{vi 26615-26622}John 12:34-41
The Lord Jesus called Himself “the Son of man,” and the Jewish men who were listening asked what He meant; they said the law, meaning the scriptures, said that the Christ when He came would always “abide” (live always). They asked Him, “How sayest Thou, the Son of man must be lifted up (die on a cross)?”
They said, “Who is this Son of man?”
It is not told that the Lord Jesus answered their question. He had already shown them wonders which no other could do; He had told them God’s words, and of His love. He had told them that He came from God, and was the Son of God, and had offered them blessing.
He knew they did not believe His words, and that they asked to show He could not be the Christ. But He said to them, “Yet a little while is the light with you; walk while ye have the light.”
He had come to be a light to men, there was still time for them to see, if they would believe but to keep on in unbelief, was to be in darkness. He walked away from those men and there are very sad words written of them, “Though He had done so many micles before them, yet they believed not on Him.”
The scriptures those men talked of, told of the Holy One to come as a man: He was to be of the family of King David, called the “seed of David”, but also called “the root” and “the Lord of David”, so He must be a man, hut a perfect and holy man, who would be Lord of all.
One of the greatest prophets had written of the Holy One coming so humble as to be called “My Servant” that He would be a man, called “a man of sorrows”; that He would be despised, that He would die, “as a lamb” ({vi 18710-18711;18726}Isaiah 52:13, 14; 53).
The same prophet had written of the Holy Child to be born, showing He would be a perfect child on earth, yet also as God (See Is. 7:14; 9:6, 7).
“The Son of man” was a lowly title for One from Heaven, yet the one the Lord Jesus Himself most often used, so we are to think of His meaning; He, the Son of God, left the glory of Heaven to take the form of man on earth: He was a holy child and lived a perfect man while here.
The word “son” means the heir, as a son has the right to the name and position of a family. When God created man He had desires and plans for blessing, but He could not give them because all sinned. The Son of God became a man that He could give His life to atone for sin: He, the one perfect man, could be accepted. It is as “Son of man”, that He is to havel glory, because He was “lifted up” the shameful death for men. Because He was perfect, He is heir of all God’s blesngs for man, which He is to share with those who believe in Him.
ML 12/15/1946