The Truth of Resurrection

Open—Enos McCavour
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We can't add too much to, but brother Darrell said very good.
I just like to.
You know to do more scriptures on that thoughts that he had.
And very important because living in a day, of course.
The enemy has always.
Tried to introduce lots of evolution to us, one form or another, but.
We get our answers for all these things is the Word of God. Word of God makes things clear to us.
Where the world can give you a theory, give you an idea.
It's up to you whether you want to leave it or not.
Not too many years ago.
Scientists would.
Speak it as a as a given truth that.
You know man cross the grading of species.
From a bird to a fish to a bird and a bird to a man and so on.
These are things that were readily taught, but.
Science. Science now has.
He loved all these things.
They know they're not true, but yet they still give it out as being truth, knowing that.
People that are willingly ignorant will believe those things.
They themselves, real true sciences today, know through science that those thoughts and things that they taught years ago are not true.
With the discovery of DNA.
Too many years ago, scientists have traced back.
As far as they can go with.
DNA of a woman and scientists will take that right back to one woman.
Can't tell you where she came from, but the Bible can.
They trace that DNA back.
Same with Ben.
DNA goes back.
To just one.
That's how God started things with one.
And so the most scientists today will agree to intelligent design.
They'll believe that something had to.
The human body.
And design the things that they discovered just couldn't happen.
But I think Darrell mentioned too that.
Because of fear of losing their jobs, because of fear of the press and other things, they they still go on with the idea about evolution to keep their jobs. But most scientists today.
No, that is not true. I just like to look at a few verses in.
Corinthians 15.
Verse 35 just do with the resurrection, but in this.
Truth of resurrection There's a lot brought out in this that we.
Spirit of God has brought to our our souls, so it says. But some men will say, how are the dead raised up? With what body do they come?
A pool that which solace does not quicken except to die.
Knowing all that's true, the farmers planning puts a seed into the ground. That seed dies, and then out of it comes up a new prop. If he plants a rice seed in the ground, it's not going to produce wheat.
And he puts weed into the ground, the seed of wheat in the ground, not to produce barley it's going to produce.
Whatever the Lord has to determine that seed to produce.
That's what it will produce.
And so the same with us, the Lord Jesus, he was a corn of wheat. He said, Accept the corn of the wheat, fall into the ground and die. It invited alone, but if it die, it readeth forth. Watch fruits. Oh, we know that the Lord Jesus was referred to. He referred to himself as a part of the wheat.
A human.
Prove and he died, went into the ground, and when he came out of that tomb resurrection, he brought with him a whole family while here today.
I found you.
Be more like truth.
And every believer worldwide mentions part of that body of Christ, and it's going to be raised up and we're going to be with him for eternity. But if he had not gone into the ground and died, there would be no fruit.
Through God's glory, but because the Lord Jesus went in the grounded tie gave his life. Here's my fruit for God.
And so the farmers plant their crops. If they refuse to plant the the seed, there's no fruit, There's famines, people die and so.
These things are determined. The resurrection is for us is the same. We go into the ground. Eventually the body dies, but we're told we're going to be we're going to be raised again. We're going to be given a new body here I mentioned fashion on like his glorious body.
But here it says.
Verse 37 that we sell so so it's not that body that shall be, but fair grain. It may chance of weed or some other grain, but God giveth it a body as it is please him and to every seed his own body.
And it says here that all flesh is not the same flesh.
This is what evolutionists used to teach, that fish could somehow come out of the ocean, roll eggs and turn into a a bird and fly away. And then eventually a bird would coat feathers and arms and legs and so on and turned into a man.
God tells us that that is impossible. Says here that all flesh is not the same flesh. There is one kind of flesh of men, one kind of flesh of men that God has given to man that's different from a bird or different from fish, one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, and another of fishes, another of birds, all with their own kind.
God has created every kind.
After his kind. And so a fish can only breed other fish and breed a bird and breed anything else with fish after his kind. And so that's the way God has ordered things.
In this scene, and that's the way things still are, even though today man is trying to change the sex of a man, the sex of a woman.
It's not not possible. I heard one brother say that.
You're the shovel. You're the Chevy truck in his yard.
So I can go out, I can take off the job sample and I can put a port on there.
Doesn't make it a port. It's still a chef. I'll get all chef parts.
