The Word of God is Pure

Duration: 55min
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Address—D. Bilisoly
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This afternoon by singing #55.
Through waves, through clouds.
And storms God gently clears the way. We wait his time, so shall the night soon end. In blissful day He everywhere hath sway, and all things serve his might, His every act, pure blessing, is his path. Unsullied light, When he makes bare his arm, who shall his work withstand?
When he his peoples cause defend, who then shall stay his hand?
We leave it to himself to choose and to command with wonder filled we soon shall see how wise, how strong his hand we comprehend him not yet Earth and heaven tell God sits as sovereign on the throne and rule it all things well.
Now let's turn to Proverbs chapter.
The words of the son of Jake Hill, even the prophecy or the burden the man spake unto Ethiol, even unto Ethiol and Yuko.
Surely I am more brutish than any man, and have not the understanding of a man. I have neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy, who has ascended up into heaven or descended. Who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth?
What is his name?
And what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?
Every word of God is pure. He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
Perhaps will hold there for a minute and consider.
What we have in this portion, I do believe that there is a pattern in the proverbs. I'm beginning to see it more and more. I thank the Lord for it. But here we have some names brought before us, kind of peculiar names, you might say. But these are real people. We may not know much about them, brethren, but they were people that had exercise of heart and a desire, no doubt.
And a burden. This anger had a burden. It could be translated that way.
He had a burden and he was number doubt concerned about two, I assume two young men because the portion has to do primarily with the young man.
But it is a burden that he had before them and he had some things that he wanted to bring.
Before them. Oh, how good it is if we have a burden for others.
You may have had a burden for someone dear young person.
It's good if you seek grace to be of some help to others. That can really put us to the test sometimes because we're naturally selfish and we seem to want to withdraw in our own little circle. But how about it? If you saw another young person that really needed help, would your heart of compassion open up to them? Would you seek to help them?
The Lord can put that kind of burden on your heart.
Perhaps you've seen another young person that is really slipping in their pathway. Do you just put it aside and say, well, that's their business, I'm not going to bother them how good it is to have a burden about these things. I wish that I had more of a burden for different young people that I've known and others too that were slipping away in their pathway. I remember a time in Colorado, if you don't mind a personal reference.
When I was on some state business and I just happened to come into this little town and it was noontime and so I found a nice shady spot under a tree.
And I sat there to read and eat my lunch, and lo and behold, right before my eyes.
Was the dear young sister in the meeting and she was holding hands.
With a young man that I don't think he was the Lord's, Why did the Lord allow me to see that?
You know, dear ones, we don't give by with anything. We don't get by with anything.
And having seen that, I was burdened, immediately I was burdened. What am I going to do about it? Am I going to say, well, she'll probably end up and and go her own way and so forth, but was that right? Would that have been right to just pass it off that way?
No, I thank God that I was burdened about it. And so I had to seek grace, to muster up courage to say something. That's difficult, isn't it? We have to really get before the Lord to do that sometimes, because.
We can maybe we can do more harm if we don't say the right thing, or if we don't approach it in the spirit of meekness, because it says, like in Galatians, if a man or a person, let's put it that way, be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness. Now I enjoyed what was said as to a spiritual man, but I enjoyed this thought.
As to a spiritual man, especially in that connection there in Galatians. But a spiritual man is one that realizes the tendencies of his own heart, that he too could slip into a wrong pathway that any of us can fail. And with that realization it'll give us the right attitude in approaching someone. You can't go wrong to approach a person in the right spirit.
However, if a brother approaches us in a harsh spirit, we'd better take it from the Lord. However we receive it. We should seek grace to take it from the Lord. But oh, how much easier it is. And I say that for myself, and and this speaks to my conscience too, How much easier it is to receive correction if it comes from a gracious spirit, if it comes from one who has a sense that he could fail too, or she could fail too.
And so how good it is to go in that spirit and try and be a help to that person? They could be easily won. I believe the Spirit of God could plow up the conscience if they saw that there was an earnestness about it. Well, I'm thankful to say that the dear young sister thanked me.
