The Spread of the Gospel in Foreign Lands
Table of Contents
The Spread of the Gospel in Foreign Lands: Part 2
(Translated from Spanish.)
Colombia, S. A.
Mr. Armet, Very Dear Sir:
I am writing this to ask you to kindly tell me the price of your paper "Mensajes de Amor," because it contains the sound gospel, that which is needed in these countries where idolatry and ignorance are the work of Satan.
By the Lord's grace He has condescended to save me, and given me a place to work in His vineyard as an evangelist and colporteur, and my work is visiting from house to house, carrying the Word of God, and I like to have tracts, as a testimony of the love of God.
I remain, till He comes,
Your brother in Him,
C. K.
(Translated from Spanish.)
Colombia, S. A.
Editors of "Mensajes de Amor."
Dear Sirs:
My illustrious friend, Mr. Carlos Chapman, who as a protestant minister, frequently visits this city, has given me some of your nice little papers, "Mensajes de Amor." But as he does not come often to this place, he has requested me to ask you how to obtain a number of your beautiful papers "Mensajes de Amor," a name which indicates the tenderness of the contents of the paper.
Begging your pardon for this intrusion, and with sincere thanks, and cordial salutations, I have the honor to subscribe myself, Yours truly,
F. R.
Chili, South America.
Dear Brother in Christ:
We want to thank you heartily for sending such a large quantity of your excellent
paper, "Mensajes de Amor." Trust you will be able to send them regularly, by the help of the Lord.
May God's richest blessing rest on you and
your work, is the prayer of your brother in the
Gospel, W. H. F.
La Carolina, Jaen, Spain.
Dear Sir:
I gratefully acknowledge the receipt of some very good papers, "Mensajes de Amor." I do like them so much. I hope I am not intruding upon your kindness in taking the liberty of asking you for a great number for the schools in Linares and the Sunday School here. Seed sown cannot be lost, for it is God that giveth the increase. With every good wish, and many thanks, Sincerely yours in His grace, J. C.
Argentine Republic, S. A.
Dear Christian Friend:
I have great pleasure in acknowledging safe receipt of the packet of tracts you were kind enough to send me. We are able to use a great quantity of tracts, both locally in our work here, and also for sending through the post; I have two or three thousand names on my ever growing list of people all over the country.
As you have shown your interest in the Lord's work in these parts, I am confident that you will not forget to pray for us. Thanking you for your sympathy and prayers, with sincere Christian greetings, I remain. Yours in
His service, F. L. N.
Aguilas, Murcia, Spain.
Dear Sister:
I have to thank you for the packet of "Mensajes de Amor" ("Messages of Love") which came recently, and which we appreciate, as we have nothing of the kind for children. My wife does a great work among the women and children and young people, for which work she has been richly endowed by our Heavenly Father.
Last week we went up to see what could be done in a mountain village, where a friend of ours lives. The six days spent there were filled with work for the Master; many houses were opened to us to hold informal meetings in, and even going up the River, where many women were washing their clothes. They did not allow us to pass them without speaking to them about the Gospel and singing to them. An inn was offered to us, where night after night, one hundred, to one hundred and fifty, listened to the preaching in a way I have never seen surpassed anywhere. Many tracts were given away and well received.
Living is about double owing to the war, and one never knows what may happen each day, but for some thirty years, our Father has supplied our needs, although often our faith has been and is being tried. Please remember us in prayer that we may be more and more used to the ingathering of precious souls.
Yours in our coming Lord, R. S.
Linares, Jaen, Spain.
Dear Sir, and Brother:
Having read your "Mensajes de Amor," containing such gracious teaching to give light to those who are in the shadow of death, and being myself also a constant sower of the seed of the Gospel, I should be thankful if you would have the kindness to send to me a good number of these papers, as seed to be sown. Thanking you in advance, and praying that the Lord will bless you greatly, I remain your brother in Christ, M. M.
La Carolina, Jaen, Spain.
