The Source of Peace

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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You ask, my friend, how is it,
With every changing day,
That I can see so calmly
Earth’s prized things pass away?
My most abiding Treasure
Is with me though unseen,
And He will never leave me—
The One on whom I lean.
The world once smiled before me,
But quickly changed its tone,
And much I feared to travel
O’er life’s rough paths alone!
But soon my best Friend sought me—
A Heavenly Guide; unseen
And strong and firm and faithful
Is the Arm on which I lean!
Though riches, all uncertain,
Though health, with youth were gone;
Though poor and weak and aged
I had to journey on;
Though all earth’s dear ones vanished
From life’s still varying scene—
Yet Jesus ever liveth!
The One on whom I lean.
And since His grace has led me
To shelter at His side,
Since He has undertaken
My whole course to provide,
His own clear word proclaiming
How changeless is my Friend!
(For “whom Christ Jesus loveth,
He loveth to the end.”)
What shall prevent my singing?
Not life nor death nor power;
Naught but the sin within me
That grieves Him hour by hour;
Even sin! He has subdued it,
And soon all conflict o’er,
His praise alone shall fill my song
On Canaan’s blessed shore!
M. A. T.