She thanked me. Oh, as I think and look back at the numerous times and opportunities I've had that I should have done something and failed to do so. But may the Lord Brethren give us grace to carry out these burdens that He puts upon our hearts. I don't know who this this man was. We don't know, and we don't know what the conditions may have been in this connection, but he had a burden on his heart and he wanted to communicate it to.
These two, I assume young men, but God is very interested in every young person here in this room this afternoon, everyone. He's very interested that you go on for his glory. Look at the epistles of Paul to Timothy, the burden that Paul had for that dear young brother. And yet he could say I have no man like minded, but he was genuinely concerned.
About Timothy And even when he speaks of Timothy's faith, he says I am persuaded is in the Also, He didn't just make a bare assumption that all was well. Paul was deeply concerned about Timothy. We need more brethren, that pastoral heart that the apostle Paul had for the Saints of God. We have burdens with our own children, don't we? And I know what it is to have a burden for my children. I know what it is to shed tears for my my children and really.
To cry before the Lord about them, not for their salvation necessarily. I trusted the Lord for that, but they might go on to His glory. Yes, we deeply concern ourselves about our children, but how we fail to concern ourselves as we should with the dear Saints of God, the young Saints and all. Oh, they're such a tendency to let so-called generation gap take place and it's just natural to our hearts to.
Have more of a kindred spirit, I suppose, with those that are more our age level or however.
But still, there ought to be, there ought to be more communication. We ought to be exercised in our hearts to cultivate more communication between the different age categories. Because we're members of the same body. We're members one of another. We need we need all the brethren, We need them all. The old need the young and the young need the old. We shouldn't be excluding anyone in our thoughts.
But there is sometimes that tendency. But here this dear man of God I assume had a burden, and it's in connection with these two mentioned here. But notice in verse 2 The humble spirit in which he presents this burden. Surely I am more brutish than any man, and have not the understanding of a man.
I neither learn wisdom nor have the knowledge.
Of the holy. There's a real humility in his expressions, and he feels that he would have absolutely nothing if it wasn't of God. None of us would have absolutely nothing in the way of truth unless it were revealed to us individually. And I believe, and I don't think it's, it's too much of A statement to say that we'll only retain the truth that we walk in. That's quite a statement, isn't it? If we're not going to walk.
In this truth that we have learned, will we possess it? Will we continue to possess it? It's a question whether it'll be soul We must walk in it. And so he's very contrite about this whole thing and realizes that he's has no understanding apart from what God reveals. I was impressed by the verse. Hold your place, the verse in Psalm 36.
Psalm 36.
And verse nine, it says, For with thee is the fountain of life. In thy light shall we see light. Isn't that a striking scripture? In thy light we shall see light. A person that's in their sins has no light. They have no light at all. They're just, they're in darkness. In absolute darkness they have no light. But it says, if we walk in the light, then we have fellowship, one with another.
And the blood of Jesus Christ his Son, cleanseth us from all sin. All believers are walking in the light, but as it has been said, some not according to the light, but a true believer in the Lord Jesus is in the light. In fact, as we had in the meetings, dear young people, and this applies to the youngest as well as the oldest, that we are children of light. If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you're a child of light. Isn't that a marvelous thing to consider?
But we certainly need the exhortation to walk as the children of light, because we're in a world of real darkness and how we need this grace that we might walk in the light. But it says.
In thy light shall we see light. Well as we continue on in the light submissive to His will, He will give us more light, He'll give us more light.
This man speaks of being so brutish and a person really is when they don't understand, when there isn't revelation. And like it says in Psalm 49, it says man being in honor without understanding is like the beast that perish. What a state of things to have. Not the knowledge of God is like the beasts that perish. It doesn't surprise me to hear.
Of such atrocities in these lands that have gone atheistic. You read some of these accounts and they act like beasts. Why? Because they've given up what light they might have had and generations are coming up that are not given the true knowledge of God. Like beasts, they become like beasts. No, no restraint upon the conscience. The conscience seer so.
What a state this is without the knowledge of the holy. But then in verse four he says Who hath ascended up into heaven or descended? That's a good question. Who had? Well, doesn't that take us to John 3?
Hold your place and let's notice John 3.
