Your Amazing Body Part 1
Nothing in all the world can compare with the human body. Birds, animals and other kinds of life are made in a remarkable way, but nothing can be compared to what the Creator has given mankind. That, no doubt, was His purpose in bringing all other living things into the world before creating Adam, for He was to give Adam and his offspring the chief place in creation and arranged for the others to be already in existence beforehand.
We also read that “God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.” Genesis 2:77And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7). This is an example of the Creator’s wisdom, for He designed our bodies to need nourishing food. And since man was formed from the earth itself, then the things growing in its soil would have the elements his body would require. Also, when He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” (verse 7), He gave man a soul that would live forever, even after life on earth ended. He did not do this with any other creature.
The human body, from the sole of the feet to the hair on the head, is so extremely complex that it could never have come about by “evolution,” but only through a supreme and divine Creator. Medical experts continually learn new things about its wonders, but, for the most part, cannot explain how these came about. For instance, many of these experts admit they are baffled by the performance of our eyes, and no wonder, when you consider all the eyes do for us.
It’s easy to say “the eyes see things,” but not so easy to say, “I know how they do it.” Actually, the eye is constantly taking pictures, so to speak, distinguishing objects by color, shape and size. In doing this it automatically focuses immediately, whether the object is close or far away. And what happens to these pictures? They don’t remain in the eye, but travel to the brain, which immediately tells the various parts of the body what to do about them. If the eye has seen something dangerous, the brain may tell our hands to shove it out of the way or instruct our legs to get us far away from it.
In addition, these pictures are stored by the brain in the memory. When needed the memory will bring the pictures back to us, even many years after they were first seen. They’ve been “on file” all the time, although we have not been aware of it.
In the following issue we will consider more of these marvels provided by the One who has not only created us, but loves us dearly and wants us to accept His love and know Him as our Lord and Saviour.
ML 06/17/1990