Here, as in the former epistle, truth and love (expressions of the Life that had been manifested) are still his theme. All the saints were walking in the light, but here were some walking according to it, for the light shines through truth and love. He had no greater joy than to hear of his children walking in the truth, and the loving care of Gaius for those who, for the Name, went forth, taking nothing from those of the Gentiles, receives its full need of praise in, “thou doest faithfully, whatsoever thou doest,” and so forth.
What will it be to hear from the Master Himself the “Well done, good and faithful servant,” and, “for my name’s sake thou hast labored!”
In the former epistle there are persons spoken of as going forward, but evidently neither for nor with the Name; these were not to be received into the house.
Verse 9. What a dark cloud is Diotrephes in this beautiful scene of truth and love! What place had the Name in that wretched heart, whose only object was self? He would not hear, but babbled against, the apostle, with wicked words. He, too, has had his reward as far as this world goes, in a name festering with disgrace throughout the centuries. What a terrible dark place the poor Diotrephes fills between these burning and shining lights, the beloved Gaius, and Demetrius, to whom even the very truth itself bore witness. Each had received, through divine grace, the love of that truth, which bore them such gracious witness.