John 3 and verse 13. Now here's a statement of scripture that stands by itself.
Don't try and figure it out. You'll just get into confusion. There's things about the Godhead you know that we'll never understand. We can only accept them and bow to them. We can't reason it out. God hasn't made himself fully known in every respect what he has revealed to us is marvelous. It's marvelous. But we have a scripture in First Timothy that puts a check on us.
It says who only hath immortality dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto and so forth. Yes, there's that about God we can never enter into. And so it says in verse 13. And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven. Oh brethren, how touching that is. How did he come down from heaven?
He came down from heaven as a man, just like you and I. He knew what it was to go through this world as a man and to experience hardship and difficulty in every point. He was tempted like we are yet without sin. Isn't that a wonder? Will never exhaust the theme of the manhood of Christ. There's one mediator between man and God, the man Christ Jesus. He's a man forever in the glory and will never exhaust brethren.
Such a precious theme as that it will bewilder our hearts and wonder and amazement throughout an endless eternity, that our God came down into this world and became a man. No one could ascend up to heaven. No one to figure these things out. But the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, came all the way down into this world and met us in our condition. Like the Good Samaritan, he came. It says. Where?
He was. Oh, that should be such a comfort and cheer to our hearts that we have one now that can perfectly sympathize with us. How we need to get ahold of the truth of that in our souls. That he can perfectly sympathize with us in all that we pass through, because he is touched with the feeling of our infirmities. He knew what it was to be a young person and grow up in this world. We've been talking a little about that as we've been traveling. And so forth.
And it is a wonder to think about how that he, just, so to speak, faded off in obscurity those years, and he only makes a little appearance when he's 12 years old. And then he fades off into obscurity again until 30. Amazing, isn't it, that he went on day by day in that way? A man, a perfect man, here in this world, Well, we have eternity to think about that.
And to enjoy and marvel in the truth of this.
Before our souls. But here the Lord says, No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man which is in heaven, he never left the bosom of the Father. You can't understand it, you can't figure it out. But we can accept it and bow to it. And so he considers all of these powers the wonders of creation and so forth.
In verse four and finally he says what is his name?
And what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?
We can tell now, can't we? We can tell now what his name is and what his son's name is. We can address him now as our very own father. We have that relationship now, the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry amp a father. We have that now. Isn't that wonderful brother to brethren to think about that. We know what his name is, and we can address him with his name properly. We know who we're speaking to. He has revealed himself through his precious blood.
God that called light out of darkness, has shined into our hearts.
So we have now this revelation, this understanding and knowledge, and we know what His name is, and we know what his son's name is. His name shall be called Jesus. Isn't that a thrilling name? You know, I wasn't saved until I was 1717, wasted years. But I used that name in derision, and I'm ashamed of it. And I made a mark of sin. I'm ashamed of it, brethren. I don't like to talk about it, but the Lord saved my soul.
And I've learned to value that name of Jesus. And I've enjoyed this thought that, like in Hebrews, but we see Jesus, it's his person that's going to be before us throughout an endless eternity. And haven't you noticed there in Hebrews 12 That it brings us down through these lists of wonderful things in that coming day, the things of grace, and it ends with Jesus.
We might have put that name first, but that's the name that is Supreme. That's the name that will be last in all our affections. And.
It's put in that way, I'm sure, is our last lingering thought that we should have with us. Jesus. Isn't that wonderful to think of that how sweet the name of Jesus is to the believer's ear. What comfort it gives when you pass through a real trial that can just cancel out.
I've seen Saints that were really burdened and distressed in sickness and ill health. You just bring that name of Jesus before him, and what relief and comfort you see on their faces. What a cheer. What a precious name that we have and we know it. We know who that name is. We're not left in darkness. God has revealed all of this and what privileged people we are here this afternoon. I must confess, brethren, I do not have the burden that I should have.
Towards multitudes in this world that do not understand.
Or really know the name of Jesus. You wouldn't think that we would have that much trouble in an English speaking area. But yes, yes, there can be that trouble. Brother Cecil and Dave came back from Labrador. They said that they ran into young folks, young Eskimos, children and Indians that had no understanding of the gospel and the name of Jesus was not that meaningful to them and no understanding in that. Pathetic to think that there's areas even in the English speaking places.
