The Woman's Service

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 11
What shall be said of the high honor which God places upon the Christian wife and mother? Let no mean or low thought be entertained of the duties of married life. In loving and caring for their husbands, in bringing up children, and in guiding the house, they are walking in the very sphere which God has ordained for them, and they may confidently count upon His smile and blessing. They may also have the opportunity of showing hospitality, lodging strangers, of washing saints’ feet, performing any acts of courtesy or kindness upon those whom the Lord loves, and also of relieving the afflicted. These things fall peculiarly within woman’s reach, and opportunities should never be neglected.
Woman’s sphere of service to the Lord is all the more sweet, because it is more secret and hidden than man’s, generally being found within the house.