The Tabernacle (1 of 3)

Address—David Mearns
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Maybe we could open this afternoon by singing 114.
Behold, they are Sway.
Unturned, perfect face, we have gone.
Home. We found our center.
Heaven chip up on earth falls. Oh Christ, my bells.
All our friends and friends.
I thought to wait for her fuel.
Orders to come to.
Oh God, we come with singing.
Ikan by Grand Hybrid.
Games to the bragging.
Lord or God happening?
For all the worth of it, we're Thor. Might be.
We asked the Lord for his help.
Our God and our Father, we thank thee for our precious Savior, the Lord Jesus, we thank thee for this hymn that we've been able to sing together. And as we would open my precious word, we're reminded our God of thy people of old and how they did not have the access that we have to be able to go within the holiest.
That's all because of the finished work of that blessed One, our Lord Jesus.
And so our God, this afternoon we just would earnestly pray that as we open Thy precious word and we read from these blessed pages, that there would be that which would touch our hearts, our God, in such a way as to 'cause our foots to hasten and our our look to be upward as we await that moment. Our God, when that blessed One, our Lord Jesus will come for his own. And perhaps it will be this afternoon.
We just would pray our God that our time would be for real profit as we would look at this subject that we find in my precious Word. And so our God, we are so thankful for thy ways with us, and for thy ways with thy people of old that are so instructive to us.
And we just would pray that as we would now embark on our little time together, that we would indeed see that blessed One, our Lord Jesus, in all his beauty, in all his glory. We'd ask these things, our God giving thanks and the worthy and the precious name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus, Amen.
It's a little overwhelming to.
Consider this subject that's before us, the thought of the Tabernacle.
The subject we find in the Word of God. It takes about 55 chapters to look at the Tabernacle, to look at the priesthood, to look at the manner of worship that the Lord gave to his people of old.
And to go through those 55 chapters, there are lists and reams and reams of details.
That each one of them in their cells, they speak of some particular beauty and glory of the Lord Jesus. Well in two hours, you know what can you do When I first did this little subject with with the young people 25 years ago, soon after my wife and I were married, we made this little little model here I would I would do a few things that are different, but we.
We started from the outside and we did.
We did the boards as we have here and.
Umm, we, uh.
We made the boards and then we had a session on the boards and then we made the the silver bases that the board stood on and we had a session on the silver bases and so on and so forth until we were done in I think it was 22 sessions that we had. So it's not my intention this afternoon to take all those details and to cram them into into a couple hours. We're not able to do that, but my desire is.
You know, as I thought about preparing and I thought of making a few notes and it's just hopeless to.
Try to take the subject. And so we're just going to have to strongly rely on what the Lord of God and what the Spirit of God would bring before us as as we go through this.
This subject and so there are details that I'm not going to look at.
Things like.
And I'll, I'll just, I'll just go through a few little things here that would perhaps tweak your interest. This board that I have in my hand, it's made of pine, but it was, it was made of Acacia wood.
Overlaid with gold.
They each weighed 2200 lbs approximately.
Just in your mind, think of thinking of think of raising up a Tabernacle every time they move and putting this up these boards, each of them weighing 200 lbs, all sitting on these bases of silver, which made-up probably just about 5 tons worth of silver. Well, there, there's so many details like that. There's the rings that we find here. There's the little bars that we find here. There's the there's the hanging in front of the of the Tabernacle, which had five pillars. There's the.
It's made of, it's made of much the same material as we have the veils made of the veil sits on 4 pillars. It sits on five pillars. This is 4 pillars. This one has crowns on the top of it. This one has no crowns. Perhaps Speaking of the Lord Jesus as he was cut off. I could just go on like that, detail after detail after detail after detail. Umm, which I don't think would be real profitable. So as I sought to umm to consider before the Lord as to what to umm, what to bring before my own heart and the hearts of each one here.
We trust that that which we have will be for.
Our good and blessing and would indeed encourage our hearts to to lay hold of what we have in the Word of God and to see some of these details that UMM would touch our hearts. So where we start?
I thought maybe I'd start with what's something I enjoyed this morning. I enjoy a little something every day. Umm. And so let's turn to Matthew's Gospel where I read this morning.
