It is deeply interesting, and most profitable, to mark the varied lines of truth laid down in the Word of God, and to note how all these lines stand inseparably linked with the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the divine center of all truth; and it is as we keep the eye of faith steadily fixed on Him, that each truth will find its right place in our souls, and exert its due influence and formative power over our course and character.
There is in all of us, alas! a tendency to be one-sided—to take up some one particular truth and press it to such a degree as to interfere with the healthy action of some other truth. This is a serious mistake, and tends to damage the cause of truth, and hinder the growth of souls. It is by the truth, not some truth, we grow; by the truth we are sanctified. But if we only take a part of the truth—if our character is molded, and our way shaped by some particular truth, there can be no real growth—no true sanctification.
It is by the whole truth of God, as contained in the Scriptures, that the Holy Ghost forms, and fashions, and leads on the Church collectively, and each individual believer; and we may rest assured that where some special truth is unduly pressed, or some other truth practically ignored, there must be, as a result, a defective character, and an inadequate testimony.