The Sons of the Giant

Open—Michel Payette
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We look at.
Second Samuel.
Chapter 21.
We spoke this morning and this afternoon in the reading of.
That giant Goliath.
And he's been compared to Satan and.
Other great enemies in our lives and so I just like to read Second Samuel 21.
And perhaps check share some thoughts from there.
Verse 15.
Moreover, the Philistines had yet war against again with Israel.
And David went down, and his servants with him, and fought against the Philistines. And David waxed faint. And Ishi Benab, which was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spirit weighed 300 shekels of brass in weight, he being girded with a new sword, thought to have slain David.
But I'd be shy. The son of Zariah suckered him and smote the Philistine and killed him.
Then the men of David swear unto him, saying, Thou shall not no more go no more out with us to battle, that thou quench not the light of Israel. And it came to pass after this, that there was again a battle with the Philistines at Gob and Sibai the Hussite.
Pusha Tight slew SAP, which was of the sons of the giant, and there was again a battle in Gob with the Philistines, where El Hana Elhanan, the son of Jerry Oregon of Beth Lehemite, slew the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose fear was like a weaver's bee.
And there was yet a battle in Gath, where it was a man of great stature.
And that on every hand 6 fingers, and every foot six toes 4 and 20 a number. And he also was born to the giant. And when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimia, the brother of David, slew him. These four were born to the giant and Gath, and fell by the hand of David, by the hand of his servants.
And so we find here that it seemed like Goliath had descendants, and they were all giants too.
But these were slain by David servants. You know, if you read that a little later on in chapter 23, I believe we have a list of Davidde mighty men and the feats that they performed as much to be.
Instructed of in that chapter, but let's just look for a moment in Ephesians chapter 6. We read a little bit there this morning or maybe this afternoon, I'm not sure. Ephesians chapter 6.
And verse 12.
For we wrestle not we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
But against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.
Against spiritual wickedness.
In high places.
Well, these seem to me.
To be great enemies.
I'd like to compare them to those four giants that we read about, descendants of of Goliath.
But they were all slain.
David's servants they overcame.
These giants.
And I trust the Lord will help us to.
Be overcomers also.
Let's read First Second Corinthians 11 for a moment.
Verse one Second Corinthians 11 And one would to God, you could bear with me a little my folly, and indeed bear with me.
I'm jealous over you with godly jealousy.
I have exposed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
But I fear lest by any means, as a serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
My brother was Speaking of the simplicity of faith, beautiful thought, and the simplicity of faith is placed on the simplicity of Christ. Very simple, you know.
If you do numbers, you know, say something that's double, what's the number that goes with double? It's two. The numbers that goes with simple is one.
God makes it very, very clear to us that he has one object.
He has one object for you and me and for this whole world. Same for Israel. Not the same relationship.
But the same person. This book is about the revelation of that person.
To you and me.
A near once as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
If we are not moved.
As we speak of the beloved Son of God.
Who he is and what he has done.
There's something wrong.
There's a disconnection.
Between what's upstairs and here and what should be done here?
If any man love not the Lord Jesus.
Let him be accursed.
What's that? It's appreciation in the heart, and it pleased God our Father to reveal Him to you and I.
It pleased God the Father to share with you in our small measure the delights that He has found.
And this one that has so glorified him.
2nd Corinthians 11.
Verse four. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus whom we have not preached, if you receive another spirit which you have not received, or another gospel which ye have not accepted, you might well bear with it.
Another Jesus, another Spirit.
Another gospel.
We're speaking this morning with a brother, you know, the Apostle Paul.
He speaks of the gospel of the grace of God.
This is something that Jews were not expecting.
For God to have a heart for the Gentiles.
In fact, for all the creatures that were made to his own likeness.
God had a plan before the foundation of the world to send his son into the world, and he was volunteered to come.
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
Other parts of his mission was to be the Messiah of Israel and fulfill the prophecies and establish the Kingdom of course.
But the Jesus that we know now from the Scriptures.
Is the eternal Son of God, who partook of flesh and blood so he could die for you and me. He's done that.
Another Jesus.
If you spoke for a little while with.
One whose a job was witness, you would find that he has another Jesus.
When he says Jesus, he's thinking of someone different than the Jesus in this book.