Matthew's Gospel chapter 5. I just finished Revelation in my in my personal reading. And so I've gone back to Matthew where we're actually reading in our assembly reading here we're a little bit further.
Further on in Matthew, but I read this morning.
From the.
12 verse to the 16th verse.
Sometimes, every chapter, sometimes I read just a little portion. I'm just going to mention this to be an encouragement to.
Those here who are particularly younger.
There are times.
In our life.
We perhaps feel that, uh, we don't feel that closeness to the Lord that, uh, perhaps we once did. We can all in our minds look back to the first time, not necessarily the first time that we were saved, but the first time the Lord really touched our heart says that perhaps taking up the word of God and reading it for ourselves and umm, and made a real impact on it. And it was just like, uh, what we read in Revelation concerning first love. There was just a joy in our souls as, as we.
As the Lord seemed to lay hold of us, you know, we can look at times like that and sometimes we find in our lives those times they wane and perhaps we get a little bit away from the Lord and we don't enjoy the same things that we once did. Well, we just trust that as we spend a little time together here that it would be for the the purpose of umm, of having our, our vision fixed on that blessed one, our Lord Jesus, and to just have our hearts stirred to go on in a manner that would be.
Umm, for the glory of the Lord Jesus and would be for the joy of our souls. Well, I was thinking of here where I read this morning, I read in Matthew's Gospel the 5th chapter and I read these, these words, um, I'm sorry, it's the fourth chapter, Matthew chapter 4 starting at the 12Th verse. And when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee and leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea course in the borders of Sidon and Natalie that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by Isaias the prophet, the land of Zebulun and the land of Nathalim, which is by the way of the sea.
Beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, the people which sat in darkness, and so on. What arrested my attention this morning was just this little phrase by the way of the sea.
The way of the Sea.
So why?
I have a bit behind me here.
Oh I wish it was bigger. I stuck one over there for those that are closer to that.
We see here.
The Tabernacle.
Which we have here. What I don't have is the court that's around the Tabernacle.
We won't have too much time to spend on that.
We'll look a little bit at the Tabernacle. What we see in this poster, though, is, umm, some of the tents around the Tabernacle.
It's astounding to me that when the people of God moved and they might be camped for a year, they might be camped for five years, they might be camped for a month. We don't know the time frame between them all for to go to the 33rd of, of numbers, we would go through and find the encampments. Uh, some of you, you have heard me take that up.
But it's been incredible to me to consider here perhaps 1,000,000 1/2 People.
All intents, all with their animals.
And the Shekinah glory which we have here, we don't know exactly what it looked like, but the time came when it would move and when it moved, the people of God moved. And So what happened is the Tabernacle came down. There were 3 tribes that headed off Umm. The tribes that were right here in front of the in front of the Umm, the Tabernacle that they camped there and they camped there all the time. Same 3 tribes, same 3 tribes camped over here, same 3 tribes camped over there, same 3 tribes camped over there. There was one man that headed this pro procession every time they moved.
One man wasn't there? Wasn't Moses? Maybe some of the young fellows here can tell me who that young man was sometime tonight.
But they, they headed off and, and, and, and it was in perfect order, perfect order every time. Just marvelous to think of that, to think of the, the Levites and how they camped in the same place. Aaron and his sons and Moses, they camped here. And we find that the, the Gershomites, they camped over here. The sons of Murari camped over here. The sons of the Itamar camps umm in.
On the on the West side.
Sorry, the umm, the South side, they all have their place.
In which they can't and umm.
They they moved. You're getting off your your seat. Excuse me just for a SEC. Sorry to interrupt.
I want to just try wonderful thing.
Try that.
Thank you.
The umm.
The Lord had the move in perfect order and they had them stop in perfect order. But throughout that 40 year period, the Lord had them do something that was interesting to me. You remember, Umm, and we're not speaking to an audience here that's not familiar with the word. You remember when they first embarked out of the land of Egypt, they crossed the Red Sea.
Across the Red Sea.
While the Lord knew their hearts and the Lord knew that they were forgetful, as the Lord knows that we're forgetful, and so he brought them back to the Red Sea on four different occasions.
I'll look at a couple. Let's turn to umm.
Umm, the Book of Numbers.
Numbers, Chapter 14.
This is after the spies.
Come back with an evil report.
And we finally pick up the story here in UMM.
