When we look up at the skies on a clear night, we see many stars. Some of them are bigger and brighter than others.
Stars twinkle. Because they twinkle, people draw them with points. But stars do not have points. They are really great round balls like the sun. In fact, they are suns. Many of the stars are much, much bigger than our sun, but they all look so small because they are so far away.
We cannot see any stars in the daytime because the sun is so much closer to us that its brightness outshines the light of the stars.
There are ever so many stars billions of them. When we look at the sky at night we can see only a small number of all the stars there are. Most of the stars are too far away for us to see with our eyes alone. We know about these stars by looking through telescopes.
Where did the stars come from? Who made the stars?
How wonderful to have a Book which answers this question for us. And it is the only Book in the world which gives us the truth as to this. The Word of God tells us that: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth....
When we turn over to the New Testament, we learn from John’s Gospel that Jesus the Son of God created all things.
But a far greater wonder than this is that He was that holy Babe in Bethlehem’s manger, that same blessed lowly Man who went about this earth doing good. Then, wonder of all wonders, He was that same holy Sufferer hanging upon Calvary’s cross, dying for sinners like you and me.
But He is not here now. He has gone back to heaven where He sits at God’s right hand.
One day soon He is coming to take all those who love Him to be with Him where He is, beyond the stars. And thousands, millions, of little children will be there gathered around Him to sing His praise forever.
Like the stars of the morning
His bright crown adorning,
They shall shine in His beauty,
Bright gems for His crown.