The Uncertainty of Life

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
THINK, dear young friends, of the uncertainty of life, and do not let the fact of your having health and strength lead you to put off seeking and finding Jesus at once.
It was not long since that an aged Christian was speaking on the uncertainty of life to a little boy named Willie, whom we knew. The aged Christian said: “I am an old man, and you are very young, but it may be you will die before me.”
“I might," replied Willie, who was, when he gave this answer, strong and hearty.
Only a very short time after this brief conversation, Willie was taken suddenly ill, and in three days he was gone. During his illness his mother said to him, "I think, Willie, you are going to die.”
“I think I am, mother," he replied.
“But are you not afraid? you are a sinner, and God will not have anyone in heaven in his sins.”
“I know I am a guilty sinner, mother, but Jesus died for sinners, and He died for me.”
Shortly afterward his mother asked him if he knew where his father was.
“In heaven," was his reply; "and I shall soon be there.”
What a happy thing it was for Willie, that he had come to Jesus when he was strong and well. Do you think he could have given all his thoughts to the great question of his eternal happiness during the pains of his illness? Now is the accepted time, now, is the day of salvation, while you are well and strong; yes, as you read this very page, now is the time to seek the Lord.
I am sure if you sat by the bedside of an aged man, you would hardly think you were going to leave this world before him; but, dear boys and girls, be in earnest, for you may be called hence suddenly.