Dear Miss Ulrich:
The packet of "Mensajes" have been received, and they were much appreciated. We showed them to one of the workers in Linares, and he was so pleased with them that he wonders if you would be so kind as to send him some for his schools. He is such a dear fellow, truly Spiritual, and is one of two missionaries who work in this mission for the love of Christ only, without receiving any remuneration. They both support themselves and their families by schools, and of course the boys receive a good Gospel training. It is a great treat to visit these schools; the benches filled with scholars; and to hear them sing the well known hymns (translated)., "Come to Jesus," "Wonderful Words of Life," "Stand up for Jesus," etc. There are several hundred boys under tuition, including those of larger growth, who attend a night school. And besides this he has odd pupils who are busy at work all day, and can only afford an hour at midday. One of them is dear Juan Urtada, recently converted, who is anxious to be proficient in reading, so as to study his Bible for himself.
The mission work here is very encouraging. The meetings are quite full, indeed crowded, and there is a band of real "Believers" in fellowship. Some of their histories are very interesting. Senora Rosa, a gentle looking widow, was converted recently. She used to scoff at every one who attended these meetings and one day she fell ill. Miss C. took the liberty of calling to see her and lent her some Gospel literature; and as soon as the patient was recovered she began to attend the meetings, with the result that she is happy in the Lord, and now much cheered in her lonely life. Another overheard a neighbor reading the Bible, and liked it so much that she begged her to come in and read to her. Then she took to reading it for herself, and now she is very bright, and is a sort of "Mother in Israel" in the place, showing hospitality to the preachers who come to help. These are two of many cases, but time prevents me from giving more at present.
Should you feel inclined to send some "Mensajes" to Don Juan, his address is as follows:-Another Missionary who has fallen in love with the "Mensajes" and wonders if he might have some too. He has no school, but does excellent work giving away tracts and Gospel portions to old and young. He has nothing particularly suitable for children, so was especially pleased to see the "Mensajes."
With kindest Christian regards,
Yours very cordially,
N. W.
(Continued from page 188.)
The Spread of the Gospel in Foreign Lands Argentine Republic, S. A.: Part 3
Dear Christian Friend:
Last month I was able to make a visit to G. P. This was a town I had wished to visit for some time, but there were hindrances. The Lord had also laid it on the heart of an Argentine pastor, to go at the same time. He had already made his plans to go on the same day that I was going, so we joined company, and I feel confident it was beneficial.
We had a most hearty welcome from the man I went to see, and also from others whom he had been able to interest in the gospel. Our time there was fully occupied in visiting people that were ready to hear the message.
During this visit, I was able to put to the test the advantage of sending tracts through the post, because I called on many families who had received them, and apparently they had been read, and appreciated in many cases. It is a good preparation for opening up new work, and introduces the gospel where no effort is made. Then when a worker is able to visit a town, he has some people who know what he preaches, and are more ready to receive him.
Already I have a long list of persons scattered all over the country to whom I can send tracts, mostly those living out of reach of any other worker.
With Hearty Christian Greetings,
Yours Sincerely,
F. N, L.
Chili, South America.
Dear Brother in Christ:
Just a word of thanks to show you that we are thankful for sending us so regularly those 50 "Mensajes de Amor" in Spanish. May God richly bless you in your labor of love-more than ever before-to the honor and glory of His dear Name.
Whoever the donors are outside of yourself, and you wish to manifest to them our gratefulness, do so, and tell them eternity alone will reveal the good done.
We are laboring on the border of a great volcanic uprising-strikes, etc., etc., are the order of the day. Nobody respects law and order today, as they formerly did, and what will the end be? Well, we look for Jesus, the only true deliverer. Brethren pray for us.
Yours in Him,
H. W. F., and all here.
Tegucigalpha, Honduras, Central America.
July 20, 1920.
Dear Brother:
I wish to make grateful acknowledgment of two or three packages of "Mensajes de Amor," which are very welcome. The paper impresses me very favorably; the illustrations are attractive for these people and the print and paper are fine.
I sincerely trust that your resources are such that you can keep up the donation, and I wish you may be able to send like packages to these four persons When you can add something about the Second Coming, I will be pleased.
Yours fraternally,
I. H. C.
La Carolina, Jaen, Spain.
