SUMMER time is the best part of the year, for not only is all around so bright and pleasant, but many of us have great blessings to enjoy, especially those girls and boys who are able to go to the seaside. Nothing pleases them better than to be busy with their spades and buckets on the sands, or, when tired of that, to search for pretty seaweed in the tiny pools left by the receding tide, and then to rest on the rocks awhile.
I have spent many hours in this way, and then one's thoughts go out in wonder at the power of Him who formed the vast ocean, and praise also that He who can create a world by the word of His mouth, should also have such love and care for us, the creatures whom He has made. He not only at the present time keeps us day by day, but He has thought of, and provided for, our future welfare, and if we are numbered among His own, we shall dwell for ever in His presence; that will be a never-ending summer, or time of joy. What a bright prospect to look forward to! May all my readers share in the joy of that eternity.