The Wonders of God's Creation: The Beautiful Oriole

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
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“All the earth shall worship Thee, and shall sing unto Thee; they shall sing to Thy name.” Psalms 66:44All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name. Selah. (Psalm 66:4).
The lovely oriole has always been a favorite bird with Europeans, with its musical flute-like songs sung from the treetops. When the Europeans migrated to North America, they were happy to find orioles here, too. Five or six species of orioles live throughout the United States and Canada, some as far north as Nova Scotia. Most migrate to southern Mexico or Colombia for the winter.
East of the Rocky Mountains the Baltimore oriole is the most common species, and in the west it is the Bullocks and Scott’s oriole with which people are most familiar. All of these robin-sized birds are examples of the wonders of God’s creation. The males are a striking combination of black and orange or deep yellow. The females are not as brightly colored. This is a wise plan of the Creator, because it helps them to remain hidden when hatching their eggs.
The oriole is interesting not only because of its beauty and song, but also because of its unusual nest. It is usually built as a deep pouch hanging from a fork of a tree. A favorite building material is orange milkweed which is stripped into long fibers. The female weaves these strips into a basket nest with her beak. Long strands of grass may also be used, or fibers and leaves from trees or desert plants. Whatever the material, their complicated, hanging nest is made by intricate stitching, tying of loops and knots, and perfect shuttle-like weaving. A soft lining such as wool, fine grass or even horse hairs is added. The nest is open at the top but hidden underneath large leaves or branches, concealing it from enemies. These happy birds seem to enjoy the swinging motion of their suspended nests.
Orioles need no lessons on how to build such strong, wonderful homes. The Lord God has given them this ability to make a nest just like their ancestors made hundreds of years ago. The oriole was given its skill by the One who delights in all His creation. None of us could make one so perfectly, even with a model to copy from and unlimited time to practice.
Few birds sing as often as the oriole. The melodies of various species differ from each other, but are always pleasant. They seem to be saying that this bird is very happy and content with the way God has provided for it. When we think of all that He has done for us, shouldn’t we be happy, too? Yes, and we should also be thankful as the Bible verse tells us: “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” 2 Corinthians 9:1515Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. (2 Corinthians 9:15).
The “unspeakable gift” was the giving of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be the Saviour of all who will put their trust in Him. Have you done this, and can you join in the song of our opening verse?