In verse 22, because all those men, Numbers chapter 14, verse 22. Because all those men which have seen my glory and my miracles, which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and attempted me now these 10 times, that have not hearkened to My voice, surely they shall not see the land which I spake under their fathers, neither shall they any of them that provoked me see it. But My servant Caleb, because he have another spirit with Him, and it followed Me fully. Him will I bring into the land, where into He went, and His feet shall possess it. Now take notice of this next verse, now the Amalekites.
And the Canaanites dwelt in the valley tomorrow, turn you and get you into the wilderness by the way of the Red Sea. That's what touched my heart this morning when I was reading in my personal reading, The Way of the Sea. I know it's a different sea, but it's just the expression. Let's turn over to the 21St chapter.
And the fourth verse and they journeyed from Mount Hor by the way of the Red Sea to compass the land of Edith. And the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way. I won't turn to the others just for time, but.
Just to make this comment that there was that time of tremendous deliverance to the people of God at the Red Sea. They crossed that Red Sea and they saw their enemies dead on the seashore. And it was a cause in the 15th of Exodus for great rejoicing. We find the first time singing is mentioned and it's in Exodus 15 and all. What a time of rejoicing. That was marvelous time. We can relate to that in our own souls, can't we? Those times of first love when there was such rejoicing, such tremendous rejoicing in our souls, and yet we find that the people of God that.
Their hearts got discouraged, as we find here and in other places. And so the Lord, he had them go back to the Red Sea.
Just to have a look at that place where there was that tremendous deliverance. And we find that as we go through the word, we find that another time in numbers, umm, the 33rd chapter. We find time and time again, the Lord brought them back to the Red Sea just as a time of such encouragement for them so that they could remember in their minds that time of joy in their own souls. And so, you know, we, we have that in our own lives too, where we remember times of real joy. And it's just my desire this afternoon that as we look at this little subject that it would, it would, it would cause our hearts to, to burn afresh as we see the Lord Jesus in all his beauty. Well, first of all, here I'm just going to go through.
A few details here before we.
Embark on the subject of before us. You see here I've got some pieces of furniture. We have the altar of burn offering. We have the table of showbread. Abby has made us 12 fresh loaves of bread here. We find, according to Leviticus 7, that sometimes the priest ate unleavened bread. Sometimes they ate leavened bread. They ate both. We have 11 cakes here.
This was this was born and most of the pictures you see of an altar of Brune offering.
Has will have four rings in it.
We read the word, it shows it only had two rings. It was probably born by four people just because of the weight of it. And so we have, and we might get some little priests after, after a while to come and help us with, with some of these pieces of furniture. Maybe not now, but after supper, the, umm, the, uh, the entrance to the umm.
To the courtyard which was here.
The people looked in. The first thing they saw was the altar of burnt offering, which is the first thing we're going to speak of.
Subsequent to that, we have the labor.
These were both made of it says brass. They are made of copper. This is probably the color of it. I have a little labor here speaks of the labor and his foot two different pieces and you have the the the door into the first room of the of the Tabernacle and take off these curtains. This one here is.
It's a curtain of badger skins, it's called. We don't know exactly the animal, but it was. It wasn't exactly a pretty covering.
It was a covering that.
That you would see that when you looked at the Tabernacle, that's what you would see. Much of the beauty that you would see in the Tabernacle, you wouldn't see because it was covered up by, by this, umm, this covering a badger skin. And you know, it's a picture of the Lord Jesus. Isn't that marvelous to think that the Lord has touched our own heart so that we see beauty in the Lord Jesus?
We read there's no beauty that we should desire him. And you know, so many in this world, they think of the Lord Jesus and there's nothing that attracts them at all. And it's a wonder to our minds, isn't it? And yet, you know, that would be the same with ourselves if the Lord hadn't reached down and touched our hearts.
Well, this was called a covering. This one was called a covering.
Covering a better skin. I'm not going to turn to the scriptures with these just for times times sake.
This next one was umm, was also called a covering. It was Ram's skin dyed red.
Call the covering, it was read, speaking perhaps of the blood of Christ.
Umm, we don't have any measurements on this one. No measurements at all.
How can you measure the value of the blood of Christ?
No measurements so we don't know exactly how big it was. We just know there was a covering and it was red. It was a RAM skins.
