IT WAS A brisk wintry morning and Nellie, kissing Mother good-by, started off quite gaily for school. “Don’t go on the ice, Nellie dear,” warned Mother; “it’s not safe.” Nellie nodded her head and waved her hand by way of response and hurried over the crisp snow.
The road skirted a small lake and Nellie could see several of her school friends sliding on the ice.
“Come on, Nell,” shouted one, but Nellie remembered her mother’s warning and shook her head.
“Huh, coward eh? Afraid the ice will break!” taunted another girl. “If it holds us, it will hold you!”
This was the voice of the tempter, and if poor little Nellie had been wise she would not have taken any notice and gone on her way. But, foolish girl, to show that she was no coward, she jumped on the ice, and thought herself brave for doing so.
Her triumph was short-lived, hover, for while she was showing her bravery by sliding along in front of her friends, she did not notice a crack ahead. A moment later the ice gave way and poor Nellie plunged into the freezing water. Her cries of distress brought three men, working nearby, hurrying to her rescue. With great difficulty they got her out, soaked and shivering with cold. Wrapping her in one of their overcoats they carried her home, a much ashamed, humbled little girl.
Nellie never forgot that morning’s disobedience. She learned what sorrow comes from listening to the tempter’s voice, like Eve of old in the Garden of Eden. But she is a Christian girl now. She has trusted the Lord Jesus as her Saviour; she has a new life, and power to overcome temptation, and lives to please her Saviour. Still she is often warned by the remembrance of that incident in her schooldays not to take one step off the narrow pathway of obedience to the Lord, into those forbidden paths which may seem pleasant but only end in sorrow and dishonor.
By fair promises, and by fear of reproach, Satan seeks to lead the sinner down to death and hell, and the Christian to sorrow and shame. Bare, dear reader, lest he lead you astray, by disobedience to God’s word.