Address—G. Jones
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Moments can't afford he rich the feet of souls blessing above Jesus here in the world and.
First of all, I would like to say that it's very encouraging the night like we have the night with this so many of you here.
Sometimes remark but.
I feel the Lord's coming is so near that we don't have time to talk about anything else about, about, about the person of the Lord Jesus.
Eternity will never exhaust.
What there are portion that we have in him?
And sometimes speaking about the Father's house.
As we get in John 14.
I remarked that.
Our heart now as we are enjoying our portion in the person of Christ, that our hearts now can soar off into the Father's house as we think of that blessed moment.
And which is our privilege to enjoy now in a major.
I thought tonight that several thoughts were before me. I was thinking.
Of the Lord Jesus as the Good Shepherd, but.
At last we have the Lord's mind and speaking.
Hello tonight Ivan, the Lord Jesus as the I am.
You know, in Moses.
He asked For Who shall I tell, Speaking of Israel?
Sent me.
And the Lord Jesus says, you tell him that I am has sent thee.
You tell them that they I am that I am has simply and to me, I think you know that it it gives it a very definite.
Force by saying that I am, that I am.
I saw that as we looked at a few of those thoughts. First of all, we might look at the 7th chapter of John's Gospel just for a verse. The 46th verse.
We might read the 45th verse. Then came the officers.
To the chief priests and Pharisees. And they said unto them, Why had he not brought him?
And the officer's answer Never man speak like this man. And the thought before one is, isn't it too that? Who else could I tell you about?
It would be so wonderful.
As the person of the Lord Jesus, never man spoke like him. They never looked a man in the world that spoke in the world came into existence. Never was a man that spoken could say latches come forth, and the many wonderful things that the Lord Jesus did, and the blind man that he, he could speak and he received his sight.
They left her and he could say, Lord, if thou wilt you can heal me. The Lord says I will, and he was healed. Every man spoke like this man never.
Well, you could just think of any person so wonderful as the person of the Lord Jesus. I believe that where we.
Fail is to enter more fully and to.
Our portion in Christ.
To know that it's not only our portion now, as we've taught this scene, but it's our portion for that eternal day.
Now we look through glass thinly, but then face to face. And so in each chapter in the 12Th verse.
Camp 46 verse that says Neverland speak like this man.
Then Jesus again. Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world.
He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of light.
I was telling a brother last night, Brother Grass that that my wife's funeral service.
Down in South Carolina recently.
The man that spoke.
He didn't take up any scripture.
He just read poems.
There were nice poems.
But you know, I felt that. I just felt so let down.
And he gave him really nothing for their souls.
And I I could remark myself like never before.
When the Lord Jesus he could say, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often Wil I have gathered ears of him to gather her through? You would not.
And I thought to myself, Oh my God, it's dear souls. What are they getting? Well, on the way home that night, his daughter.
Who had been brought up under the ministry of this same man with whom I've known for a good many years.
She sat up in church. Wasn't that her drive, you know?
Oh, I said, Edith. I was thinking along the same line, but I wasn't going to say anything.
But she said my husband.
She said, he said to me, either this is the driver that drives funeral service. I ever heard, you know, to leave Christ.
Out. It's dry, isn't it?
You know, if you don't have Christ to feed upon.
You really have nothing. The points were lovely. Nothing wrong with the points.
But there was nothing there to comfort his dear wife, who knew the Lord as our Savior. And also did they know Him?
And it seemed to me that it was just so dry, and I felt like I never felt before, you know, that oh, it was a time to give them something to comfort their hearts. And there's nothing to comfort our hearts but Christ.
If you could only have given them something you know the word says that not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me or in my Father's House of many mansions that were not so I would have told you.
But I go to prepare place volume. If I go and repair a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. And where I am, where you may be also. And also many lovely comforting portions that we could have made.
But as I said, you know, it's only Christ that can satisfy the longs of your soul and mine. And he said I'm the light of the world, You know, He said the light came into the world. A man loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. While it's natural, as we sometimes use the illustration, if a thief were in your home and you turn the light on, he'd be very uncomfortable, wouldn't he?
He'd be very uncomfortable.
So when Christ came into the world, he naturally, his very life was that which made men uncomfortable because their hearts were evil.