In a few details, but.
Pretty hard to come up with one when you don't know the measurements, but it's indicative of can't place a value on the blood of the Lord Jesus for sure. So this was also a covering. This next one was a covering of goat's hair. It was made of 11 curtains joined together. It was not necessarily this color. It was actually probably dark.
But it was called the tent. So there's a number of places we find in the Word of God where this is referred to, and it's referred to as the tent.
Umm and this other covering that we have umm here.
Fine twined linen, blue, purple, scarlet.
So this is called the Tabernacle and this too is called the Tabernacle.
And it was those colors.
We have measurements. This was made-up of 11 curtains. This was only made-up of 10 curtains.
Which brings us to the Tabernacle itself, where we have.
2:00 rooms.
As you look up here, you can see this, this, this picture, it's cut away here. There's the first room and there's the second room in the first room.
Right inside the door you have the table of Showbread. I thought it would be helpful to at least have a life-size.
Model of the table of Showbread just to give the picture of the size of it. Then inside on the left hand side we would have a Candlestick.
Candlestick. This was made of gold.
Of umm, in case you would cover it in gold. This was made of pure gold.
And, umm.
It speaks to us.
Of the light of God's Word.
Small measurements for this either.
How can you put a measurement on that?
And then right ahead.
Is the altar of burning fence, which I trust to spend a little bit of time on, umm, after supper. The umm, altar of burning incense, which was probably born of, uh, four people. We have umm, we have horns on the altar of burn incense. Umm, as you see here, there's a horn there.
And there's also a horn on the halter burnt offering if we were to turn to the UMM. Let's just do that for a moment.
Turn to Psalm 118.
We'll pick up on a scripture.
Sometimes we have this red and the breaking of bread.
Psalm 118.
27 God is the Lord which hath showed us light. Bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.
Now the horns would speak of strength. You remember when Abraham was told to take his son under the land of Moriah. And you remember there when he was going to sacrifice his son, there was a ram. It was caught in a thicket by its horns. Wasn't caught by a foot, wasn't caught by a leg, was caught by its horns. Who would speak of its strength? And so the children of Israel, they would bring their, they would bring their animals in through this door and they would tie them to this altar, the horns of the altar where they would slay them and they would.
The priest would catch the blood.
And the blood would be sprinkled on the altar. It would also be sprinkled on the labor.
Well, just to mention that there was the, umm, the horns on both this altar and the Altar of Burning Sense.
And then we have here the veil which separated really the people of God from the presence of God.
Beautiful to think of the veil being rent.
Just a marvellous thing to think of the veil being ransomed for the wonderful privilege we have of going into the presence of the Lord Jesus and we do that on Lord's Day morning. We can do it on a daily basis. Whereas the people of God, they didn't have that privilege. Aaron could go in once a year on the Day of Atonement. You notice that Aaron's garments here, he's got some garments there on the Day of Atonement. Those garments weren't like that. They were white. A different set of garments he had on the Day of Atonement, but he would go in there and.
This is where we find the.
The ark which was made out of fascia wood, the same as these bars, and then the mercy seat which had blood on it that was made of pure gold, The presence of the Lord.
Let's just turn for a moment to Exodus 25.
Will we find the desire of the heart of God?
In Exodus 25.
And verse one the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart. Ye shall take my offering, and this is the offering which ye shall take of them. Gold and silver and brass, and purple and blue and purple and scarlet. Fine linen and goats hair. Ram skins dyed red, and badger skins and chittim. Wood and oil for the light, Spices for anointing, Oil for sweet incense. Onyx, stone stones to be set in the ephod and in the breastplate.
Here's where I'm going.
And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.
You know what was ever in the heart of God.
Dwell amongst His people. You know when God first created Adam and Eve, His desire was to dwell with them.
And then he's going to have communication with them, and you want to have fellowship with with them. He didn't have a creature that he could fellowship with before that, but he made man so that he could fellowship with him and all He had that time in the garden where he could do that. And oh, what a wonderful time it was. But then the enemy of our souls came in and that fellowship was marred. And God didn't have that fellowship. But you know, he still yearn for that. We find him fellowshipping with different ones. You know, he fellowship with Abraham.
