The Woman of Samaria

Gospel—A. Barry
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General Meetings, Detroit, November 1960.
Gospel My Brother AM Barry.
To sing hymn #24.
We will turn to the 4th chapter of John's Gospel.
John 4.
When, therefore, the Lord knew.
How the Pharisees had heard.
That Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John.
Oh Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples.
He left Judy, and departed again into Galilee.
And he must needs go through Samaria.
Then cometh he to a city of Samaria.
Which is called Psycho.
Here to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
Now Jacob's well was there.
Jesus therefore being wearied with his journey that thus on the well.
It was about the 6th hour.
There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus saith unto her, Give me the drink.
For his disciples were gone away into the city, under the city, to buy meat.
Then said the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, asketh drink of me which I am? A woman of Samaria, or the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans?
Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God?
And who it is assessed to thee give me to drink.
I would have asked of him.
And he would have given thee.
Living water.
The woman says unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with him, The well is deep. From whence then hast thou that living water?
Art thou greater than our father, Jacob, which gave us the will?
And drank thereof himself, and his children, and his captain.
Jesus answered and said unto her.
Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again.
But whosoever drinketh of the water, that I shall give him.
Thou never thirst, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
The woman passed unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hit her to draw.
Jesus saith unto her, Go call thy husband, and come hit her.
The woman answered, and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband, for thou hast had five husbands.
And he whom thou now has is not thy husband, and that sets our truly.
The woman says unto him, Sir, I perceive the thou art a prophet our fathers worshipped in this mountain.
He say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
Jesus says unto her, Woman, Believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet a Jerusalem, worship the Father.
Worship Ye know not, thought we know what we worship for Salvation is of the Jews.
But the hour cometh, and now is when the true worshippers.
Worship the Father in spirit and in truth for the Father sickest but to worship him.
God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him.
In spirit and in truth.
The woman sat on him. I know that Messiah cometh which is called Christ. When he is gone, he will tell us all things, Jesus says unto her.
I let speak unto thee, and he.
And upon this came his disciples, and marvel that he talked with the woman. Yet no man says, while seeketh thou, or why talkest thou with her. The woman then left her water pots and went her way into the city.
And said to the men, come see a man.
Which told me all things that ever I did, Is not this the Christ? And they went out of the city, and came unto her. In the meanwhile his disciples prayed him, saying mastery. But he said unto them, I have meat to eat, that ye know not of.
Therefore, said the disciples, 1 to another, Have any man brought him off to eat?
Jesus saith unto them, My need.
As to do the will of him that sent me.
And to finish his work, say not ye they are yet four months, And then cometh harvest, Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the field for their white, all ready to harvest. And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathered fruit unto life eternal. And both he that soweth, and he that reapeth may rejoice together. And herein is that thing true. One sort and another Reaper, I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labor.
Other men labored, and ye are entered into their laborers.
And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman which testified he told me all that ever I did. So when the Samaritans were coming to him, they just thought him that he would carry with him, and he abode there two days, and many more believe because of his own words.
And said of the woman, Now we believe not because of thy saying, for we have heard in ourselves.
And know that this is indeed the Christ.
The favor of the world.
Well, I trust the reading of this.
Portion in the Gospel of John.
Has touched the heart of everyone present.
Because it has.
Brought us into the presence.
All that one I desire to speak about tonight.
The Savior of sinners.
And more than that.
To be brought into the presence of that savior.
As one who is speaking.
The lost sinners.
For the way the Lord thought and found that poor woman of Samaria.
Is the very way that he is now at this time seeking.
To win any that's out of Christ.
In this world, in life is the same savior.
I know he's in glory. His sojourn here on Earth is over.
He's a glorified man at God's right hand.
But beloved friends, that one who is seated on high in the glory.
As a savior of sinners.
This very night in which we're presenting the gospel of God's grace.
The chapter opens with the fact that the Lord knew.
How the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John.
Aaron though Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples.
No, people haven't changed so much as we might suppose from.
Those days.
So many centuries ago.
For the subject that they were.
Boiling about and disputing about is the subject that occupies for many today.
That is the subject of baptism.
And they were all wrong. They were trying to form a party, a party for Christ against the party for John the Baptist.
Remember an old brother saying one time you could be in a meeting where everyone was about half asleep. You could just say the word baptism and everybody would wake up.