Where they don't know the gospel. Where they don't know that they can have salvation without money and price through that precious name of Jesus. I trust that everyone here in the room this afternoon values that precious name. If any man loved not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema Maranatha. Oh, do you love that precious name of Jesus? Well, we love him or we love we have divine love in our hearts for him because.
He first loved us, and so we know what his name is now. You know, there's those, I'm sad to say, that make a big struggle over the truth of the Trinity. But here we have a passage in the Old Testament that sets before us persons of the Godhead. That's amazing, isn't it? To see this plainly put in the Old Testament, I just wonder how the Jewish mind treated this passage of Scripture. What would they do with it? What did it mean to them, however?
Even in the earlier part of Genesis and perhaps other places, we have God in plural. That must have been a puzzling thing too, but we have it in plural now. You know the truth of the Father and the Son is a most vital and essential truth to Christianity. Without that truth, we do not have Christianity, you say. Well, why are you making such a point of that? Because there's those that.
May be seemingly or well meaning.
That would make much of the person of the Lord Jesus and make out that he was all persons or.
That he represented all the Godhead. That is, that they don't like to accept a distinction in the persons of the Godhead, but that takes away Christianity. Hold your place and let's notice a statement or two in John's epistle.
To confirm a little what I'm saying.
First John Chapter 2.
Verse 22 Now as in this plane, isn't this a solemn verse? Who is a liar? But he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is the Antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son.
Very solemn scripture. Let's find another one here.
Second, John.
Verse 9.
Whosoever transgresses that is, go forward going beyond.
What's been revealed?
And abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, Hath not God? He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, He hath both the Father, and in the doctrine of Christ He hath both the Father and the Son. Well, I feel that that's.
Very important to consider in our hearts because and to know and understand.
The truth of this from His word. Because here, right in the Old Testament, we have this.
Fact confirmed. The Father and the Son. What is his name and his Son's name? If thou canst tell every word of God is pure, just rest upon the word of God. A brother made a remark some time ago that was very helpful to me, and that he didn't know that I was being so impressed by the remarks that he made. But he said several times over as we were visiting round together.
He says Don't doubt the word of God. Believe it to be the word of God or you'll never progress.
In your soul, don't question God's word that was so good, and I've thought of that. It is so true that if we raise a question about the word of God, then it brings instability in anything and everything. So we must believe that every word of God is pure, and with it goes this He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him. Oh, there's where stability is and protection.
The Word of God certainly answers it all. Sometimes I like to tell the children.
In the school that, you know, the word of God is pure, people are very concerned about what's pure, you know? And there's been a good deal of effort to clean up rivers and clean up lakes and all this ecology sort of thing and to get more purity. But I like to say, here's one place that you can come and find no pollution, God's precious word. Did you ever notice Psalm or Psalm 12?
You can hold your place here again and take a look at Psalm 12. I know most of you know these things, but it's nice to.
Give the young people some verses that they could maybe use at another time.
In Psalm 12 and verse 6.
It says the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified 7 times. Does that mean that the word of God needed any purification, let alone seven times? No, I don't think there's any thought at all like that. There may be other thoughts, but I've enjoyed this.
That no matter what test it was put to, it was proved to be pure all the way from Genesis chapter one to Revelation 22. Pure. All of it is pure. Put it any test you want, and it's been put to every kind of test through the years, You know that.
And yet it all proves to be pure. It is perfect seven times. That's what that would teach us, I believe.
Verse 6. Now we have a solemn word.
Add thou not unto his words.
Lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar. It's an interesting thing to me.
That there has been an effort, you know, that in ages gone by, to add certain missing books to the word of God and even certain missing chapters so-called.
But to me it's a remarkable thing that men that perhaps didn't have nearly the light that has been revealed in this day.
Had spiritual discernment enough to realize that they were spurious, that they just wouldn't hold, that they were not the Canon of Scripture. They could tell that, and some have even said read it for yourself. It just does not have the ring of the word of God. God has seen to it that all the Canon of scripture is there, and if there's any question in our hearts about it, the Apostle.