Now he says, here I am the light of the world. I would like to ring before you a few thoughts of the I am. And because that is one of his names in which he could say to Moses, you tell them that they I am, that I am.
Has simply so here he says I am the light of the world. He that follow me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of your life. How wonderful to know that if we follow and the path of which he has marked out in his precious word, we have polite. We're not walking in darkness. You know on the 13th of John's Gospel, when he gave Judas to stop in it, he went out and immediately and it was night.
This poor world has been lying in darkness from that time on. The world lies in darkness. If you don't think so, just walk down the street and start talking about the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior of sinners and see how quickly the response comes making you realize that we are living in a Dark World. Well the Lord Jesus says I am the light of the world. If man wants to see the truth, as I sometimes say, if you want the truth, you must be where the truth is.
And the Lord Jesus, you know, Pilate said to him what is true.
He stood beside Truth itself and walked away.
And I trust that that will not be true of my higher yours.
That we have classed and he is the light of the world, He is the truth.
And so he says, he that followed me shall not walk in darkness. If I seek to follow with Christ as an object of my soul, I would walk in darkness. I wouldn't be stumbling around, because Christ is my life.
Now he says here we might turn to the 10th chapter in the seventh verse, I believe.
Then said Jesus unto them 10/7.
Again, verily, verily, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
Now you know here in this chapter.
He has.
Before him as we go back a little bit, he says.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that entereth not by the door until the sheep fall, but climbeth up some other way.
The same as a thief in Aurora, But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep to hand the portal, and the sheep that hear his voice, The sheep hear his voice, and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he puteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them.
And the sheep falling, for they know His voice, and a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from Him, for they know Him, for they know not the voice of strangers. This parable spake Jesus unto them, But they understood not with things they were, which is speak unto them.
It tells in our previous chapter.
He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. And here he taught us. A stranger will they not far.
But while fleeing from him for they know not the voice of strangers. Now the Lord Jesus tells us that if we seek to go on in accordance with the word of God being led by the by the Holy Spirit, and I want to say the liberty of the Spirit, we need to give the Spirit liberty to take Christ and make him pressure to our soul. Now he says here I'm the door of the sheep Israel. Naturally this was strange language to them.
But he was seeking to, as we go on in the 14th chapter, reveal to them. He wanted to reveal to Israel. He's seeking to bring before them what was about to take place, the work of Calgary when he was going to the cross. And while they knew the Lord as Jehovah, the eternal One, he wanted to reveal the Lord Jesus to him as the Savior of sinners and God as their Father.
Now they knew him as Jehovah God, the Eternal One, but they did not know God.
As a father, and I sometimes think as a child of God, is it not Christmas that you and I all know? We know He is the Almighty God.
And the eternal God, but as I sometimes say, we don't approach him now like Daniel after and Hosea and God says you're not my people. He had they had turned away from him and he said you're not my people. So Daniel and praying, he prayed to the God of heaven. Well, we know that God is in heaven, but you and I as a child of God, we recognize that he's by outside him. So we approach him as God and father.
As I said to a young doctor one time, I said.
Well, you tell you just tell the Lord what you told me, I said. He's right beside us and more interested in your salvation than I could ever be. A wonderful that we don't have to approach him as the God of heaven, but we approach him as one who is ever near.
How precious to know Him as our Father. Our price is to know Him.
Sometimes likened it to a judge. You know how different?
They go up and stand before the judge as a judge and for our boy to stand up to him as his father, the relationship there is Father and not a judge. What a difference, what a difference it is and so to know God is our Father, what a relationship and what blessing. Now I am seeking to reveal the Israel as you are. He wanted to really prepare them for what was coming.
To reveal to them God as a father. Now he says, But the only door I'm the door. And there is no other way to enter in either entereth in not by the door of the sheep is is the door is the shepherd of the sheep. He that entered in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the Porter openeth, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calleth his own sheep by name, and he leadeth them out. Oh.
How wonderful to know that He leads us by the skillfulness of his hands and guides us with the integrity of His Father, all the Savior. We failed. Well, he says, if you're trying to get in any other way, you just can't. He says, because I'm the door, I'm the door and there just is no other entrance.
Well, he was seeking to put that over to the people of whom he came to reveal himself to, to the Jews and.
Here, he says, I am the door of the sheep.
