The Story of Jimmie White

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Most of us have long ago forgotten the name of the Englishman, James White. For years he astonished the world by the fact that, he committed suicide. He had only a common school education, and became an apprentice bricklayer. He prospered, was thrifty, and became a building contractor. Later as a millionaire he moved in very high circles of society and even entertained royalty.
Before his tragic end he wrote a letter which is a human document of intense sadness. It is not the conclusion of a disgruntled misanthrope, but of one who deliberately enjoyed to the full his vast opportunities of gratifying every wish and whim.
He wrote: "While on the threshold of eternity, I must make an unparalleled, stark revelations of my soul. I have entertained royalty, called dukes and earls by their pet names, have been on the inside of politics, have owned a yacht, a racing stud, a theater and newspapers. I've raised millions of dollars for various charities, promoted prize fights, subsidized boxers, made a quarter of a million in one day, been feted by all, called 'Jimmy White' by the world. As contrast, I've known what it is to go hungry, and I've known what it is to have all that heart could desire. I have had thousands eager to eat out of my hand.
"I have had a special train to Manchester, yet I once walked from London to Rochdale because I was penniless. I have known men and women who, while they needed cash or kindness, spoke ingratiatingly, even affectionately, to me, but changed to aloofness when my bank balance dwindled.
"On the last day of my life my memory unwinds episode after episode after episode. The old time feeling of contentment in accomplishment has been replaced by a roaring, hectic existence. While wealth lasts one can give parties and presents. One can become the 'small talk' of night clubs and have printed mention in the gossip columns. But let prosperity leave one, and the only friends left are REMORSE and REGRET.
"My head swims, my heart throbs, my millions are all gone. I bend my knees and look to God, for I see now the guilt and folly of taking chances. THE PRICE HAS TO BE PAID."
Did James White know the full meaning of his closing words? The price is a debt of such magnitude that we shall never be able to close the account. It means the eternal condemnation of God. Scripture declares this. The meaning in all its tremendous import is beyond our powers to grasp. It looms before the unrepentant sinner in all the horror of the blackness of darkness forever!
Was there no hope for James White? A young open-air preacher described in simple words God's provision for a millionaire to receive from HIM the only blessing that lasts. "He would have to come to God on bended knees, stretching out empty hands, and pleading only the worthy name of Christ."
The bankrupt millionaire has passed into the vast forever. Perhaps he did at the last believe on the Lord as his Savior, and receive the blessing that he craved from God. For him, all opportunity is over. We can only leave Jimmy White with Him who judges righteously.
But friend, as you read these lines, is there hope for you and me? Aye, surely, a thousand times over. There comes to mind the words of the well-known hymn:
"There was no other good enough
He only could unlock the gate
Of heaven, and let us in."
Thank God again and again that there was One good enough, great enough, understanding fully all that it meant, and yet willing and able TO PAY THE PRICE OF SIN.
That price was the death on the cross at Calvary of God's sinless Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. For three hours there was darkness over all the land. Eclipses of the sun last but a few minutes at most. This eclipse was miraculous, calling attention to the most wonderful event in all the history of the world. And out of that darkness came the cry, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" God's Son was PAYING THE PRICE of our sin.
Hear again the loud triumphant cry of the Savior: "It is finished!" John 19:3030When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. (John 19:30). THE PRICE WAS PAID! The only One who could take upon Himself our load of sin and bear it away was Jesus the Savior.
Friend, the only way of escape from the penalty of your sins, with all its eternal horrors, is to accept Him, this blessed Sin-bearer. He PAID THE PRICE OF SIN at the cross, and pleads with you to accept Him now as your personal Savior. Will you?