The Temptation

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
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I tell you, Charles, this world is full of manifold temptations, and the devil leaves nothing undone to catch us in his snares. The Lord Jesus says:
‘Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation.’ Matthew 26:4141Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41), a needed warning, indeed. God alone can keep us and give us strength to resist. In regard to this I could tell you a most precious incident out of my own life.”
Thus spoke an old man one evening to his grandson, Charles. One could tell from the old man’s words that they came from his heart; which, rich in experience, was ever ready to impart to others for their good, Tears were in his eyes. Charles, a youth of about sixteen years, showed in his looks and ways that he would be much pleased should his grandfather relate the story.
The old man understood, and since Charles was of an age when temptations would come in on him from every side, he was all the more ready to grant the request, to warn him by his own experience, and to turn his eyes to the Lord Jesus, who is ever ready to stand by His own, and to give them courage and strength in temptation’s hour.
The old man began after a pause: “When I was in my seventeenth year, my circumstances in life differed from the present. My father, who up to that time, had a well paying position, was obliged to give it up for health’s sake, and his income being much smaller, we had a hard time to make both ends meet, since our family was a numerous one.
Out of eight children I was the only one able to earn anything, and I was overjoyed when I obtained a position as bookkeeper. My employer was a hard-hearted, money-loving man who took advantage of our pressed circumstances, paying me very scanty wages, so that, after all, I could be of but little help to my poor parents. My position was therefore not an enviable one; nevertheless I can thank the Lord who led as into this; for the sorrows and trials I had to pass through were the means used to lead me to Christ, who died on the cross for my sins. My trials led me to accept the invitation of Him who said,
‘Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’ Matthew 11:2828Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28).
I had in those days a sincere friend who invited me to a gospel meeting held at his house. I went, and this proved the turning point in my life. The Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword, pierced my soul. Afraid and troubled on account of my sins, I fled to the arms of Jesus and found peace through His precious blood. How happy I was then! God had shined into my dark heart. Now I had a mighty and sympathizing Friend in heaven to whom I could go and tell everything. Now I had His Word as a lamp to my feet and I possessed a living hope, hastening on to eternal glory, after a little sorrow and trials.
ML 11/13/1938