Well, how true that is. People like to have something.
That will start an argument.
Oh, we have those in all that want this form of baptism and another this mode of baptism.
But I believe as far as the Lord's interest is concerned, he's about AS.
Connected with those arguments as he was there in this chapter that we have read, the Lord just left. He left them to wrangle it out among themselves.
And he went out and searched.
Of a poor, weary Sinner.
I'm not discrediting baptism in any way, beloved friends. The marvelous truth.
And when we read that as many of you as have baptized unto Jesus Christ, we're baptized unto his death, therefore we are buried with him by baptism unto death. But like this Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even though we also should walk in newness of life. What a marvelous truth. And when that is presented in power and ocean to the soul, I'm sure the Lord is with the message.
That gives us to walk in that newness of life, and to see ourselves dead and buried with Christ.
In baptism but the mere argument.
Is very offensive to the Lord.
And his interest is far remote.
From all man's arguments and speculations.
So it says he must need to go through Samaria.
I have over my desk where I write a pro field map.
A Palestine. I like to look at that map and.
Think of the wonderful history connected with it and the wonderful events that are yet to take place.
In that promised land, the one thing that.
Came to my mind thinking of that map of Palestine.
With the location of this city of Samaria Spanker right in the mountains.
Now there was a much easier route. The Lord could have called. He could have gone over to the Jordan and followed the more or less for the level.
Country up to Galilee.
But it tells us that he must need go through Samaria.
That rough mountainous country all they didn't travel on paved roads in those days with wonderful cars like we travel in you. Never read of the Lord writing, but on one occasion.
That was the ascent of Jerusalem. The Lord walked all those miles.
As he went through Samaria that day.
And he chose that rough, mountainous country for a very special purpose.
What was the purpose? Why did the Lord take that journey?
It was to meet one poor, weary, miserable, unhappy center.
And one of a race that the Jews.
Would have nothing to do with a despised America.
And more than that, this woman was an outcast.
Of the very people to whom she belonged, because we find her at high noon at the six hour.
After well alone. Or at least he went out when they were none. None of the women of the city had gone out to draw water.
You know, the customary time to draw water in those eastern lands was in the evening.
And I believe the reason she went out at high noon in the heat of the day.
Was because.
Her life.
Her wretchedness as a Sinner.
Had made her an outcast of society.
Though she shunned the face of man.
But marvelous truth, friend, the one who shunned the face of man because of her sins and wretchedness.
GAR ended company.
Blessed Son of God.
My wonderful grace, beloved friends.
Can we ever?
Measure the great.
Of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Indeed, the apostle says he know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That's all he were rich. Yet for our sakes, he became poor.
That he, through his poverty, might be rich.
I think one of the marvels of marvels is what we have presented to us.
And the Lord is there, sitting on that whale, waiting for the arrival of that woman. He knew she'd be there.
He was waiting to talk to her and the winner heart for himself.
To think of the creator.
Of this vast universe.
To think of the one who was the brightness of God's glory and the express image of his person.
And indeed, the one who, though sitting on that well weary hired with his journey, was upholding all things at that very moment by the word of his power.
And all to get in company.
For the poor outcast of society.
Does it not tell beloved friends?
But there is no Sinner.
For the blessed Son of God, and there is no Sinner whose condition is so bad.
That the Son of God is not in love and in grace, seeking to win.
That poor heart for himself.
We find the Lord didn't reform a miracle to quench his thirst on this occasion. In fact, we never find the Lord performing a miracle for his own ease and comfort.
He might see the multitudes by multiplying loaves and fishes.
All that 5000 men beside women and children were fed there in the wilderness, but when the Lord was hungry and the devil suggests to turn stones to bread.
He gave an answer that we may well consider. He says man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that cometh out proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
And it was the will of the Father that he should go through this world just as you and I go through this world.
Taste all its sorrows and trials.
And grief and disappointment.
He went through it just as every other man.
Passes through.
This sad, weary world in which we live.
So he asked. Drink of this one. And, you know, friends, we, we.
See the true winner of souls.
And since we have perhaps mostly believers here tonight.
I think it's quite instructive for us to get the true soul winner before us.
The Lord didn't say anything that drove that woman away.
Even when he reached her conscience, he didn't.
