SEVE RAL children were once asked the following question, and perhaps you also would like to think it over and give your answer too.
The question was: “Why is the Bible different from any other book?” No doubt several replies could be given to this, but these children all gave the same reply, “Because it is God’s book.”
Yes, that is the chief reason of the great difference. The Bible is the book in which God has spoken to us in His own words, and it is the only book in the world which tells us all the truth.
How wonderful it is that every child who can read, and has a Bible of his own, can learn what God has said.
Will you try to remember when you open that beautiful Bible that perhaps was given you on your birthday, that there God is speaking—speaking to you as much as if you were the only person in the world.
When you read your Bible you do not read what Moses or David wrote out of their own minds, but you read the very message which God gave them to write for Him. That message is for all and you among the number.
Then the question is, What effect will the words of the book have upon us?
ML 11/26/1916