I love to ponder o'er the various ways of grace,
The blessed features it presents, my heart delights to trace;
By God, the fountain of all grace, to each of His 'tis given,
And by its exercise is marked the citizen of heaven.
It weeps with those who weep, and joys with those who do rejoice;
It listens to the mournful plea, and heeds the suppliant's voice;
Stoops to the abject and the vile, the outcast, and forlorn,
Nor turns aside, although 'tis met by insult and with scorn.
Diffusing happiness around, its words are gracious, kind;
It soothes the heart with grief o'ercast, and cheers the drooping mind;
The widow's tear it wipes away, and, from its heaven-blest store,
Relieves the orphan, fatherless, the aged, and the poor.
'Tis goodness in activity, 'tis sacrifice of self;
'Tis occupied with others' good, and seeketh others' wealth;
It labors not that fickle man its work may praise or own,
There's but one smile it reckons on, that smile is God's alone.
It seeks communion with the saint, the godlike, and the good,
And bids the weak and tempted one, to stay himself on God;
It points the sinner to the cross, and tells of joys above,
And never tires while dwelling on the Savior's deathless love.
O precious grace! divinely good! dwell, ever dwell with me;
Yea, with each child of God on earth bear constant company.
We need thy exercise to soothe the sorrows of the way,
Till glory crowns the work of grace, in heaven's unclouded day.
A. M.