If you talk to Mormons, they talk about Jesus, but that's another Jesus than the Jesus that is in this book.
Go to Ephesians, Galatians, Pardon me, Chapter 2.
Well, let's read first of all.
I want to read 2 verses Galatians chapter 3.
And before I do, I'd like to relate something that a young man said to me not too long ago.
He'd been going to some special meetings.
Aware the scriptures were presented, explained and.
Sort of a course, you might say, put on by Christians.
And as we spoke, and he.
He mentioned that he it was troubling him.
It seemed that his own experience was different.
Then that which was presented.
He was questioning himself if he really was a true believer.
From what he'd heard and seen, I've been exposed to.
And I asked him.
We talked for a little while.
And I said.
What really makes you uncomfortable?
Just think about it, what makes you so uncomfortable?
And it took a while to answer.
And I know what he said.
He said.
They didn't talk to me about the Lord.
You see, another spirit is not interested in glorifying the Lord Jesus.
Another spirit is interested in distracting you and occupying your soul with secondary things, so it's not burning when the scriptures are open to you.
God wants your heart to burn, wants my heart to burn. It'll never burn enough. It'll burn for eternity.
Because of him and so go back to Galatians chapter 32 verses I speaking to a couple of brothers about this verse 2.
This only would I learn of you receive me the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of the faith.
And then?
Another verse says the same thing there verse 14.
The end delivers that you might receive the promise of the Spirit.
Through faith.
I used to work in the bookstore, Young man. Young man came in there and he was.
He was troubled.
He was troubled. He was a genuine believer, yet he was troubled in his spirit.
And these verses that I just read from Galatians chapter 3.
Was very much part of what he'd been exposed to.
Receiving the Spirit through faith.
You ask God for a fish.
He's going to give you a fish.
You ask God for his spirit. What's he going to give you?
His Spirit. So you ask God for His spirit. You exercise faith in the fact that He's going to give you what you asked Him for. And you believe that you have received the Spirit, and you express that by manifesting.
Speaking in tongues or performing miracles or something like that.
And that can be justified.
Through these verses.
Is that the truth from the word of God? That's.
Not the truth from the truth from the Word of God. That's how it's used.
There's nothing there about the Lord Jesus was there.
You ask God for his spirit and you believe He's given it to you, and then you express that you have the spirit.
High regulations chapter.
Apostle Paul says.
Verse 20.
I am crucified with Christ. I live yet not I, but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh. I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not frustrate the grace of God for I for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
Did Christ die in vain? I can tell you He didn't die in vain.
I'm going to heaven. I'm not proud like brother says, no pride in that. I'm going to heaven. You know, I'm going to heaven because the Son of God loved me and gave himself for me and what Paul told those Galatians we have in chapter 3 verse one, Oh foolish Galatians who had bewitched you that you should not obey the truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently.
Set forth crucified.
There's the object of faith, there's what God wants you to hear about. Not that you're going to get the Spirit of God and perform miracles.
Is that the Son of God loved you?
And gave himself for you.
Can you think about that without some emotion?
Can you lay hold of that in your heart without wanting to say?
What could I do? I'll never be able to repay. And I would never dare compare what I've done to what you've done for me. But my heart is disposed, My hands are ready, my feet are ready. What can I do in response to such love? And will never do enough. I mean, you know.
So what entertains our hearts in the New Testament is the revelation of Jesus, the Son of God, and your relationship to Him.
He sustained the universe by the word of his power.
That's who he is. He's the creator of the universe. By him, all things subsist as we speak this moment.
All the planets and galaxies, he's holding that together.
The law of gravity is functioning because he's holding that by the word of his power.
And not one will fill the universe with His glory.
He loved you.
What can I say?
Beyond me to fully grasp that, but that's the truth of the scriptures, isn't it?
Well, Second Samuel 21.
That first enemy there, that first giant you know he was after?
He was after David.
You want to slay David?
Thought to have slain David. The end of verse 16.
That's the final object.
Getting to the Lord, attacking his person, his work, what is said about him?
And what it said about you in relationship to him.
That's who that giant son of Goliath was after.
It says in the 16th verse there he being girded with a new sword or in my French Bible it's a new armor.
Something new?
You know, there's something to be said for.
