The True Neighbor

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 14
He found me robbed, and wounded, and half dead;
No eye to pity, and no hand to aid:
His arm salvation brought—His love so free—
E’en to a sinner and an enemy!
The Priest passed by and left me in my pain!
No blood of victims on his altars slain
Could meet my wretched, ruined, hopeless case;
Naught could avail, but all-abounding grace.
The Levite looked upon me, then passed by!
His ritual could not aid one doomed to die!
Vain are earth’s altars—ceremonials vain—
Jesus, alone by Thee we life obtain.
He came just where I was, and took my part;
Compassion in His eye, love in His heart;
With His own hands my wounds He gently dressed,
Dispelled my fears, and filled with peace my breast.
He brought me to an inn, and bade the host
Supply my present need, and paid the cost:
“And when I come again,” I heard Him say,
“Whate’er thou spendest more I will repay.”
Thus to the end, whatever may befall,
I ne’er shall want—he has provided all.
Now at the inn I wait His face to see,
Who loved me thus with love so rich, so free.
Well may I then to all around commend
This wondrous Neighbor and this matchless Friend;
And tell to every lost and ruined soul,
How perfect is His grace who made me whole.