Said that it was given unto him to complete to fulfill the word of God.
We don't need any more revelations, dear young people. We have all that we need. What we need is grace, and to enter more into what God has revealed, and by his grace to walk into the in the truth of it, not to be looking for new light and further things. Oh no, not at all. Thou shalt be found a liar and.
We see then.
We see then in verse 7 as we go down because I believe that there is.
Somewhat of a pattern here, more I'm sure than I see, but there is no doubt a pattern here. And we see that as he progresses here, he's becoming more tender, more concerned. And we see that that is a good exercise of heart. When we really get into the Lord's presence, then there becomes a greater concern about these things in our lives. Inconsistencies. You see that in the Song of Solomon.
So now, like JB's of old, you know, with his prayer that we had before us this morning, here we see that there is a desire to have these things removed. Remove far from me, verse 8, Vanity and Lies. Give me neither poverty nor riches. Feed me with food convenient for me, lest I be full and deny the insane who is the Lord, or lest I be poor and steal and take the name of my God.
In vain. Well we see that there is then.
This exercise of heart and tenderness in regard to what he speaks of as vanities and lies.
But you know, as he speaks of these things, he goes into this question of riches, brethren. You know, that is a very real danger. And it seems like we're living in a very strange day and age. It seems like there is up, there are opportunities to really make money. I can remember a time when they listed something like 12 or so new millionaires.
In the United States now, they would need a whole catalog, I'm sure to list those that have.
Reached that point, but we see plainly from the word of God what snares there are in regard to that sort of thing as a strange economy. It seems like like we're in such an economy that the middles as someone said the the middle levels are being removed, the middle income and so forth. It seems to be going more extreme wealth or hardship. But just notice this because.
There is a stiff word of warning. Hold your place and look at first Timothy 6. There is a stiff word of warning in this regard. And don't think for one minute that it isn't a snare to every one of us. There could be.
First Timothy chapter 6.
I believe verse 6 of this chapter six more or less ties in with the thought.
Of anger, that is, give me neither poverty nor riches. It's no benefit to be extremely poor and having difficulty that way. However, we know that there's many dear brethren in this world that God has given immense grace to to overcome in their circumstances. By His grace we can overcome. The apostle is a remarkable example of that. He says. I have learned in whatsoever state I am there with to be content.
But it says in verse 6. But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain that we can carry nothing out. Oh how that has distressed so many people of affluence that they couldn't take it out with them. And we've heard various stories in that way. And I heard a story of one man who even had holes opened up in his coffin and his hands stretched out so that the people could see.
That he really couldn't take it with him. Strange what people will do, but it must have really impressed him that he had to leave without all that he had gained. But godliness with contentment is great gain. Here's the true gain. Here's the great gain in God's sight. Oh beloved young people. And older ones too. Let's not get caught in this delusion with a capable person, a person of ability.
There may be real opportunities of making money in this strange economy.
And so it says, for we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain that we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment. And certainly we we have standards that far exceed the standards. I'm sure that we're on the mind of the apostle when he penned these words. Yes, indeed, we have raiment, don't we? And we have food. What abundance of food and what a mercy it is. We thank the Lord for it, don't we?
That we can sit down to such meals as we have enjoyed and our brethren have gone to the trouble in preparing and the Lord has provided we know we have enjoyed meals like that.
And we thank the Lord for it, and we can sit down and enjoy it. But oh, I tell you what abundance compared to some places and the simplicity in which some people live in this world having food and raiment, Let us be there with content. But they that will be rich. Now the key thought is the will. The will. The will is involved in it. They that will be rich, it's on their heart. It's a it's a desire, it's a will.
Fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. Oh, we've read many accounts, we all have of some of the despair connected with this quest for a lot of earthly gain, and it doesn't satisfy the heart. And they get miserable. And you take a man like Howard Hughes. He was fearful of contacts with people because of those that might take advantage with him. So he kept withdrawing, withdrawing, withdrawing.
Until he put himself in a cell and lived like a prisoner.
For years, in fact, I think to the day of his death, he went out of the world like that, living as a prisoner, not even enjoying in a sensible way what he had amassed.