Get her conscience so bothered that he just fled away because of her sins and her and her guilt. But he says go call thy husband and come hit her.
Oh, isn't that lovely? Isn't that beautiful?
Although he was reaching her conscience and making her realize her terrible Satan guilt, yet he would win her heart to come right into his presence.
Well, the Lord didn't take up some subject that was mystical beyond her comprehension and understanding.
He just talked to her about what was there before him, about the whale.
Now we can just picture it, beloved friends.
There was an indifferent woman, miserable of course, wretches in her sins.
But coming there, I suppose, without any thoughts of eternity over hereafter.
Just to get a a pitcher of water to carry to her wretched home and her wretched existence there in Samaria.
And the Blessed Lord is going to find some entrance into that dark, sinful heart of that woman.
Let's trace carefully.
The means that he took.
The fine entrance.
Into that heart so far from God.
So he starts talking to her about the whale.
He says. Give me to drink. Wasn't that lowly grace?
Thank God, the Creator asking one of his creatures.
For a drink of water.
Our beloved friends, that the Savior that I would seek to direct your thoughts, your heart's affections too. Here's a knife, one soul lowly.
They're willing to take a drink of water, asking a drink of water.
From one obvious.
For the knighted creatures.
Ruined with the horrors and wretchedness.
To sin.
I know we may look with contempt on a character like that, but it's only God's grace that has kept any of us from stooping so long in sin. We have nothing to boast our friends.
Even if we haven't got the very bottom.
Of the ladder, so to speak.
It's only his grace.
That has kept us.
Because those things that we see in her heart are in your heart and my heart.
I believe it was, Tennyson said. These words every heart contested well.
Is a is a plot of warmer dust mixed with cunning sparks of pale.
Well, he was in a poetical way just saying what is said in the 17th chapter of Jeremiah.
Where it tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things.
And desperately wicked who can know it.
And we get the answer. I, the Lord, search the heart, I try the rain.
All those things we see the murderer going through the to the gallows. Our friends have murders in your heart and mind. The only reason we haven't committed murders. Perhaps the strength of the laws made us afraid to perform the deed.
If solemn isn't it to think what's in the human heart.
But all the grace of one that can meet the need.
Of one whose heart is so corrupt.
I'm so bad.
Well, the Lord.
In grace converses with us for soul, and you know, the first thing that.
That caught her attention.
That interested her in this stranger.
Was his condescending grace. She had seen lots of Jews and her day and time.
Which he'd never seen.
One like this stranger.
So, she says. How is it?
That you being a Jew.
Were the *** drink of a woman of Samaria. That's the thing that surprised her.
And beloved, isn't that the way the Lord reaches the hard heart of the Sinner, so hard and impenetrable that seems that nothing will ever reach or touch it? It's his wonderful grace.
It's the goodness of God, you know. We're told in Romans 2 That leadeth to repentance.
That will accomplish what nothing else in all the world would ever accomplish.
10th verse Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God?
And who it is assessed to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked of him, and he would have given the living water.
What a marvelous statement that was of Jesus. And I believe, beloved friends, that that verse contains the whole gospel.
If thou knew us a gift of God.
For the first times he brings God before this poor sinful Samaritan crown to us, the gift of God.
And wood is there, the sun.
That I would survive of him, and he would have given the living water. There's the Holy Spirit, there's the Trinity.
Well, what is God's gift?
Beloved friends, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. But what is that eternal life? Well, the Lord tells us in the 17th of John He says this is eternal life.
That he might know.
That they might know thee the only true God.
And Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent.
My beloved friends, the gift of God is Christ.
What a gift.
God is offering.
So this for a sinful world.
We read in John 316 For God's soul of the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. That's the gift of God, friends.
Gave his only begotten son.
Think of God.
Giving his son to this poor lost world.
Sending him into a world of sin and sorrow.
Sending him from those heights of glory into this world of woe, knowing what was before him.
And then when there was no remedy for guilty man.
To give him up to that shameful death of Calvary's cross.
Our friends when we think of what dogs gift is.
It's something so marvelous.
And it's just beyond us to think of what God is, is great. Love is offering.
The poor sinful man.
He couldn't bestow a greater gift, could he? God had only one son.
And yet he gave the darling of his heart.
