The Sky Patrol

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
The wail of the siren died as the fire engine stopped and the firemen jumped down, tugging at their hoses as they ran.
The owner of the building met them at the door: "What is it? What's the matter? Where's the fire?"
"Here's the fire!" they shouted. "Get everybody out!"
All the tenants of the building were roused and rushed to safety, and the fire was put out almost before they had time to realize the terrible danger they had been in.
Who had turned in the alarm? Overhead, the Sky Patrol was circling, and the watchful eye of the officer saw the fire in time to radio the fire department and to get the people out of the burning building.
What a picture for us! There was One above who looked down at mankind going on with its daily affairs and heedless of the destruction that threatened. Before they knew their danger, He "sent from above" and provided the way of escape.
The people in the burning building all escaped, and the next week a warm and heart-felt "thank you!" went to the Sky Patrol. Not one was so foolish as to say, "tell me again" or "some other time," not even "just a little longer." No, they escaped with the knowledge that their lives depended on it.
But with the danger far greater, with the peril of everlasting destruction before them, how many today are postponing the most important decision they will ever make. How many are saying, "Some more convenient day"—I'll think of these things, I'll turn to God, I will accept Christ—and I'll be saved at last. But NOT NOW!