Dear Miss:
I gratefully acknowledge the receipt of your welcome periodical "Mensajes de Amor." They are most excellent. I rejoice very much at this gift, and in your work. It is a very valuable periodical for the Sunday school, and also to take with me when I visit the homes of the people, and it is so nice to have something new every month. I will gladly let you know if I meet with any interesting incidents connected with the distribution of it. I cannot visit much this very hot weather.
We know the work is hard, but when we think of the value of human souls, which art forever lost without Christ, it gives me courage to work. The time is short and we need to buy up every opportunity in view of the near coming of our blessed Lord Jesus. The seed sown cannot be lost, for it is God that giveth the increase.
Many thanks to you, and I thank God for your help. With love in Christ-
Believe me,
Affectionately yours in that blessed hope,
Miss J. C.
Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, Canary Islands.
My Dear Miss:
We received a package of your papers last week, and were very glad to get them. Thank you for all the papers you have so kindly supplied us with, and if there is anything I can do in return for all your kindness, I will gladly do it.
I had written to seven or eight different people about a paper adapted to children, and prayed much over the matter, and my surprise was great when the answer to my prayer came from a servant of the Lord unknown to me, or to Pastor B., who is as much pleased with the paper as I am.
Praying that God may bless you, and the circulation of your little paper, I remain,
Yours in the Master's service,
Miss K. V. S.
Honduras, Central America.
Dear Sir:
For some time I was receiving your paper, "Messages of Love" in Spanish. A paper which pleased me very greatly, but of late it has ceased to come.
I would desire that you send me as many as a hundred a month, if this is possible. Here the work stretches out before us and our forces are so insufficient, we stand appalled, seeing the need, understanding perfectly well the condition of our field, and feeling unable to meet the conditions. We are but four-two native men, myself and a native woman-who can give our attention to evangelizing this district that includes 120,000 lost souls, and requires seven days to pass over, no matter in what direction one desires to travel. Yet we manage some way or other to get the gospel to every creature in this district, if not once in twelve months, at least once in 18 months. Our strength sometimes threatens to give out, but we keep on, secure in His promise, "As thy days so shall thy strength be," and Isa. 40:31 never fails to re-animate us.
Yours in the Master's Service,
A. J. G.
(Translated from Spanish.)
Yucatan, Central America.
Very dear Sir:
This is to convey to you my gratitude for the various numbers of the "Mensajes de Amor" which you have had the kindness to send me. The copies of this periodical above mentioned have had a most hearty reception among the people here, and the numbers which you have sent, have been insufficient for the hundreds of Christians who desire to read these beautiful papers. Therefore let me request you to send me at least 100 copies each month, or each time it comes out. I will enclose a small check to aid you in the work, and I will send more. Hope that you will be able to comply with my request, I remain your true servant,
J. T. M.
(Translated from Spanish.)
Dear Brother in Jesus Christ:
The reading of "Mensajes de Amor de Dios" has interested me much, it is good for children from four to 100 years of age. The plan of salvation is presented with simplicity and this is important here in this Republic, a vast country needing the "Messages of Love." If you could favor us with some copies monthly we should be very pleased to distribute them, and follow them with our prayers to God our Father.
With Christian Love.
Yours in this work till the morning,
P. J. S
(Continued from page 221.)
The Spread of the Gospel in Foreign Lands: Part 1
We give the following extracts from letters received from various countries, as we feel sure our young people will be interested in them. They will, no doubt, stir us all up in the spread of the gospel in Foreign lands.
Any desiring, to have fellowship in this work may communicate with
Miss Henrietta R. Ulrich,
234 Santa Anita Court, Sierra Madre, Cal. "Be not weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Gal. 6:9.
My dear Mr. A:-
I know you will be glad to, read over these interesting letters about our little paper-The Spanish "Messages of Love." Please pass them around to any others who may be interested, and if they wish to have fellowship with us in this work we will be very glad. Every few days these letters come, asking for the paper, or telling of some who would like to have it, and all seem so grateful for it. All this is certainly most encouraging, and has given us a place for nearly all of our four thousand, monthly.
Mr. P. is very faithful about sending the translations from Equador. So everything goes on smoothly, through the Lord's mercy, and He is certainly blessing the work as you will see by the letters.
Judging by the past demand, I think we shall need six thousand papers next time we print, instead of four thousand.