For a sinful man.
And then he says, And who it is that saith unto thee, Give me to drink theirs the blessed Lord himself, who it is.
Oh, how important it is in this day of of.
Of every effort being made to dishonor the person of the Son.
To get hold of who it is.
Breaking your nose, feet.
Effort is to dishonor the person of the son.
But you know the Lord Jesus says if he believed not that I am he.
He shall die in your sins, and whether I go, he cannot come.
Lots of important things to lay hold of. Who that one, that blessed one that was there on that well talking to that woman really was.
Who it is?
So we as we think of His Majesty, his glory, His greatness.
His eternal existence. Then we think of him a lowly mind, a man that was nailed to the cross, a man that went through those hours of darkness forsaken of God.
That's the man, friends, who it is, and that's the one that's addressing sinners, who it is. That says to thee, You see, it's a personal matter between the soul and the Savior. He's addressing the soul of the Sinner. That's the way he brings salvation to the heart of any lost one. He addresses the Sinner personally who it is that says unto thee.
And what is the way to enter into this blessing? How is it possible for one to receive, to possess this gift of God? It comes right from the heart of God to the Sinner, says If you'd ask of him, he would have given thee.
If God's gift is the Son who bestows it, and it's through him that that gift is receiving all apart, the Sinner has to do with that marvelous transaction is just to ask of Him.
Have you asked him for it? Is there anyone here that has never had to say to that blessed savior about his lost condition, his need of the Sinner?
Well, at all it takes, you see, is just to go to him personally.
You know, there's lots of men that are preaching.
Preaching through the land that would despise having a little audience like this. Wouldn't think it was there worth their time.
The priests do a little handful of people.
Oh no, they're too important.
They're got letters behind their names. They're famous evangelists. They're got their pictures everywhere. They're herald all over the country. They must have thousands.
To expend their efforts and their energies upon.
But how wonderful, beloved.
The Son of God.
The creator of the universe talking to one lonely Sinner.
And you see that all through this beautiful gospel of John, the chapter just before.
The Lord is talking to Nicodemus alone here, the woman of Psycho alone. In the next chapter, the 5th chapter, you have the Lord addressing.
That man at the pool of Bethesda.
Alone. And then in the 8th chapter when they brought in that woman and they all fled.
And left the the Lord. We find the Lord alone with that woman.
And in the 9th chapter, the blind man whose eyes were opened when Jesus found him in the temple there.
Another one alone with Jesus.
I wonder if there's any here that has never been alone with Jesus.
Oh, you say. Well, you mean that you want me to wait till I get home?
No, no, no. Right here. You can be alone with Jesus.
You can close out every other subject, every other person, every other thought, every other interest, and just have a little conversation in your soul, in your inmost heart.
With that savior of sinners. And I can tell you if you do, Prince, really from your heart.
The matter will be a federal matter.
You will find that you are saved, for no one ever had to do with Jesus.
In that way that didn't get the salvation.
Of their soul.
Well, the woman asked the question. Quite a question.
Says Art thou greater than our father, Jacob?
Which gave us the well drank thereof, and spouting his children and his cattle.
That was quite a question, wasn't it?
Art thou greater than our father, Jacob?
When you think of all the descendants of Jacob.
Why they have made history for the world, haven't they?
They had a wonderful history. There isn't a country that hasn't. The Jew is there. Praise their history back. They descended from that man, Jacob.
So when we look at history and when we consider.
All that the Jews have accomplished in the world.
And we could say what they're yet to accomplish.
We might ask the question ourselves.
Art thou greater than our father, Jacob?
Oh yes, if you compare man with man.
Of course, to consider that humble man there on the well with their father Jacob, where there was no comparison at all, was there?
Well, there was a question for all friends. The wonder and the beauty of the answer. That's what is precious.
To the heart as we consider it.
Here's the answer. And you know, when the Lord answered the question, he didn't give a direct answer that would satisfy the intellect. He gave an answer that reached the constants that went home.
To the.
Here is the answer.
13th verse Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water?
Shall thirst again.
But whosoever drinketh of the water that eyes shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him.
A will of water springing up into everlasting life.
All the answer was meeting the need of her soul. Lord didn't put up any argument as to who was the greater. He didn't say. Well, just the idea of thinking of Jacob compared with the creator. Well, there's no comparison at all, but no friends.