Technology, wonderful technology is, is is quite a progress in the medical field, industrial field, you know, men are achieving.
All sorts of things to technology.
Not a good thing.
On the back.
They make bombs, you know.
Fighter jets.
Biological warfare. They can figure out viruses, you know.
Minds an intelligent creature, but he's a fallen creature.
But some of the novelties.
Are directed to.
Slaying, getting rid of, destroying.
You think of the theory of evolution.
You go to university, you go to school, you're going to hear it all the time.
Well, you know, if you really listen to what they're saying.
You do not need a creator.
It just happened this matter, it was a black spot exploded and.
And then, you know, they'll talk to you for millions of years, billions of years, till you fall asleep. And then this doesn't make any sense.
And then if the theory of evolution is true.
What's this story about man falling in the garden? You know, man is just a product of evolution.
He's the way he is, you know.
He got so developed in his mind at one point in time, he discovered that he was all of a sudden, you know, he just evolved, used to go up trees, down trees, eat bananas, and all of a sudden he gets covered. Whatever, I'm existing.
Well, if the theory of evolution is true, we do not need a creator, and we don't need a savior either.
Who can we dispense with?
The Son of God, my friend.
Who's that lie from?
You know which from and the devil himself.
And science upholds it. I have articles every week in the news, billions of years, millions of years, you know, And if you read it carefully, at one point in time, they're contradicting each other.
Who's that from?
A seducer.
Putting men's mind to sleep unconscious of their condition. There's clouds on the horizon. It's coming.
He is coming.
He is going to have the place that he alone deserves.
Part of this new armor.
I encourage you, dear ones, to read the Word of God.
Make sure you have a good copy.
I don't want to talk about against new translations, but I would say make sure you have a faithful copy of the Scriptures. The verse I have in Titus, it says keeping the word of God, the faithful word of God. It it's the word of God, but it's been faithfully translated in French or English or Spanish, it doesn't matter.
Remarkable thing. Today we have tools.
I want to talk about the tools. I use the tools all the time. I enjoy the tools. You can have Hebrew reference, Greek reference, concordance. You can look up the words and whatever, all sorts of information available on your phone, on your iPad, on your computer.
Amongst many, many, many.
Not so good resources.
I mentioned this to a brother recently, an older brother. He's taking part and he was reading from his tablet and I.
I have one in my suitcase.
And I bring it out if I had to, but I'd rather wait on the Spirit of God to help me with things. And if He doesn't help me, maybe it's not the time to talk about the things. But one thing's for sure, if you have your Bible in your hands, you cannot text with your Bible.
You cannot send pictures. Look at pictures you cannot.
This book is made out of paper and has words on there. Powerful words.
The Spirit of God draws attention to them. We have that in the readings. I never noticed that, never noticed that.
It's all there was I blind, I never saw it. No, it's just a spirit of God. Just kind of opens it up to you all the time. Wonderful.
So I say be careful with technology.
You know, this is a delicate subject, but you know, we hear about it all the time about *********** and.
That's one of the means, you know.
One of the devil's devices is to use devices to promote devices, and he does that.
He does that and none of us are immune to that. But if we're warned?
If we say no, I'm not going there, I'm not touching that.
We're going to be preserved.
Giant thing. I mean, you know, it's a giant thing.
I have an iPhone, you know, and.
They've got this new model out.
Boy, I'd like to put my hands on that one, yeah.
And then the Lord told me he says, remember brother so and so there in the in Benet he.
He needs about $100 a month to get medication and he doesn't have $100 a month.
So you're going to spend.
Hi, Michelle. You're going to spend the.
On that phone, I can't. I can't with a good conscience, you know, because I know about those needs, as many needs we don't know about. But it's good to find out.
And maybe we would be more sober and I trust I will be be sober in those things that we allow in our lives or buy or change or you know, how we deal with the abundance that God has given us in our land. So I just to suggest this to you that he had something new there and the end of it was to get to David. And so and then one way to get to David is to get through you that when you speak about.
It was somebody in my house recently and he likes to speak about the Lord, but if you knew about his life.
There's a mess.
So he speaks of the Lord, but he doesn't live out the Lord and he's a bad, bad, bad testimony, a bad testimony to his name. And if that is knowing the Lord and that's a result in someones life, somebody, I don't want to go there.
