The True Friend

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
How much we need true friendship in this world! But how little of it is to be found! Friendship needs to be shown most of all in the day of adversity, when the clouds are heavy and there is none to help. How often under such circumstances our hopes are disappointed! How seldom do we meet real sympathy, and real understanding. There is One who exactly meets this great need of humanity; One who is a Friend for adversity; One that "sticketh closer than a brother"—Jesus, the true Friend.
"Doctor, what shall I do?" asked a patient. "My friends are all out of town."
He said, "You may have one Friend who is never away, but is always near and always true. Jesus is the best friend for earth or heaven."
The last words of one great man when he came to die were, after bidding his friends good-by, "Now where is Jesus of Nazareth, my true and never-failing Friend?" And so saying, he fell asleep.
Do you know Jesus as your friend? Make Him your Friend by faith. He will never fail you.