We read of him speaking about Abraham. He says Abraham my friend and he was able to, to, to have that time with, with Abraham.
But you know, as the people of God were, they left Egypt. Oh, how he wanted to be right in the middle of his people as they were camping through the wilderness. He wanted to be right there in the middle of them. That's where he wanted to be. So he says here, let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them. And if we could only get ahold of that in our souls. Now that the Lord's desire is that he wants to dwell with us, He wants he wants to walk with us. He wants to spend that time with us on a daily basis that we would be in his presence. And he wanted that in the time past.
In the wilderness with the children of Israel, He wanted it. And so that's why we have the Tabernacle, and that's why it speaks to us of so many things of himself. His desire was that he might be with the people of God. We're going to look at that a little bit later.
In connection with the altar of burning sense, but in the time that's remaining now, I'd like to look a little bit at the altar of burnt offering and the labor.
If we could turn to.
Exodus chapter 27.
Now shop meek access 27 and verse one. Thou shalt make an altar of Shittimwood 5 cubits long and five cubits broad. The altar shall be 4 square. I considered doing an altar of burnt offering, but.
I was thankful for James and George and my daughters that helped paint to come up with these two pieces of furniture on Monday night.
We uh.
We had to use our imagination a little bit as to the material I had in the shop that evening, nothing being open. So we came up with this and, uh.
And also a burnt offering would have been a bit big, I think here, but it was probably 7 1/2 feet square, 8 feet square, maybe close to close to five feet high. So we have here. Thou shalt make an altar of **** and wood, 5 cubits long, 5 cubits broad. The altar shall be 4 square, the height thereof shall be 3 cubits. Now shalt make the horns of it upon the four corners thereof. His horns shall be of the same, and thou shalt overlay it with brass. Thou shalt make his pants to receive his ashes and his shovels and his basins, and so on.
And in verse seven and stage shalt thou put into the rings, and the staves shall be upon the two sides of the altar, to bear it hollow with boards shalt thou make it. Now take note of this little detail here, as it was showed thee in the mount.
As it was showed the in the mount.
We'll see that that UMM wording quite often throughout this UMM construction of a Tabernacle. Turn to the UMM.
Turn to the 4th chapter of Deuteronomy.
Deuteronomy chapter 4 Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments which I teach you, for to do them, that you may live and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your Father's giveth you. Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you. And so we know that that's never to be done, adding to the word of God.
Neither shall ye diminish ought from it. Well, we find that statement made a number of times too. So I just thought of that in connection with Exodus 27 and the end of the eighth verse. He was to do everything in connection with this Tabernacle as it was showed him in the mouth. He wasn't given any liberty as to details. No, he was to do it exactly as the Lord showed him.
Now to embark on the altar of burn offering. Let's go to and really, this is all.
Umm, preparatory to the subject that we have numbers Chapter 16.
I'm gonna take the time. It's umm.
The only portion in this meeting and the next meeting that I'm going to read that's of any length, but we're going to read it because in it we find a number of things that are instructive to us.
It's the story of Korah, Dathan and Abiram who rose up against Moses authority.
I believe the Lord refers to it the end of the book of Matthew when he's Speaking of the scribes and Pharisees, and he says the scribes and he scribes and Pharisees.
Set themselves down in Moses seats when Mr. Darby translated, I believe it refers to what we have here in #16 So we're going to read now some of this portion just to make a point in connection with the impact that the altar of birth offering made upon the people of God. So we read here the core of the son of Azar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, and Dason, and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and on the son of Pilaf, sons of Reuben, took men.
And they rose up before Moses, the certain of the children of Israel. 250 Princess of the Assembly.
Famous in the congregation, men of renown, And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron. And they said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord.
And Moses heard it.
And he fell upon his face. That's a good place for all of us, isn't it? I've just been recently impressed by the number of times we find people bowing themselves in the Word of God.
The greatest victory we find in Samson's life, that says, He bowed himself, and in those pillars came down beautiful. Take that little expression, go through the word. He bowed himself. Here we find Moses falls on his face, and he spake on the core, and unto all his company, saying, Even tomorrow the Lord will show you who are his, and who is holy, and will cause him to come near unto Him. Even him whom he hath chosen will he cause to come near unto Him. This do take you sensors, Cora, and all his company.
And put fire therein, and put incense on them before the Lord tomorrow.