But if what is being manifested is the character of Jesus Christ and compassion and love and holiness and righteousness.
And befriending people in the right way to help them out, because that's the love of God in US. We make Christianity, we make the Lord more attractive. Let's not make him repulsive, let's make him attractive. Well, let's just go on quickly. Won't take too much time to hear him almost done.
But I, beside the Son of 17, suckered him and smoked a Philistine and killed him. Then the men of David swear unto him, saying, Thou shalt not go more out with us to battle, that thou quench not the light of Israel. And so we want to make sure that our Lord is not attacked in any way. As to His blessed person, as to who he is fundamental, that's another Jesus.
Jesus is the Son of God. He that believes Jesus is the Son of God.
Is born of God, and that's who He is. His name is Jesus, the office he filled with Christ. He's Lord of all now, but who he is in himself, always was and always will be, is the Son of God.
Then we go verse 18. It came to pass after this that there was again a battle with the Philistines, that Gob and civic I the Hoshitites Lusaf, which was one of the sons of the giants.
I forgot what shaft stands for. I had a thought on there a little while back, but I forgot about it. So maybe you look it up and you get some fresh thoughts from it. But there was another enemy there in disguise, perhaps unknown. It just came out. And one of David's mighty men there, he, he slew him, one of his servants. Verse 19. And there was again a battle in Gob with the Philistines, where Al Hanan, the son of Jerry, or him of.
Beth Lehemite slew the brother of Goliath, the Hittite. The staff of Hussier was like a weaver's being.
And I've just suggested thought the Weavers Beam is made to produce apparel.
Appearance in the world to have appearance in the world and you know the world is.
Benefiting from having at its employment, believers who are faithful, committed, and can be trusted. But the world would also like to put on us its garments. And so we need to be conscious of this and to be faithful in what we do for the Lord, even if we're serving our community, the company we work for, whatever activities we're doing.
The world would try to recuperate us and put on us its own garment, but we have the garments of righteousness, and what we want to represent is the Lord Jesus Himself. And this last one, verse 20. And there was yet a ballad in Gath, where it was a man of great stature, And on every hand 6 fingers, and on every foot six toes, 4 and 20 in number.
And he also was born to the giant, and when he defied Israel, Jonathan, the son of Shimia, the brother of David, slew him.
So this last one.
What it suggests to me is one who has pretension of spiritual power.
His hands are stronger. He has six. I only have five. He can stand better. He's got six toes. He can run faster. He can do things others can't do, you know?
Becomes a man of great stature.
You know this is.
Something in the heart of man.
Of every man to be recognized.
To be someone.
To be something to want, to have a place, to be esteemed, and it can go on and on and on.
And I think for us, they're ones who are gathered around the person of the Lord.
The last thing we should want to do?
Is disturbed the Saints with ourselves?
No great stature.
Those verses in First Corinthians we read this morning, you know, poor people. We're just ordinary folks, you know, and we want to help each other out, not wanting to have a reputation for herself warning each other because we love each other and we're, we're concerned for each other and we're against wicked enemies. They don't like our Lord. They don't like you either. They want to destroy whatever resembles him.
Get rid of him and those that represent him.
Up with their technology, whatever it is.
You and I, we only have, I trust everything's fine. You have 5 fingers and on each hand and five toes and God's not expecting you or me to do something that's beyond our ability.
But if God gives us the strength and the ability, let's give and do what we can do, not thinking about ourselves, the position that we can have among the Saints or being known or whatever, but that He, the Lord Jesus, would have the 1St place that He, the Son of God, would be enjoyed and that our Father would have delight with His children that He paid at such a price. He forsook Him to have you and I as His children, but He could share with us.
Really, that perfect satisfaction He's found in that Son and share with you the thoughts about Him that He enjoys so much. Well, May God bless His Word to our hearts, dear ones, May we be sensitive to everything around us that would attack the person of our Lord Jesus and destroy in those that are His the likeness that He would so much want to produce.
In your life and mind.
Jesus Sun Christ.
2 verses in closing.
James. Excuse me, Jude.
Book of Views.
Unless we get too focused on the body. Jude verse 24.
And now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, to present you faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy to the only God our Savior, to glory and majesty, dominion and power.