The Thief of Eternity

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Such is procrastination.
An American preacher relates the following illustration of this: A bright boy heard and was deeply impressed by the text, " My son, give Me.thine heart." Satan whispered, " Time enough yet," and he put it off.
Ten years later a brilliant collegian heard the same text under circumstances which seemed to make that the time of his salvation. Again the tempter whispered successfully, " Time enough yet."
Twenty years later a statesman listened to the same text from the lips of an aged bishop, and felt it was a message for him. This time the tempter said, " Visit foreign countries before you decide."
A traveler in Paris was stricken with cholera. But his greatest suffering was agony of soul because he was not prepared to die. His last words were,
" Too Late."
The boy, the collegian, the statesman, and the traveler were one.
Are YOU a procrastinator? Beware 1