May we count on your prayers for all this, and for all these faithful workers who are distributing our paper for us?
Yours in Christ,
H. R. U.
(Translation from Spanish.)
Eagle Pass, Texas.
Mr. J. T. Armet.
Dear Brother
I have seen some of your publication "Mensajes de Amor," and permit me to request you to send to me as many copies as possible-25, 30 or 50 each week-to distribute among the Mexicans. I have just come here to work among them, and I desire by every means to bring the knowledge of the Savior to those who are in darkness.
Praying God's blessing upon your work I am your servant and brother in Christ,
C. A. F.
Los Angeles, Cal.
Dear Miss Ulrich:
Your papers in Spanish were most gratefully received. An evangelist who works in the County prison and who has a Gospel mission, called the very afternoon that they came, and told me of the great harvest of souls they were having, and how God was touching the hearts of the Spanish people-especially in the prison here-and said he had no more Christian literature to give them. I gave him a package of your papers, and today I visited a large field of work among the Spanish, and gave them the remainder. You have no idea the vastness of the field in our City.
As to the box of books, I gave one of them to a woman who was sent to the San Quintin penitentiary for a long time. She wrote me that she read it all the night long on her journey there, and at night now she reads it just before she retires, and she has since written that she has found the Lord. A short time ago Mrs. Barton, matron of Court Juvenile Rescue Home, came to me to say they had no library for the girls, could I help? I gave the remaining books for her Home, having given several for the inmates in the County Jail. We cannot estimate the good that can be done through good reading, especially among those who are left alone in their misery.
I am very gratefully yours in Christ, (Miss) L. B.
Algeciras (Cadiz), Spain.
I have seen a copy of "Mensajas de Amor" and I understand you are pleased to send out packets to workers. Here we have an outlet for distribution of good sound Gospel literature, and should be happy to receive a monthly parcel. We are among those who believe in sending round the printed Word in these days of indifference and unbelief. I have a brother missionary, who labors in another village, who I'm sure would also be glad to have some copies for distribution.
Hearty thanks in anticipation.
Yours sincerely,
J. R.
San Antonio, Texas.
Dear Sir and Brother:
I am doing mission work among the Mexicans in this City. I could prayerfully distribute in the hospitals and elsewhere, numbers of your little Spanish paper, "Mensajes de Amor," if I had them. Any sent would be thankfully received and circulated.
Yours and His,
E. C. J.
(Translated from Spanish.)
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Dear Brother Armet:
Not long ago, in San Antonio, 1 had the precious privilege of receiving some copies of your "Mensajes de Amor," brought to me by my young son. Truly 1 feel that I have neglected my duty in not having asked you before, how many copies you can send me for free distribution among the Spanish speaking people here. 1 have great opportunities for this in my continual trips through the States and Mexico.
Respectfully your brother in the Christian faith,
J. M. R.
Tampa, Florida.
Dear Madam:
Some time past Mr. Armet, of St. Louis,
Wrote to me stating that you had kindly continued the publishing of "Mensajes de Amor.” While in an Antonio, Texas, we used many of these papers, and I believe souls were much blessed by the written. ministry.
Here in these parts there are fifteen to twenty thousand' Cubans, and some Spanish people so that, in our Gospel work among them, we would be able to use some of your valued papers, if you had any to spare. Thanking you and glad iof your interest in the Lord's work, I am
Your brother in Christ,
E. D.
El Paso, Texas.
Dear Sister:
We thank you for the "Mensajes de Amor,we receive rolls of fifty to a hundred each, and thousands of Mexicans do bless you all for giving them the "Bread of Life." There are fifty thousand here. I am sixteen years with them, six years in old Mexico, and the rest along the border.
Yours in Him,
S. S.
Canary Islands Mission. Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, Canary Islands.
Dear Sir;
Thank you for the Spanish papers you sent me. They reached me last week. They are splendid papers to distribute among these people. I should like to have a few monthly, and as many as you can spare I should like to have.
The demand for Spanish reading; material is increasing on these Islands, and we are grateful indeed when good religious papers reach us.
Faithfully yours in the Master's service,
K. V. S.
Isa. 42:12.
(To be continued.)