"The Two Trees"

Narrator: Ivona Gentwo
Duration: 4min
 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
“For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry."—Luke 23:3131For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry? (Luke 23:31).
WITH what tenderness and yet solemnity are these words spoken by our blessed Lord. He, who had come into the world as the Savior of it, who took the place of Son of Man to save the lost, He had been rejected, and was now being led forth to be crucified. Surrounded by the cruel hatred of men; followed by the human sympathy of a few women; and about to be offered up not only as a martyr, but as the sin-bearer, He opens His lips in solemn warning, and points on to the coming judgment. "If they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?”
He Himself surely was the "green tree" come down to this fruitless, barren, sapless world (for such it was God-ward), come laden with the freshness and sap of divine love. Fragrant and green was His every step to the heart of God—"the root out of a dry ground," the "tender plant," and "plant of renown.”
But this "green tree" man sees no beauty in His goodness only calls forth man's hatred, and now, buffeted, bruised, and crowned with thorns, He is led forth to be crucified. This was how man treated God's beloved Son, and "if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?”
Oh, dear reader, let us apply this solemn verse to ourselves. We are all by nature belonging to that world that crucified the Lord of glory, we are all brought in guilty before God, and God declares we have no righteousness or goodness of our own, that, in fact, we are just what is meant by the dry tree. Withered up by the power of Satan, and the keen blasts of sin, the very life that is there is but moral death. "Dead in trespasses and in sins." How solemn, then, for you and me is this question, "What shall be done in the dry?" Dry, withered trees are but cut down for the fire—only fit for fuel.
Oh, dear friend, think of this; if still Christ-less, and therefore lifeless, you will just be as fuel for the flames, when God's judgment against sin is poured out on this world. Tell me, would you not rather be bound up now in the bundle of life with Christ than to be bound up hereafter as the "bundle of tares" in the day of judgment and cast into hell fire? What can there be but judgment! What but wrath for those who refuse Christ! And yet' tis through His very death that you may now be a possessor of eternal life. The corn of wheat has fallen into the ground and died, and now bears much fruit. Though man's sin and hatred slew Him, His death and blood shedding are now God's blessed way of receiving and saving such as you and me.
But again weigh these solemn words, "What shall be done in the dry?" and think, as before God, dear reader, what is to be your portion for eternity? Will you cast in your lot with Christ now? Will you come to Him for rest, and life, and pardon? If not, then remember you are a part of the dry tree—ready to be burned. Either you must belong to Christ now and forever, and bloom in the paradise of God—receiving one continual flow of life, and sap, and verdure from Him who is the center of it all there; or as an unbeliever in your sins you must have your part in the lake of fire, which is the second death. Dear friend, I plead with you tenderly, affectionately, oh come to Christ now, just as you are. Share now the cleansing power of His blood, else "what shall be done in the dry?”
T. E. P.