But that's what it says, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
For the love of money is thee or a it's not the only route, but it is certainly a root of all evil which while some coveted after you see there's covetous in connection with that. There are those circumstantially in that place, and by the Lord's grace and mercy they have been so exercised to use it towards heaven. As you might say, we've had that before since the meetings.
They have heard from the faith, and pierced them through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things and follow after righteousness, and godliness, and faith, and love and patience and meekness. Well, you can read it for yourself, and see how that the apostle was deeply concerned about this sort of thing enough that he could give Timothy such a strong exhortation.
As that, and calling him a man of God, a term very suited for a day of ruin, he says flee. Now, you know, when Scripture advises us to flee from something, there's a danger of ensnarement, there's a danger of attraction, and we need to take heed to the word of God because there could be such circumstances that could cause a person to get caught up and get drawn away.
And he was fearful of this, that it would lead him into vanity and lies. And often it's that way to retain things like that that have been gained. Well, let's go on.
Now let's jump down to verse 11.
And I really hesitate to read this. In reading this, I'm making no implication at all. But it says there is a generation that curseth their father and doth not bless their mother. There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness. There is a generation, oh, how lofty are their eyes? And their eyelids are lifted up. There is a generation whose teeth.
Our swords and their jaw teeth as knives to devour the poor from off the earth and the needy from among men. What do we see in a passage of scripture like this? It appears to me that there's a pattern here. That is, it seems to begin like right at the home. It seems to begin with a wrong attitude in the home, a wrong attitude towards the mother and the father.
And you know, that's a breakdown. That's a real breakdown and in visiting a little bit in the school.
To explain the importance of coming and bringing the gospel, I have said this.
If they don't learn to respect supreme authority, they won't respect subordinate authority either. It's nice to see that that's recognized to some extent in the world, and I'm so thankful in some places where there is some semblance of the fear of God. I was in a place where they read the scriptures to the students and all the teachers and the principal.
They were dressed up. I couldn't quite believe it, in the high school and in the grade school, most of the teachers had on a suit.
And that impressed me. And there was order in that school. And I happened to go into this 4th grade class, and I knew it was near the time to end the school. And the teacher walked out of the room and I thought, well, now what do I do when the school ends, you see? And so come time and the bell rang and the teacher wasn't there and I looked for the students to just go crashing out the room.
But they just sat there and I was a little bit bewildered, you know, and they just kept looking longingly at me.
And I finally I said, is it time to leave? Is that the bell to leave? And they said, yes, Sir. And I said, well, would you like to leave? They said, yes, Sir. And I said, well, then you go ahead and and leave and they got up and they filed out. I was aghast. I was glad to see that kind of order and I told the principal so that that kind of order and respect will have benefits to it. It did have benefits.
The school wasn't all marked up and everything and things beat up. You know, you could tell it did have the effect. And that's something to see where even a person that you don't believe is really the Lord, yet they have that respect for the word of God. And I'm so thankful to see that, oh, I don't think they realize just what a benefit, a fringe benefit it is, and the Lord can certainly use it to the salvation of those precious souls.
We're so thankful that dear brother Derek there in Newfoundland has the privilege of reading the scriptures to the students.
For 10 minutes every morning. It's kind of interesting. They do have another kind of a religious instruction class that is a law in Newfoundland, but of course that one gets corrupted so often, but for some reason or another this come to light. But it was interesting because he was taken out of this responsibility after being converted. He wanted to have that responsibility of that class so he could get the word before them.
But they resented that and took him out of it. And the very next year somebody discovered in their bylaws that there was a law requiring A ruling requiring that they read the scripture for 10 minutes. So he got the privilege right back again. So the Lord works those things out where there is a a desire and gets his word before people's hearts.
You see how the condition of things, so to speak, deteriorates.
Verses 11 and 14.
But now you know.
I think I better read it because I think it would be good to take notice of it over in Colossians. Hold your place.
In Colossians chapter 6 Rather Ephesians, I'm sorry in Ephesians chapter 6.
Here we have these exhortations to parents and and children and so forth. But notice what it says, children. Obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother. Honor thy father and mother. It doesn't tell you to cease to do that at a certain time, but it's lovely to see even older.
