The Shepherd's Sermon.

SOME years ago, a shepherd was roving a flock of lambs along a country road in the county of Durham. As he passed a cottage a woman crossed the road to the well opposite, and, in a jocular way, said, “You might give me one of those lambs.”
The shepherd, who was a Christian man, replied, “There is a Lamb — God’s Lamb — and you can have Him for nothing. ‘Bold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.’” And he passed on.
Thank God, the word uttered had passed in — yes, right in to that woman’s heart, to do a work for God and eternity. “There is a Saviour, and you can have Him for nothing!” What a wonderful word! Reader, has it ever entered your heart?
The following year the shepherd passed the same way with another flock of lambs. He had entirely forgotten the above circumstance until reminded of it by the woman, who happened to see him as he passed, and, recognizing him at once, she said to him, “Eh, man, but that was a fine word you gave me that day.”
“What was that?” asked the shepherd.
“Do you not remember,” she replied, “twelve months ago, as you passed here, I asked you to give me a lamb, and you told me there was a Lamb — God’s Lamb — and I could have Him for nothing? I knew nothing about God’s Lamb then, but I’ve got Him now, and I know He has taken away my sins.”
How blessed! The shepherd’s word had proved to be a “word in season;” and, as the Scripture says, “how good is it!” and the shepherd had “joy by the answer of his mouth.” (Prow. 15:23.)
Yes, there is a Lamb — God’s Lamb. “My son, God will provide Himself a Lamb,” were the words of Abraham to his inquiring son, as they wended their way together to the place of death. (Gen. 22:88And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together. (Genesis 22:8).) And “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world,” were the words of the Baptist as he pointed to Jesus on earth. (John 1:2929The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. (John 1:29).) And shortly afterward, at the place called Calvary, the true altar was erected, and the true victim was offered up and accepted by God to make atonement. Oh, wonder of wonders! The Son of God, here on earth, was offered up and died for ungodly sinners! Hard must be the heart that rejects such grace and love! How truly, then, were the words of Abraham fulfilled. God provided Himself a Lamb, and, as Peter tells us, “a Lamb without blemish and without spot.” (1 Peter 1:1919But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: (1 Peter 1:19).)
Reader, is this not sufficient for you and me? Could you desire more? God provided the Lamb, and His Lamb has been slain. The sacrifice has been offered and accepted. Yes, thank God, the vacant cross, the empty grave, and the occupied throne all alike attest the fact that God has been glorified by the work of Christ at the cross, and now any poor sinner can have peace and blessing by simple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. If you ask, “What must I do?” I reply, “Nothing.” Jesus did it all. Just receive Christ by faith, and thank God for Him. Then let your life ever after “adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.” (Titus 2:1010Not purloining, but showing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. (Titus 2:10).)