"The Trumpet Shall Sound"

Sinai’s Trumpet (A Broken Law)
Long and loudly blew the Trumpet
When Jehovah spake of old,
And from Sinai’s burning summit
Did His fiery Law unfold;
Molten calf and broken Tables
Told their tale of Israel’s sin,
And the blast of God’s own Trumpet
Loud was heard above the din.
Thunderings, lightnings, gloom, and darkness
Gather’d round that smoking mount;
Israel, reckless of God’s glory,
Of His law took no account;
Trembling at that voice of thunder,
When, far off, they met their God,
Terror-stricken, they besought Him
They might no more hear His word.
SILVER TRUMPETS (Desert Journeying)
Thenceforth, in their desert pathway,
Silver trumpets gave their sound,
Calling, gathering, resting, journeying,
Or in war, their use was found.
In the days of Israel’s gladness,
Solemn days, new moons, and feasts,
Aaron’s sons blew many a warning,
Acting as Jehovah’s priests.
Once again, the desert ended,
Jordan’s swollen river passed,
Jericho’s proud walls encircling,
Hear we now the Trumpet’s blast;
See the army of the ransom’d
Marching round that fated town,
White-robed priests their rams’ horns blowing,
Till its mighty walls fall down.
But, amidst that awful ruin,
Sweet indeed it is to tell,
One lone house escaped destruction
As those tottering ramparts fell.
Closely fasten‘d to its casement
Hangs there out a scarlet line;
Precious token to a Rahab
Of deliverance all divine.
SALVATION’S TRUMPET (Day of Atonement)
So, too, when the fragrant incense
Rose from off the altar’s side,
Victims slain, their blood outpouring,
Spake of Him who since hath died.
On the great Day of Atonement
Joyful rose the Trumpet’s swell,
E’en the type itself declaring
Christ must die! ―thus all is well.
But alas! when “God’s Anointed”
Came, their sin to put away,
Israel’s guilt had reach‘d its climax,
They refused His gracious sway;
In their folly chose a robber,
Yet in love Christ lingered still,
And the “Trumpet of Atonement”
Peace proclaim‘d from Calvary’s hill.
AN “AWAKENING” TRUMPET (God’s Call to Israel)
But ere long, their guilt confessing,
Will they to Jehovah turn,
By God’s Trumpet then awaken’d,
For deliverance will they yearn;
Their repentant souls afflicting,
Servile work no more they’ll do,
Grace thro’ blood will seal their pardon,
For God’s promises are true.
THE “JUBILEE” TRUMPET (Israel’s Deliverance)
Earth shall then enjoy her sabbaths,
And the Trumpet still shall sound,
Liberty and joy proclaiming
To the nations all around;
‘Tis the Jubilee’s glad welcome,
Ushering in Messiah’s reign,
All creation then rejoicing
In His all-prevailing Name!
THE “LAST TRUMP” (The “Bridegroom Cometh,)
But, ere comes that happy moment,
Wait we for another blast,
For the “Bridegroom” first returneth
To take home His bride at last;
Dead, and living, saints uprising,
Fruit of Calvary’s toil and pain,
In the Bridegroom’s likeness shining,
With Him o’er this earth shall reign.