The Soldier's Echo

YES, the echo of Decapolis has been sounding on for nineteen hundred years, and now this year, 1915, in June, a soldier at the Front, with his dying breath, re-echoed the same lovely words. Oh, dear soldiers, who may be reading this, is this your heart’s thought of the Lord Jesus Christ? Now what are the blessed words I allude to? They are written in the seventh chapter of Mark’s Gospel, the thirty-seventh verse, “And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well.” How true, and as the days passed on, He went on doing all things well, until the end came, when He gave up His precious life for us on Calvary, and with His dying breath said, “It is finished.”
Reader, whoever you are, of the Army or Navy, or civilian, have you ever thanked your Saviour for doing “all things well,” even unto death, for you? He rose for you if you will believe it, and is now seated at God’s right hand, interceding for you. Thank Him now, if you never have before, so that you may be ready, if you should be called to die when the next shot is fired — that you may be ready, as this young soldier was, of whom I am going to tell you. He was in the fighting line at the Front, and received the terrible shot which killed him. He only lived ten minutes after, but he had just time to ask his officer to write to his mother these words: —
“Thy purpose Lord
We cannot see,
But all is well
That is done by Thee.”
and then he died and went to be with His loving Lord. May it be so with each of us, who can re-echo the beautiful words from Decapolis “He Hath done all things well.”
Emily P. Leakey