DEAR children, I shall tell you a story about what happened to a little girl five years of age, not very long ago. Her name was Annie, and she had been coming to the Sunday-school for some weeks. One day she was playing with her brother, Edward, at home with their mother. As you will hear, they were playing rather roughly; for what do you think happened? While playing, Edward pulled his little sister so hard by her little arm, that she began to scream out. Her mother came directly, and tried to soothe her, but it was of no use, for just think, little Annie’s arm was dislocated—pulled out of its socket. Perhaps none of you have ever felt this; I hope not, for it is very, very painful.
The mother did not know what to do: they were poor, and had no money to send for a doctor. One thing she possessed—the best of all—whoever has that, need never despair, no matter what trouble or difficulty they are in. O, dear children! she believed in the Lord Jesus, and knew that He was her Saviour and Redeemer, and that God was her loving Father. Therefore she need not have worried, for whoever possesses the Lord Jesus, is rich, no matter how poor he is in this world’s goods. We know that God is our Father, who watches over and keeps us, because He loves us tenderly.
O, dear children! if the thought should arise in your hearts:
Does God really care for us? does He really take an interest in all that concerns us? does He really love us?
Just think for a moment, that God gave His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus, to save us, poor, lost sinners.
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life,” and can be sure that all his sins are forgiven, and God, who spared not His only beloved Son, will He not freely give us all things with the Lord Jesus? You can read that plainly in the Bible, dear children! Just open your Bibles; you will find it there in Rom. 8:3232He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32). God is showing it continually to those who believe in the Lord Jesus. You will find it too in this story; listen well.
As I told you, the mother was very sad, and whichever way she looked at it, she could see no way of helping poor little Annie. When she saw no possibility of getting aid from man, she began to think of the Lord, and took refuge in Him, who has said, that it is better to trust in Him, than in men, although they may be rich and powerful. Then she considered how the Lord Jesus, when He was on earth, healed so many that were sick and decrepit, and that He took the little children in His arms and caressed them.
Is He not always the same, yesterday, today and forever? Did He not love little Annie just as much as the little ones that He took up in His arms and blest? O, surely He did! So thought the mother.
And you, dear little readers! He loves you, too, just as much, and He takes care of you, and listens when you, ask Him anything. He tells you to come to Him with all the wrong you have done, and trust Him entirely.
Little Annie’s mother, trusting in Him, brought the little girl to bed, but she could not sleep for the pain, so that the mother was obliged to watch all night. Sometimes the thought came to her, Has the Lord heard my prayer? What do you think, dear readers?
Well, surely, the Lord heard it; you will see that further on. The Lord sees and hears everything. He is not like the idols of wood and stone, that the blind heathen worship; they cannot see, or hear, because they have been made by man. He is the Almighty God, who made heaven and earth, and all that is therein. His eyes go over the whole earth, and His ear listens to all them that call upon Him.
In the Old Testament you can see this in the beautiful story of Elijah, and the false prophets. The whole day these prophets cried out to their gods, but they answered not a word. As soon as Elijah called on the God of Israel, an answer came—fire from heaven, that burned up the offering on the altar. You will find this beautiful story in 1 Kings 18.
Weary with crying and pain, little Annie fell asleep at about six o’clock in the morning. When she had been asleep for about half-an-hour, in her sleep she lifted up both arms, and stretched them out; and while doing that, the dislocated one shot back into its place. How faithful and true the Lord is! He had heard the prayer of this poor mother, who had no money, or means of getting a doctor. When little Annie awoke, an hour later, she called out:
“O, mother! you may put on my dress, for my arm is quite well!”
What joy there was in that household! How fervently the mother thanked the Lord for drawing her to seek His aid, and then so graciously helping her.
Dear children! from this true story you may learn how the Lord Jesus listens to, and grants our requests. But what He desires most is, that you should come to Him as the Saviour and Redeemer of Poor, lost children.
ML 11/19/1922