Under the hood, still a chef and so.
Man or woman can alter themselves.
Which is a ridiculous thing. I believe all of themselves in some way, but.
God, There's still the way that God had made them at the beginning. They're either a man or they're a woman. There's nothing in between. Nothing in between. You're a man or you're a woman. God has only made that 2 distinctions.
So we have here.
Same with.
Celestial bodies, there are bodies that are addressed your own and you know, the glory of the siesta and one is the glory of the terrestrial is another. So we have the mountains and the hills and everything that we can see around us, Crestor creation of God. And then we have this, the actual creation and we look into the sky at night and see the moon and the stars and all the planets and everything.
That's another part of God's creation, but they're separate from one another. They have their own distinctions. And God has given an order to everything that he created is placed everything on a certain order. And we can be thankful for that. When we get up in the morning, we know that the sun is going to come in the east in 12 hours or so. It's going to go down in the West, and we can count on that sun coming up every morning and going down at night.
And we can count on a lot of other things.
I was taken from the plants and everything that we do is we.
Use God's order of things to plan our lives and plan our day. God has placed that order there for us.
So go down here to verse 42. There's a resurrection of the dead sown in corruption, raised, and incorruption.
And sown in dishonor.
Raised in glory, you know, there's not much honor, is it? When someone dies and the body is laid there, it's not very honoring, is it? But you know, the Lord doesn't come. We all may go that way eventually. It's not that honoring the body lying there like it is, but it goes into the ground. But it's not going to stay that way.
Eventually the shouts going to give and be given and that body is going to be raised up and changed and fashioned on the Christ glorious body. When a change is going to be given to that body of humiliation, when it's gone into the ground, it's not going to stay that way because of what Price has done.
He went into the ground, He was like corn, wheat that died so that we could have eternal life and we're going to be raised and given a body just like his. I'm not going to have any error. Brought that out no more and something and so on.
So it's sewn a natural body to raise a spiritual body. There's a natural body, there's a spiritual body and someone were raised. We're going to be given a spiritual body like the Lord's body.
Into the ground, a natural body, but when it comes out it's going to be a spiritual body. It's like the Lords.
So it was written the 1St man. Here we have.
Evolution debunked again.
The first man, Adam.
So first man with no other man before Adam.
The Lord says here it was the first man, Adam.
So it's written, the 1St man, Adam was made a living soul.
The last atom, a quickening spirit.
Says verse 47, the 1St man is of the earth earthly, the 2nd man is the Lord from heaven.
Read of the first man here Adam, and we read of the 2nd man from heaven, the Lord Jesus, which means there was no other man before Adam and it would be no other man after the Lord Jesus.
It was the first man and it was a second man.
And both of them were heads of recreation.
Adam was ahead of.
The natural creation that God had made, and he was given authority over that creation, and he failed to administer that authority He sent and caused old creation to collapse.
The Lord Jesus.
Adam was a created being.
Jesus that came down was a creator. He was a creator himself that came down the last man.
Lord Jesus, be no other races of men after Christ the last man but.
Spiritual man and he has a spiritual race of people.
That he has taken over himself. You and I, we're not natural anymore. Once we were saved, put our trust in the Lord Jesus. We're part of the spiritual creation, the new creation. Therefore, if any man be in Christ is a new creation, create a creature or a new creation. All things are passed away. Behold, all things are become the.
And so.
As the Earth.
48 As busy earthly such as they also that are earthly, and as a heavenly such as they also.
That are the heavenly.
We have borne the image of the earthly. That's our bodies. We have age that we have from Adam, and we have failed just as Adam. Everyone here has to say we have failed just as Adam did. We all have sinned. Lord Jesus, they've come short of His glory.
We will also bear the image of the heavenly.
So there's a change that takes place when we put our trust in our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are changed from the earthly.
Man, Adam into a heavenly man, a spiritual man in Christ Jesus.
Change takes place.
Just like.
Is given to us by new birth, but something like a picture of the butterfly.
Cocoon changes back out. It's brand new new.
Creature altogether.
And so.
This is what the Lord Jesus has done. But what?
Brother Darryl has spoken on what we have here debunks any kind of foolishness in the thoughts of man that there's anything else in this world but the creation of the of God, what he has given to man, and it's ruination because of sin and the new creation which Christ brought in a new man from heaven.