And it shall be that the man whom the Lord that choose, he shall be holy, he take too much upon you, ye sons of Levi. And Moses said unto Korah, Here I pray you, ye sons of Levi, seemeth it but a small thing unto you, that the God of Israel hath separated you from the congregation of Israel.
To bring you near to himself, to do the service of the Tabernacle of the Lord, and to stand before the congregation, to minister unto them. And he hath brought thee near to him, and all thy brethren, the sons of Levi with thee, and seek ye the priesthood also, for which cause both thou and all thy company are gathered together.
Against the Lord.
And what is there in the team murmur against him? And Moses sent the call based on the Byron, the sons of Eliab, which said we will not come up.
Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of the land that flows with milk and honey to kill us in the wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether a Prince over us? Moreover, thou hast not brought us into a land that floweth with milk and honey, or given us inheritance of fields and vineyards. Without put out the eyes of these men, we will not come up. And Moses was very wroth, and said unto the Lord, Respect not thou their offering. I have not taken one *** from them, neither have I hurt one of them.
And Moses said to Corah, Be thou in all thy company before the Lord, thou and they and Aaron tomorrow, and take every man his censor, and put incense in them, and bring ye before the Lord. Every man is censor. 250 Censors.
Thou also and Aaron, each of you is censor.
And they took every man his sensor, and put fire in them, and laid in, since they're on, and stood in the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation with Moses. And Aaron. And Korah gathered all the congregation against them unto the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation. And the glory of the Lord appeared unto all the congregation. And the Lord spake unto Moses, and unto Aaron, saying, Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment. And they fell upon their faces, and said, Oh God, the God of all spirits.
God are the spirits of all flesh. Shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation?
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the congregation, saying, Get you up from the Tabernacle of Korah and Dathan and Abiram. And Moses rose up and went unto Jason, and Abiram, and the elders of Israel followed him. And he spake unto the congregation, saying, the part, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch not nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed in all their sins. So they got up from the Tabernacle of Korah, and Dathan, and Abiram on every side. And Dathan Abiram came out and stood in the door of their tents, and their wives, and their sons, and their little children.
And Moses said, Hereby he shall know that the Lord has sent me to do all these works, for I have not done them of my own mind. If these men die of the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men, then the Lord hath not sent me.
But if the Lord make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, and all that appertain unto them, and they go down quick into the pit, then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the Lord.
In the Kingdom mass passed as he made an end of speaking all these words that the ground played asunder that was under them. The earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up in their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Cora and all their goods.
They and all that appertained unto them went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them, and they perished from among the congregation, and all Israel that were round about them flooded the cry of them, for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up also.
When I came out of fire from the Lord and consumed the 250 men that offered incense. Now these next 3 verses that I want to take special note of in connection of the altar of burn offering.
The Lord spake on the Moses, saying, Speak unto Eliezer the son of Aaron the priest, that he take up the sensors out of the burning scattered out of the fire Yonder. For they are hallowed, the sensors of these sinners against their own souls, and let them make them broad plates for a covering of the altar.
For they offer them before the Lord, therefore they are hallowed, and they shall be a sign unto the children of Israel.
Elias of the priest took the brazen sensors wherewith they that were burnt had offered, and they made them broad plates for a covering of the altar to be a memorial under the children of Israel.
Well, it's a long portion to read, but it sets the scene, I believe, for that which we'll have before us the rest of this meeting and in the meeting to follow the altar of burnt offering.
Think of the thousands of animals that were slain.
Bert on the altar of burnt offering.
Something I've never seen and I don't have it on this one. Every picture I've ever seen of the altar of burnt offering.
It doesn't have any plates, the sensors that were fixed on it.
We find from this portion that there were 250 sensors that were fixed on the sides of this altar. Every time the people of God came and approached the court, the first thing they did was they looked inside and that the first thing that met their eyes was those sensors. And it was to be a memorial. And I pictured, I pictured, you know, all the children thinking.
Saying to their parents, So what are those things on the altar? What are those things on the altar? And this story was gone over.
And we read of the holiness of God, and we read of what God thinks about rising up against authority.
And we have authority in this world in many different ways. There's governmental authority, there's authority in the home. We find authority in the assembly, and we find often that authority is risen up against. And we find here a picture of what God thinks about rising up against authority.
