The Three Anointings

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
“Yet have I set (marg. anointed') my king upon my holy hill of Zion." Psa. 2:66Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. (Psalm 2:6);
Would'st thou the power of the anointing know?
The first of all was in eternity;
Ere God had made the earth; or caused to grow
Herbs for the food of man, or olive tree,
Whence the anointing of His king should be,
He was anointed, had the Spirits seven
Which burn incessant at the glassy sea,
Before the throne of majesty in heaven;
When clouds and ocean and the world had been,
And morning stars had sung together, then
Was the Beloved in His glorious scene,
And His delights were with the sons of men,
Who by His Spirit evermore, I ween,
Would lead them to His love beyond their ken.
'Twas in His plenitude of power, but hark!
A gentle dove He seemed in outward form,
As when one hasted from the windy storm
And gladly rested on the sea-borne ark—
'Twas thus the Father set His holy mark
Upon the Holy One, in -wisdom, might,
And understanding, shone the sevenfold Light,
Counsel and knowledge, in a pathway dark,
Illumined with His radiance; surely still
That light will fall upon his path who sees
And follows Him who came to do God's will
Anointed He with power, and giving peace
To those He'll ever with His Spirit fill
When all the deluge of this world shall cease.
The waves may rage, but on His holy mount
God hath anointed Him, and 'neath His crown
The oil of joy will evermore flow down,
For who can all the heavenly blessings count
That meet for aye on Him who is the Fount
Of life and goodness? In the kingdom time
This earth shall blossom as in Eden's prime
To more than Adam's bliss shall His amount;
The Prophet shall the word of blessing send,
The Priest shall lift His holy hands in power,
The King upon His throne shall make amend
For all oppression in the coining hour
Which through the darkness doth its sunshine lend,
To cheer the pilgrim ere the tempest lower.