The Song on the Doorstep

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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John Vassar loved to win souls for the Saviour. On one occasion he was going from door to door giving out tracts, talking with people, and seeking to bring Christ to their souls. One lady, when she heard what he was doing, said, “If he comes to my house, I will slam the door in his face.”
The next day John Vassar rang her doorbell without knowing what she had said. Sure enough, when she saw who it was at the door, she slammed the door in his face. John sat down on her doorstep and sang,
But drops of grief can ne’er repay
The depth of love I owe;
Dear Lord, I yield my heart, my all
To Thee who loved me so.
The woman heard the earnest song, and her deep need of the Saviour was suddenly impressed on her heart. Opening the door she invited John Vassar to come in, and he had the joy of leading her to Christ.