You know, it's touched my heart because we find that.
One of the men here that spearheads this situation is a man by the name of Cora.
Men by the name of Cora.
The rate of the gain saving of Korah, don't we?
If we were to turn to the Psalms and we don't have the time, we find a number of number of places, we find groups of Psalms to the sons of Korah.
We find that when it came to based on the Byram, their families disappeared into the into the pit. Isn't that marvelous that there were those children of Korah, that they were not going to go along?
With their father rising up against authority, and they stood back and they were spared.
And I picture a picture of different ones, you know, can't you picture? We all know the story of Samuel. So very, very, uh, very well, we've got two here. We've got three here. We've got Sam Mart, We've got, uh, we've got, uh, one of Dale's boys is Sam. We've got one of our Kevin's little boy Samuel. And we find perhaps Samuel is a little boy saying to Eli, you know, Eli, what are those things on, on the side of the altar? And Eli would go through this whole story. And he just explained just what transpired here in numbers chapter 616.
And when he was all done, you know he would say to Samuel, and you're one of the sons of Korah.
A marvelous thing to, to go through that and see how the grace of God reached out to these ones and we find them come up in the word time and time again. Well, I just mentioned that to, to, as we start this little subject to, to recognize a little of the, of the, of the holiness of God and to realize what it meant to the people of God when they brought a sacrifice. And daily they would come into that that court. The first thing that would meet their eye were these sensors. I imagine for days you heard the clanging of these sensors that they bang these sensors into broad plates and fixed them on the side of the altar.
If anybody ever has a picture of an altar that's got sensors, I'd like to see it. I've never seen one, but it hasn't they were there.
Let's turn now to the book of Exodus.
And we will move from the.
Altar of burnt offering with a few minutes that we have left.
Exodus Chapter.
In verse 17.
Emily, umm, the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Thou shalt make a labor of brass, and his foot also of brass to wash with all. There's a number of different thoughts in connection with the labor. And his foot, I don't know. That's all. We're told. We have a labor here and we have a foot underneath. Whether the foot had water in it or not, I rather think it may have, uh, we don't know, but it was, umm, evidently two different pieces.
You know, when it speaks about the table of childbirth, it doesn't say the table of showbread and its legs. We don't read about the, the, the arc and its legs. We don't read about the, umm, the altar brain sense in its base. We don't read of those things. But when it speaks of the, of the labor, it speaks about the labor and his foot. So very definitely, we have perhaps two different pieces here, but we read continue on here.
His foot also of brass to wash with all. Now she'll put it between Tabernacle of the congregation and the altar, and now shall put water therein.
And Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet thereat when they go into the Tabernacle of the congregation.
They shall wash with water that they die not, or when they come near to the altar to minister to.
Burnt offering by the flyer unto the Lord. So they shall wash their hands and their feet, that they die not. It shall be a statute forever to them, even to them, and to a seed throughout their generations.
Turn now over to the 29th chapter.
And the 4th 1St.
We read and Aaron and his sons thou shalt bring unto the door of the Tabernacle of congregation, and shalt wash them with water. This portion speaks about Aaron, his sons having a complete bath, but that only happened once. And that perhaps speaks of our salvation and how we're washed by the blood of Christ never has to be done again. Aaron never had to take a bath again in that way. Well, but forever after we find in this portion that we've read that he had to wash his hands and his feet.
Now let's look at the 40th chapter.
The 40th chapter of Exodus.
And we'll read.
The seventh verse This is in connection with them setting up the Tabernacle, and the seventh verse of the Exodus 40 Thou shalt accept the labor between the 10 of the congregation and the altar, and shall put water therein. The 30th verse And he set the labor between the 10 of the congregation and the altar, and put water there to wash with all. And Moses and Aaron and his sons wash their hands, and their feet their at.
Well, the labor is a is a marvelous thing to consider.
The umm.
There was one other portion I did want to look at.
I guess in the 38th chapter.
Maybe we'll leave that for a moment, but here we find the labor.
And uh.
It speaks to us of the Word of God.
The labor does and the need for us to Washington on a daily basis, you know, we're cleansed from our sins and that's done once for all. But we need to wash now every time one of the Levites went.
