.”
“That, sir,” pointing with his crook, “is the road to S.; and the road to heaven, blessed be God, is so plain that the wandering men, though fools, shall not err therein.” Isaiah 35:88And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein. (Isaiah 35:8).
ML 05/01/1938