Oh no, the Lord didn't answer in that way.
He just replied in a way that gave that poor soul to realize that there was nothing in this world that would satisfy.
The longings of her heart.
Whosoever drinketh of this water, so thirst again.
And how true that is?
The world is trying desperately to find something that would satisfy the hunger.
Of their poor, empty hearts and they never find it. That's why these millionaires when they make their.
Their immense fortunes and get everything just like Mr. Young.
The head of the New York Central System after he got everything his heart could wish in this world with any committed suicide.
The things of this world satisfied the heart. Why, surely he'd be a satisfied man.
But it didn't satisfy.
Well, the Lord brings in then.
The true answer to the need of the soul. But the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of waters, bringing up into everlasting life.
To other friends, everyone here and everyone in this great world has a soul.
A soul is to live for all eternity.
And the things of this life, the things of this world, will never satisfy.
The longings of that soul that's destined to live through eternal Eagles.
But the Lord, and only the Lord Jesus, God's Son, could tell of water that would quench the longings.
Of the human heart.
The water that Jesus gives satisfies every longing of the human heart, but to see the woman still was in darkness of soul.
Or all she can think about is her life.
Of misery in this world. And she says give me this water that I thirst not neither come hit her to draw. She'd like to have that which would favor the embarrassment and the trouble of going to that will. That's that's wonderful.
Well, that's just away with people. If they can get something, you know, for to help them out in this world while they grasp for it.
I told sometimes.
About years ago at a political rally they had in Clinton, KY, county, seat of the county where I was raised.
The political One political party gave a free dinner.
They're advertised all over a free dinner.
Well, you know, the whole county turned out and they had place in the center roped off for.
The sandwiches and drinks they were going to serve and this mob broke the through the over the ropes and soon the tables and benches and everything they had there were scattered helter skelter.
A free meal, a few sandwiches.
Well, isn't that the human heart, though? Oh, they had a gospel meeting announced there. How many would have come out to hear the gospel and yet for one meal, while the whole county would turn out and be so ravenous that?
They broke up the whole thing.
Oh, how sad it is, isn't it, beloved friends?
Early It rejoices your heart and mind to think.
That though we were no better, and were so prone to ever taste of that living water.
That God in his infinite grace won your poor heart and mind.
For all that we have indeed drunk of that living water, and our souls have been satisfied.
What a privilege we had this morning sitting down to remember that Blessed One in his death.
There any place friends in this poor world to compare with that place?
Where we could remember that Blessed One in his death?
Well, the Lord speaks of.
In connection with the subject of a well of water springing up into everlasting life. And that's what happens when you accept this gift that God bestows, You get that that well of living water.
Within and it springs up. That is, it springs up in worship and adoration to the one who has loved you and given himself for you. Oh beloved friends, if that will of water is active in your soul, that will be the result. In your soul it will be praise and worship that blessed one who loved you so much.
Well, the Lord in answer to this question.
He says. Give me this water, the Lord says Go call thy husband and come hit her.
Well, that was the way the Lord used to reach her conscience, for she says. I have no husband.
The Lord says, Thou hast well said, I have no husband, for thou hast had five husbands, and he who now now has his not thy husband.
That is, he revealed that she was just a poor, adulterous woman.
Now the conversation changes completely.
No more is she talking about getting water to satisfy the present first down here.
She's occupied with higher subjects than ever she'd been occupied with before.
He says, Sir, I perceive the power of Prophet.
Because she discovered that this stranger there at the well was one that knew all about.
Her sinful life.
And for she thinks of him as a property course. He was a prophet.
It was the great prophet indeed, but he was much more than a prophet. John was much more than a prophet. How much more? The son of God.
To the Prophet, priest and King, But all friends, what charm your heart and mind more than any other title that he so rightly bears, is that he was the Savior.
Well, the first thing that this woman thinks of when her conscience is reached and she finds herself in the presence of one who knew about her.
Her sinful life. Oh, she was supposed to be all very fair, respectable creature, I suppose.
No other heart likes the disease.
Folks around us, we like to pose as being much superior and better than we actually are.
But when you get in the presence of the searcher of Hearts, there's no use to try to pretend we're something we're not.
The reveals the real state of her poor spindle heart.
