Through the slow-rolling hours of the desolate night,
There are watchers still watching to see
The star of the morning discover its light.
What a moment its dawning will be!
For their hopes are all centered in that single star;
And whenever its light shall appear,
They'll be caught, they'll be wrapt, in a moment, far, far,
From the face of this sin-furrowed sphere.
'Tis Jesus their Savior, who's coming, ere dawn,
From the darkness to catch them away:
To their eyes He'll appear as the herald of morn,
The golden forerunner of day.
With what hearts have they watched for His coming again!
Through whole ages of darkness they've waited for Him.
They have known what it is to have trouble and pain,
Heavy hearts, and tired eyes growing dim.
But their star will arise: not a doubt but it will.
When the night's at the darkest their star will appear.
Through the world-folding-clouds it will issue, to fill
Their souls with its radiance clear.
With these watchers I'll join, for their hopes are my own:
I've been washed in the Savior's blood.
Of His Church I'm a part-of His fold I am one:
I'm the child of His Father and God.
In the prayer of these watchers I'll heartily join,
When the Spirit and bride whisper, Come.
"Lord Jesus, come quickly" 's a cry that is mine.
When that's utter'd, bow could I be dumb?
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