The Ways of God

I HAVE just received a visit from a Christian who came to sympathize with me in the Home-going of my dear wife, after a married life of forty years, and to tell me that he had lost his wife after forty years of married life on July 2nd of this year. He said the loneliness was very hard to bear. He also said that he could feel for me, as he knew I could feel for him. He brought a little sum that she had collected for the work of the Depot, and left it with me asking that the name in our book might be altered now to his, instead of hers, as he still wished our booklets to be sent to him. When you pray for me, please remember him in your prayers, as he has to face his trouble in human solitude, but happily with God. He says he can leave himself in the hands of the Lord, and he feels it will not be long before he passes away, as his health is very precarious. Please pray that he may recover strength if it is the will of God. Oh! the sorrows of the world how real they are! Oh! the comfort of Christ how real it is.
I am reminded in the most blessed way day by day of the beauty and strength of Christian love — I wish I could answer letters sooner, but my hand has been worse lately, although I am told I may be much better soon.
A message to me through a letter written to Miss Newton this morning, said, “Will you kindly convey to Dr. Wreford my sympathy with him in his great trial? I have no doubt that he will be sustained and that he will be spared to continue in his work for the Lord. It must be a great comfort to him to know that Mrs. Wreford bore such a bright testimony, and I feel sure that out of it all, blessing will come to others as she wished.”
Oh! that this may be realized in full measure, so that when my dear wife and I meet again in the glory of God, many will be with us who have come in answer to her last wish about the work.
So I send forth this number of the “Message from God,” counting fully on the loving prayers and help of my friends that I may wait entirely on the will of God, and be blessed, if it be His will in the waiting.
Yours affectionately in Christ,
Heyman Wreford.