But she makes the same effort that thousands are making today.
To prove that her religion is the right religion.
Oh yes, he says, our Father worship in this mountain. Ye faith in Jerusalem is a place where men ought to worship. Oh yes, he jumps for religion.
Remember old brother Potter used to make this remark. He said that religion never saved anyone, but it had damn thousands.
And I believe it's true. Just as in the case of this woman, before she could be saved from her sins, she had to be received from her religion.
Well, the Lord gave some wonderful thoughts and connection with.
Reason and Jerusalem.
He tells her that Jerusalem is the place that God established, but he also tells her that the hour was coming when neither at Jerusalem.
They were to worship the Father.
I have a feeling that this woman understood.
What the Lord was talking about much better after the Holy Spirit came and she had that well dwelling in her.
From the thought and I rather agree with it or I wouldn't state it.
Positively that when Philip went down.
To a city of Sumerian preached Christ.
That it was this very city, because I believe it says he went down to the city. I believe that's the correct word, the city of Samaria.
See the Lord save this one poor woman. And she went out and told the people in the city to come see this man. And then many believe that because of her words, and many more believed because of Christ's words. And then Philip came along and reached the whole city, and there was great joy in that city.
Oh yes, there were many wells of water springing up into everlasting life before.
The whole story is told out in connection with God's grace to this city of Samaria.
Well, this conversation leads this poor soul.
To make.
To ask to tell the Lord that they knew that.
Messiah was coming. I want to just call attention to this.
That those Samaritans had a little bit of God's Word. They only accepted, I believe, the five books of Moses, that that was God's Word, wasn't it?
And in that portion of God's Word, there was.
A plain promise of the Messiah, I will raise up the prophets like unto me him till ye hear was written by Moses.
While this isn't their beloved friends, how God can use a little bit of His word wherever.
That word.
Is found in this poor world of ours. A little bit of his word. She has a little bit of his word, and it was just this. He knew that Messiah was coming.
Perhaps he was venturing to ask the question. Could it be possible, if you're that one?
For trans. When Jesus says, I that speak unto thee, and he.
It was all settled then, wasn't it?
As soon as those words were spoken by the Lord Jesus.
She had accepted it, or she didn't hesitate, and her heart was so filled with delight that she went away into the city.
He says come here man, which told me all things that ever I did. Is not this the Christ?
And that's reasoning that baffles all the arguments of man.
A chained soul.
Like that man that Brother Wakefield was telling about last night. That poor old drunkard.
And to see him now sitting, enjoying the things of Christ, and in his right mind, friends.
What reasoning can ever produce?
An explanation what took place?
We visited him.
I'll tell you what he said, he said they used to call me old drunken date, he says. Now they call me preacher date.
Well, Walter made the change in that, in that poor center.
He got his eyes on that man.
That man. Christ Jesus, friends, come see you, man.
That's the gospel that we're seeking to present. Come see a man. It doesn't come get to know something about this religion or about this religious movement, this evangelistic campaign. No. Come see a man.
Get your eyes on Christ. Behold that wonderful Savior. He is a savior on high in the glory this very moment, Friends. And I can tell you this, if you see him by faith now and here, someday, you're going to see him with these very eyes of yours. I don't like these pictures of Christ. I think they're all the imagination of man. I believe that God has reserved.
A wonderful surprise for his own.
And I know there are not true friends because it says when we see him we shall be lacking if we're seeing a real picture of Christ.
While we wouldn't be here, we could get a real glimpse of that as he is.
Really. With these mortal eyes of our game on the face of Jesus?
We'd be transformed into his very image. Oh, it's marvelous to have to do with the Christ of God, beloved friends.
And one would just say this again.
He's presented, though, for the eye of faith.
We see Jesus as the Apostle Paul. That's the eye of faith, and you can look right into that glory by faith and see the very one who hung on the cross and suffered for sinners. Here below you can see him wearing the crown of heaven glorified up there, and you can receive in this very.
Night by faith in your heart.
We'll see #31.
I will sing of my Redeemer and his wondrous love to me on the cruel cross he suffered from the curse to set me free.
I will.
Bring my.
And here's what.
Hurt me.
All my partner.
I'm very.
I will.
And made me dream.
I will.
Praise my.
From our iPad.
How are you?