So it's just as true with you and I as a child of God. There is no first of all is an unsafe soul. There is no other way of salvation other than Christ as the door. It says on the door and God tells you that the door is open and no man can shut it. Today is another day when the door of grace is open, and that you and I.
Can not only know Him as our savior.
But learn more about the person of himself.
No, I feel that there is a great life among Christians today and seeking to know more about the Lord Jesus.
One thing to know him as a savior.
Quite another thing to know him.
In a personal way.
The Apostle Paul could say, I know whom I have believed. I know whom I believe he knew him personally to know the Lord Jesus in her personal life. How different, isn't it, you know, is someone in order to come and say, well, you know, Mr. Shuey, I said, Oh yes, I've done this so many times. What a difference, isn't it, to know him personally, say, and to say, I know of him, I know of him.
So Paul says, I know whom I believe I know I know it personally. So here it says in our 10th, 11Th verse of our 10th chapter, he says I'm the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep now in our in our previous.
Verses he said no man ever spoke like this man and then he says the Lord Jesus says I'm related to the world. He then fall with me.
In darkness.
And then he tells to the Jews here, he says, I am the door. How wonderful, isn't it? He just leans up step by step. No man I respect like this man trying to exercise.
The conscience of the souls. And now he says I'm the Good Shepherd. And he says the Good Shepherd. It's always been very striking to me. He gives you the answer. I am the good childhood, the Good Shepherd given his life.
He giveth his life of his sheep. You know I'm speaking to souls as we speak to them. We tell them, you know, that the Lord Jesus is the Savior of sinners.
When they are brought to realize that they are sinners and that they have to do with God, then you know first of all.
As most of you know, I have cataracts and.
When when you go to a doctor? Well, the doctor told me, he said.
Doctor Cross went with me to Doctor Freil and he told me this. He said, you know, he said if you have to have something wrong with your eyes, well, what you have is the best.
If you have to have something wrong, you could have history, you could have that and you could have the other, but if you have to have something wrong with them, well, you you got the vest that there that there is. Well, when I say to a Sinner or a stall that hasn't accepted the Lord Jesus as his Savior, I said, well, you know what all sin is.
Well, Infosol says I said the doctor, well, what are you going to do about it? Well, he said it would not break down. Well, you know, you go, you like the answer to these problems, don't we? We like the answer. So he he gave me an answer.
That's all when when we seek to bring before Saul that he's a lost Sinner and he has to admit that he is a Sinner.
And he says the fool is there in the heart and his heart there is no God. As we read the Scripture and see that because of the evil that was in the world, God brought a flood upon the earth. He brought judgment. And we know that if he brought it in the days of noise, he certainly was going to, he'd certainly bring it again, because certainly the world and all of this wickedness today, we we certainly aren't here. We all wonder how much longer we can go on, just how much longer. So if we know that that he's going to have to come into judgment before God.
Regarding his sins, well then, then you can tell him the answer, can't you? And Christ is the answer.
And he says I am a good child, I am the good child. The Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. Well, he couldn't give it. He couldn't do more for me. He could never do any more than what he has done and going to Calvary's cross and dying so.
He says that I am the Good Shepherd.
And he says I gave my life for you.
Well, we certainly couldn't ask for more, couldn't we? He certainly couldn't do any more.
Than to give his life now the 11Th chapter on the 25th verse.
Jesus said unto her, I am, If you notice these I am's. It's been very frightening to me because he could say to Moses, you tell him that they and that I am asked Cynthia and all, If you notice, he says, I am, I am a Good Shepherd, I am the door, I am the light, and so on.
And here he says, Now in our 25th verse, Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life he that believeth in me do. We were dead, yet shall he do.
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die, believers. So when we are speaking to souls, well.
I often remark, you know, I say that the Lord may come at any time, and may come tonight, and you may.
But I have to ask my question. Do you believe that? Do you really believe it? Preach it? But do you believe it? Do you believe it might come tonight? But do I really believe? He said to Martha, Do you believe this? I am the resurrection and the life. You that believeth in me though it within, yet shall indeed you believe it. You believe it. And you notice they said to you as they do, I am the resurrection and the light. So here we find this wonderful portion of the world.
I am.
The resurrection and the life and so that.
And he says, Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believe us about this. What a one of proportionate in his word. You know, to know that you and I, we know that we have a soul that lives on. Man would like to get away from that thought, wouldn't he, That he has to do with God. He has to do with God.
