I traverse not the wilderness alone!
With Jesus by my side,
His arm of strength my soul doth lean upon.
His counsel doth me guide.
Sweet words the weary journey to beguile,
He whispereth in mine ear;
With Him still less appears the “little while”
I needs must wander here.
The ocean fullness of redeeming love,
I ne’er shall span below;
E’en through the long eternal years above
Its depths I ne’er shall know.
When weary foot-prints mark the arid sand,
My fainting soul He cheers
With glory-glimpses of the better land,
Sure balm for wounds and fears!
Oh, saw ye once Him whom I love so well;
His would ye ever be!
Fair, fair is He,—His charms how shall I tell,
How speak His worth to me!
Oh, list, He calleth,—“Up and come away,
Thy winter’s past and gone!
‘Tis time my singing-bird were home with me,
Arise, my fairest one!”
Fain would this fettered spirit upward soar,
Fain reach Thy loving breast,
Where lost to earth, with Thee for evermore
Thy weary ones shall rest!
While still a wand’rer here, Thou, Lord, art mine;
But, lo! the shadows flee,—
The morrow dawneth,—breaks the day divine,
I come, I come to Thee!
Courtesy of BibleTruthPublishers.com. Most likely this text has not been proofread. Any suggestions for spelling or punctuation corrections would be warmly received. Please email them to: BTPmail@bibletruthpublishers.com.