The Wonders of God's Creation: The Delightful Plovers

Some 65 species of long-winged plovers, in a wide variety of colors and sizes, live throughout the world. Most of these birds are found near lakes or oceans where they find food along the beaches. It is interesting to watch them looking for food along the shore. They run fast and then abruptly stop to look for a bit of food. Or they follow an outgoing wave, looking for pieces of fish, oysters, etc. left behind, but then scoot rapidly back before the next wave catches them.
These water lovers nest on beaches, scraping out saucer-shaped nests in the sand or gravel. The speckled eggs, the nests and even the birds themselves blend in with their surroundings so well a person could pass close by without being aware of them. This protection is just one of the benefits provided by their Creator.
An interesting species is the Egyptian plover. In the oppressive heat of summer, the mother bird carries water in her beak, trip after trip, to dampen the young ones and keep them cool. This is the same plover that hops into a crocodile’s open mouth, picking food particles from its teeth. The crocodile naturally enjoys this and never harms the bird. Who do you think taught them these things?
But it is the golden plover that captures the interest of most bird lovers, for it is one of the world’s greatest travelers. In the springtime it nests and raises its young in the far north on the shores of the Aleutians and the Bering Sea. When the little ones are able to care for themselves, the parents leave them, taking off on a non-stop 2500 mile flight to Hawaii without the help of a map or compass. Isn’t that amazing! Most of us couldn’t even run one mile without stopping, but they fly that great distance without eating, drinking or stopping to rest. What surprising strength the Creator has given them!
But here’s something even more amazing: their young ones, left behind to mature, take off a few weeks later on the same trip, even though they have never done it before and with no apparent guide to show them the way. Their Guide, which was the same One for their parents, is the very Lord who created them and provides strength and guidance for them to make it safely to their journey’s end. Like their parents, after resting a few weeks in Hawaii they then fly southeast to South America and other places in the South Pacific to spend the winter. The following spring they fly north along the eastern shores of the Pacific Ocean to their former nesting grounds, completing a round trip of about 8000 miles.
The Bible informs us that the Lord Jesus wants to be our Guide and strength, too. The verse at the beginning tells us this, as well as Psalms 32:88I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. (Psalm 32:8), “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with Mine eye.” Are you asking Him to guide you through your life as He invites you to do? Following His directions is the only safe and happy way.