The Two Needles

A LITTLE girl said she was one day looking over a pincushion, and found two needles; one was a little rusty, which was easily rubbed off; the other so rusty that it could not be used; and asked me what I thought of it.
Well, it strikes me that the two needles may be like two little Christians who are safe in the cushion, but are never doing anything. You never find the needle that is always at work with little dresses and aprons, rusty. I have heard preachers say, when they were weary through much work.
“It is better to wear out than to rust out!”
So I think of all who serve the Lord they love, instead of being like a rusty needle, they will, by constant work be brighter and brighter. You remember the little lines which say,
“Satan always mischief finds
For idle hands to do.”
The needle that had a little rust on, had not been at work lately, I feel sure; the other perhaps had not been used at all—a beautiful bright needle, became rusty for want of use.
Think of that, little workers for Jesus! a tiny bit of work will keep the needle bright. And there are so many ways in which a little Christian can do something for Jesus, even in the cheerful and willing way in which an errand for mother is done, or helping a little brother or sister. Jesus says, If we love Him, we, shall keep, His word, and delight to do anything for Him. While there are so many things for little hands to do, I hope none of my little friends will care to be like a rusty needle.
ML 10/22/1922