And he has a living soul, and he has to answer to God.
After what he what he did with Christ? What empty of Christ?
So he presents himself here as the same one that he introduces him to to Moses and speaking to Israel. And then if you were to turn on over to the 14th chapter of John's Gospel.
We find here that Jesus in the sixth verse, Jesus says unto them, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
No man cometh unto the Father, but by me I've already.
Quoted the early part of this chapter and.
Para And now Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life and he's not only the boy who salvation we know there is no other way. He tells us, but he says I I'm the way the truth, I'm the way the truth and the life man would like to get away like Kyle. I says I'm going to wash my hand with the whole thing. Now you can't wash any of this.
Of the As to the death of Christ.
You can't wash your hands and wash your sins away and say I have dust going on, call it quits. No, God doesn't do business that way.
He has given us a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
He sent him down with a tremendous cost of his life at Calvary's Cross.
And those three hours of darkness when the Lord Jesus hung there on that cross.
Your sins and mine were laid upon Him, that is those that believe. If you reject Him as your Savior, then you will have to answer to God for those sins and the unending age of eternity. You could never know the wrath of a holy God that was poured out upon the head of the blessed Savior for your sins and mine. You could never know it now. On the other hand, eternity could never exhaust.
The love of God in sending the Lord Jesus down to Calvary to die for me. So that's why I say He is the truth. And when you read His word and permit the Spirit to take the precious things of Christ and make them known to our skulls, well, it's the truth. We have the truth in the Word of God.
While it's been proven, you say, well, how do you know it's the truth? This is the only book that has ever stood the test.
That has been put to this book and all of the efforts in trying to do away with it and it has we we. Well, if you were to say, well, how do you notice two of the jewel himself proves this to be true.
The Jew himself, we see our prophecy has been fulfilled. I never thought I'd ever live to see the day of the word of God fulfilled to the extent that it is in the day which I live. I never thought I'd ever see it.
The very fact that what we see today proves the word to be two if we need it to. But we as a child of God, we don't need such proof to it. We don't need to look at the world to prove whether the Bible is true or not because the Spirit of God makes it real and processed ourselves so that we know that it's true. And God has made it very precise to those of us through search this picture to see these things are true.
The promises of which he has promised.
Well, he says I'm the truth, and then he said I'm alive. He said the Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. So he says I'm not only the truth, He told us that he came down in the world as the Savior sent us. And he says that's true. That's true. Pilate says, what is truth?
Turn walked away. He had truth. He stood beside him, He rejected it. Men are doing the same thing today. The word is going out in the world, the truth is going out in the world, and man is turning his back on why life came into the world. The Word of God chose man to be a Sinner. He doesn't like that. He doesn't like that. No, you know we don't.
We don't, we don't like those things, you know, we don't like to be.
Called a Sinner, but we know we are going.
We know we are well here. It says on the line if you want life, he says. I've given to them eternal life.
And this done never, parents, I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish. And.
It tells us here, and no man cometh unto the Father, but by me I am the way. If I want to know the way to joy and peace and happiness, the answers Christ.
If I want to know the way as I was tearing a brother about a man down in Florida.
And from time to time I told him what he needed was Christ.
What he needed with Christ as time went on, he said one day he said, well, Mr. Jones, it took us a long time to realize that what we need needed was Christ. Well, the answer to all these things, if you want a happy life here, I don't mean that you won't have trials.
But I remember that I guess was the last time I saw dear Mrs. Furstenfeld. She'd been in in bed for many years. Mr. Mary Smith and I, Burrows went out to Disneyland and she was in much pain, but she was repeating portions of the Word of God, rejoicing in our soul. Occasionally she dropped with pain, but she was happy in her soul. Mr. Smith and I, we went back and stood by the car and we looked at each other.
We marvel. Both of us was in tears.
Think of 1 going through such great suffering that we're trusting in our soul. So the Lord is the one, He says He hasn't said that he would deliver us from the trials, but he says, I'll go with you through them. And so I have Christ.
What more do I want? He is the all sufficient 1 and so here he says I'm I'm the way. If you want happiness, it's to be found in Christ and He alone.
Up in God, Ontario just recently after the meeting, a young man walked up to me and just broke down tears.
And he wanted happiness. So I said to him, I said, well, let's get out on the armies right here and tell the Lord.
