A Marriage Salutation.
Let not this warning prove
A cloud to dim the sunshine of your love;
It was not meant by Him, who joys to bless,
E'en for an hour to damp your happiness.
He, who Himself the feast at Cana graced
With His presence, and the best wine placed,
To cheer the guests, upon the festal board,
Would rather gladden by, this needed word.
" The time is short my children spend it well;
As " heirs of life " together seek to dwell.
Helpmates in following JESUS may you prove,
Yielding yourselves as captives to His love.
Your union with each other serve to show,
As more and more you in His likeness grow,
Your closer union with your risen Head;
And His dear presence its sweet perfume shed
O'er all your conversation in your home,
As pilgrims waiting till the Bridegroom come.
"THE TIME IS SHORT"" for joy or suffering here;
Soon shall the morning without clouds appear:
The " little while He tarries still, redeem-
, Your motive, aim, and end, to live to Him.
In heaven there'll be no cross for Christ to bear,
No sufferings with your blessed Lord to share;
No souls to win from error's devious maze;
No works of grace to show your Father's praise.
NOW IS THE TIME, and, oh, how short the hours,
Those fruits to bear no plants can yield but ours!
Soon, when transplanted to a brighter sphere,
We'll lose th' occasions that He gives us here,
In this drear wilderness of sin and woe,
The fruitful power of heavenly love to show.
Gird up your loins together for the fight;
Trim well your lamps; give no uncertain light
Boldly your banner lift; confess His name:
That you are His let all your ways proclaim
Your home, His home; your Lord, and yet your Guest,
By/Him protected, with His favor blest:
Cheered by His smiles, may you more fully prove,
As time flows on, the sunshine of His love;
When time is o'er, that love divine shall be
Your mutual portion through eternity.