By that labor they had to wash their hands and their feet.
And we find the Lord Jesus.
Taking the disciples in and washing their feet.
And we find, as I said, it's a picture to us of the word of God. And it's interesting, you know, we, we spoke about the, the Ramskins dyed red. Well, to come up with labor is kind of difficult because.
There's no dimension given to the labor. Absolutely none.
How can you put dimensions on the word of God?
Can't be done. So we don't know any picture you have of Labor. Every picture you see, if the labor is conjectured, we don't know how big it was. We don't know how small it was. It speaks to us of the word of God. But I would just like to encourage now our hearts in this 38th chapter of.
And the 8th chapter.
And he made the Laver of brass, and the foot of it of brass, of the looking glasses of the women assembling, which assembled at the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation.
Very interesting that this flavor was made of the looking glasses made of these mirrors that the people of God had.
That were made of copper.
I'm here is something, you know, we put it up to our face and we can see what we look like. Well, you know, it's not a picture of the word of God and how it shows us just what we're like and it shows us where we need to change is that which is refreshment for us is that which was an encouragement for us, that which enables us to go on in a manner that's consistent with the Word of God. While it was made here of the very thing that showed the people of God that they needed washing. That's what it was made of. And we find that the priests, they had to wash their hands and their feet every time.
They went by the labour. Well, there's an added detail, I'll just end with this. This added detail in connection with the Labor is that they were to wash their hands and their feet that they die not.
That's really spoke to my heart, you know, because.
Unless I am continually in the in the word of God.
There's deadness that creeps into my soul.
You showed me somebody that hasn't read the word of God for a few months.
There's not much in the way of a vibrant testimony.
We need the word of God. We need it on a daily basis. We need it perhaps several times during the day. Sometimes I come home from work, you know, and supper is not ready. I just go back to my back bedroom and just just read a couple of verses just because I need just, we pick up so much to file on it through the day, not just by being out, just by walking inside the door. And we don't have to walk outside the door to pick up the file and we can pick it up right in the home. How we need the washing and the water by the word on a daily basis that you don't.
You know, I just think of, umm, I think of Sardis and how let's just read that portion in Revelation.
Revelation, the third chapter.
Unto the Angel of the Church in Sardis write these things, saith he that half the seven spirits of God.
The seven stars I know thy works, that thou hast the name, that thou livest and art dead.
Oh, how the Lord Jesus would have us to be real that there would be no deadness within us Yeah, we die daily Yes, we're dead in Christ, but oh that there be that life that's manifest in in our lives just recently. Then once again encouraged by the the.
The little creature, the locust.
No locus. This nor grasshopper is kind of like a grasshopper. But you know what's interesting about a locus?
He's not interested in eating anything that's dead.
Won't need anything of this. It's only interested in eating something that's green. It's all it's interested in. You can give it something dead if not interested. Only that which is alive is it interested in eating? I just think in my own life how many dead things I consume in a week's time.
Locus is not like that. They're just plummet, not interested in anything that's dead. You can try to tempt it. It's not interested. Even if it's starving, it's gotta be alive, has to be alive. Oh, that we would have that desire in our souls. We have a thirst for the Word of God and a hunger for the Word of God and seek to feed on that which is alive. Well, I can see our time is gone, so let's just commend ourselves to the Lord. I'll make a few, few announcements.
And and then we'll, umm, we'll break Our God and our Father, we thank Thee for thy precious word that we've spoken about a little. We thank Thee for that which has touched our hearts so many ways from my precious word. And we just would pray that we would have a real appetite for us. We own our God that so often we find deadness in our soul. And there are those times we're so much like the children of Israel.
And we need so much to be brought back to the Red Sea, to be brought back to that scene of Calvary where we see that blessed One, our Lord Jesus, and all his beauty and all his glory, and that which was accomplished on our behalf.
Oh my God, we just would pray that our hearts would be encouraged.
To spend that needed time in my precious word. And so we just would ask now for thy help.
The balance of our time, we think of our fellowship after and pray that it would be sweet. We think of our of the many details and getting supper and getting the table set up. We just would ask for thy help our God and pray too as thy precious word is opened after supper that again it would be for real prophet our God and for thine honor and glory. We'd ask these things our God giving thanks and the worthy and the precious name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus, Amen.