He went out of the room, I trust.
And a different state of soul.
Seemed happy and so we asked for our prayers that he might be able to hold the the enjoyment that he had that he wouldn't, that he wouldn't get cold in his soul. You know well, we know that the Lord doesn't want us to get cold. He wants us to be rejoicing always on the game. He says. I say rejoice because we have everything to rejoice in. He is the way to joy and peace and happiness.
We say that to the unsaved, but we say that to the child of God. If you want to hang up, the light here is to walk with Christ.
And it's the only happy power Anonymous, most of you know from the travel. And I have proven year by year that he is the all sufficient one. He's the one I had a letter sometime back from.
A man in New York.
And he said, I've been telling my family that what we need is the Lord all if we could all realize that in a deeper sense.
And not only as I said about do I believe this, well not only say it, but have a real desire in my heart as Daniel purpose in my heart.
Well, he says I'm the truth and the life, and he says no man come in front of the father.
But by me and let us turn back to the 8th chapter 24 verse.
Now tells us here.
And they're trying to.
23rd 1St.
And he said unto the end of the year From beneath I am from above. Ye are this world. I am not of this world. I said therefore unto you.
That he shall die in your sins. For if you believe not that I am, he shall die in your sins.
So if you turn to the.
To the third chapter of excellence.
3rd tactic of Exodus.
And the 13th verse.
And Moses said unto God, The whole When I come unto the children of Israel.
And so say unto them, The God of your fathers has sent me unto you, and they shall say to me, What is his name? What shall I say? Anything.
And God said unto Moses, I am that I am. And he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the tour of Israel, I am has sent thee. Now he says here in the Sikh chapter, If you don't believe that I am.
I told Moses I gave him my name. I am that I am. As I said, when he says I am that I am. Is it the double force to me?
And now it says if you don't believe that, if you don't believe that, I am.
In other words, if you don't believe that I'm the way, the truth and the life, if you don't believe that, well, there's more the way for you. You shall surely die in your sins.
If he believed not.
He that I am, ye shall die in your sins.
Our our Mars.
Here, he says, if you don't believe that, I'm the one that spoke to Moses, the one that led you through.
The Red Sea and so forth. If you don't believe that I am me, if you don't believe that I am, then there's nothing else for you.
And if you don't believe that Christ can satisfy her heart in this world, I mentioned when I was here before, I so often do because we have a brother in Columbus that so often says this is good for the young people.
Well, I like to remark that what's good for the young people is good for me.
It's good for all of us and these things are being reminded.
That while he could say to Israel, he could say that if you don't believe that, I am.
Wall is going back to a getting away from the truth of the Word of God. If you don't believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, if you don't believe that that is true, then God says you'll surely die in your sins and it's a terrible thing, the thought of dying in your sins.
The impossible could say, therefore, knowing that terror of the Lord will persuade men. And then he also says, I call heaven and earth to wreck it against you this day, that I set before you life and death.
Blessing in cursing, but he says choose life, choose life he always it's not God's purposes that any soul would be lost. He's not willing let any shoulders. He's long stuffing, he's patient, he's waited this another day of his grace when the gospel is going on throughout the world.
And thank God for this, another day when souls have had the opportunity of turning to Christ.
And knowing him as their Savior. But then what about the question? What about you and I? Oh, I feel the great danger is that I have salvation and that's enough. I'm not willing. I'm not interested in going beyond just knowing him as my Savior. Well, you know, the Lord Jesus says you belong to me. And the 42nd of Isaiah, believe it is. He says, I have redeemed thee.
Thou art mine, so I'm not my own anymore. I belong to Christ and I often think about going through the Red Sea. They took even said they didn't leave even a hoof pine nor everything I have and belongs to Christ. Everything I have, I myself and all that I have, my family, everything I have, I belong. It belongs to Christ. If that's so, I would be very careful.
How I would use it?
These things.
I would be very careful. I would bring up my family. I would be very careful how I used what is lonely to use.
His my son-in-law spoke in elaborate of a of a home. I have we have a home and yet we don't have a home. We have a home and this down here is not our home, I said. It's just a place. Now as we sojourn, as we go through the wilderness journey, we go through what should recognize the fact that we are strange and we are on our pilgrimage journey home and every day.
We are one day near our home and you know, I thought of the Song of Solomon way speaks of being hidden in the secret place of the stairs. I've enjoyed that because and the secret place of the stairs, every one of us has a child of God has has a special little place in the heart of God and a special little work to do, don't we? I don't have to work for salvation in this area. I wouldn't have to work for that.
And you know.
The part of the Sun, he said he made-up a little spiel and he was going to tell his father to make me wild if I hired Germans. His father didn't need. He didn't need servants, Mephibosheth. That's what he wanted to do. He wanted to just just the very fact that he had seen David and he wanted just to be one of these servants. David said no, I am spared you for our servant. David didn't need servants. He had servants. I guess he didn't know what to do with him.
In these terms. But, he said to Memphisia, you're going to sit at my table.
Gave me why he it was because of Jonathan, his love for Jonathan. And so the Lord has gone and spared your life and mind for Jesus sake.
And you and I are going to be his companions throughout that ending ages of eternity. Now am I just willing to be saved and let it go without?
He doesn't need me for a servant, but let us take it into everyday life.
When our little child sometimes usually illustrates it, many times our little fellows are more in the way than they are good.
But how nice to see those dear little ones wanting to help mother and dad. We couldn't, we couldn't push them off, couldn't we? No, those are the hearts that won't help. And the Lord, it must be processed in his soul to know that we want to tell others about himself, that we want to tell others that he's wonderful and that he's precious. And these that he satisfy the longing so that he's the answer to our problems and.
Why we just off to Taliban? We should.
We should enjoy telling others about the person that the one whom we're going to spend that eternal day with. Well, I was just thinking of these several Iams and I want to think of it. And put it this way, he can say I am the answer.
To the world in his trial and struggle today, you know he said and the government of this world upon his shoulder. But when he comes to save us all, as you find in the 15th loop, he says he took that little sheep and he put it upon his daughters. When he comes to saving your soul and mine, it was more than just the government of this world. The world is annoying.
A finger was reading it today. It goes turns to and fro. It doesn't know which way to turn, but it's a small answer for the Lord. The earth is the Lord, the fullest thereof. It's all in His hands. The answer to your problems and mine is, you know when I'm really enjoying the Lord Jesus and my soul.
You know when I'm working for someone? Well, I want to please the one I'm working for.
And if he wants it this way or that way.
Well, I'm happy to do it as he wants it done.
And that should be the desire of my heart and the things of the Lord. I should be content and anxious to do what He wants me to do. And if, if he sees fit for a trial to come in my life, then I should recognize the fact that He has a purpose in it. He does. He doesn't willingly afflict his people, but He has. He has a purpose in the trials in which we pass through. And we may not know the answer until we get McGuire.
But we will know the answer. As I told you before, I think the doctor in Pasadena who questioned me.
And I said no, doctor, I don't know.
But I will know someday. So the trials that we passed through here is the answer in the very fact that if we don't get them, we don't understand them. Now we will understand them and rejoice in the very fact that it was for His glory and it was for the best for each of us. So I'm just speaking to you about the I am.
He is the answer and that's Christ. And so as I said, I could talk to you about a lot of things in the Scripture here. So many things I said in the room and I'm just thinking.
But there's so many things you know that you could talk about and the word, because eternity will never exhaust it, and this word will be in the bar.
And he said my word and abided forever.
So that there are so many things we could talk about.
When we speak of Christ, there's nothing more promises to the heart of God than to speak one to another about the person of the Lord Jesus. And God could speak of as the darling of his bosom, the one that he find almost in life all his delight in him. Now He presents it to you and I as the Savior of sinners, and then as a child of God, the answer to every, every Henry hire and every soul, if we want happiness.
Christ so that.
I believe today that Satan is making a tremendous headway.
And getting us occupied with other things.
And he doesn't care.
He didn't care where we are, but we have just so long we are not occupied with Christ.
That your affections on things above where Christ sit at the right hand of God, That I might have my thoughts by affections on the person of the Lord Jesus.
Well, this all's just these few thoughts tonight about the first one of the Lord Jesus.
As the I am, I am the Good Shepherd, the Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. I am the light of the world, I am the door, I am the way, the truth and the light and so on. And if you don't believe, he says that I am used to die in your sins. I thought maybe no.
Lamb of God, our souls adore you. Remember 27.