Young people that want to honor their father and mother and accept perhaps counsel that they would give them.
I might just say this while we're thinking about this.
Don't let's never give up praying and seeking to counsel.
Our young people, let's never give up. It's it's worth it. The Lord can can help us in that regard, and it's worth it as long as you can do so to try to counsel them and guide them right. Oh, we've had such important instruction in regard to their youthful years, but sometimes they may become more difficult. We never want to give up as long as we can in any way counsel them and try to help them. But the word to the children or the young people and all is honor thy father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise.
That it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest live long on the earth. Now we're not under law, we know that.
But here we see by the Spirit of God that here was the first commandment that had a promise.
Attached to it, which shows the importance of this precept.
As it was given, and the apostle makes reference in that way to it.
There is a benefit to subjection to the word of God, just like we had earlier. A recompense, so to speak, of reward. There is a benefit even now to subjection to his precious word, and then a reward in that coming day. He'll reward faithfulness. He'll reward children that were subject to his their parents. He'll reward parents who have struggled along with the burden of raising children and young people.
Through difficult years, he values that very much, brother. And we don't want to give up or lose heart. And dear young people and you boys and girls, this is a word for you. I don't want to just read your mail to you. You take it and read it yourself. This is a word, the word of God directed to you, boys and girls. And it says honor thy father and mother. Don't sass them back. Don't resist them like that. You can see what a terrible state of things develops when there is resistance.
To this order of authority that God has put in the world, God has put authority here in this world. The the parents, the head of the home is a God-given authority in this world just as much as government, and just as much as any authority that God has put in this world. Magistrates and so forth so.
We read on here and it says.
Verse 15. The horse Leech or perhaps just the Leech. The Leech have two daughters crying.
Give give.
You know, we're in such an age.
Where things the standards have changed and we know are so much more so.
Materialistically than in days earlier. And I believe that there is sometimes a tendency while we know it is in the generation in the world about us, there is that spirit of things that always wants, wants, give, give. And it's a spirit that has gotten into everything so that the social welfare systems are over pressed because of the spirit of things.
That says give, give.
You know, I just really hesitate to bring out what I feel upon my conscience in this regard when I read this, and that is that.
There is a tendency, I believe, to maybe slack off from responsibility. I know it's a hard time, brethren. I know it's a hard time, dear young people, when employment is a difficult thing. And I know what it is to be without employment. We were without any income or or a source of income for nearly a month, and we proved the Lord's goodness and graciousness. But you know, the word of God is very plain in regard to those things. There is a responsibility.
And I've been impressed with how strong the apostles language is. Hold your place.
In second Thessalonians chapter 2, but I think we should read it because.
I feel in my own heart it's a needful exhortation.
Two Thessalonians 2 or Chapter 3?
And notice the language of the apostle in verse 5.
Or verse 6, Verse five is a precious verse indeed, verse 6. Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourself from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition or instruction which he received of us. For yourselves know how you ought to follow us, for we behave not ourselves disorderly among you. Neither did we eat any man's bread, for not but we wrought with labor and travail night and day.
That we might not be chargeable to any of you, not because we have not power.
But to make ourselves an example unto you to follow us. For even when we were with you this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should they eat. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, not working at all, but are busy bodies. Now them that are set, we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work and eat their own bread, but.
Ye brethren, be not weary.
In well doing, let's not close up our affections towards our beloved brother. If there's a need, no matter what failure there is, let's not close up our affections. Don't let's not be weary in well doing. If there's a need, don't just say they deserve it does not close up our affections. Let's not be weary in well doing. But still, what a strong exhortation the apostle gives. He brings in the name of the Lord Jesus. He brings in a commandment and we might say well.
That seems very stern, Paul. Weren't you driven out of Thessalonica by persecution? Wasn't it persecution, perhaps, that drove many of these Saints out of their jobs? Perhaps so, perhaps so. But the apostle brings this out plainly that that is no excuse for them to fall into an unconcerned state. And what's the use? I'm just not going to give any thought to it. Dear brother Hershel Hellwig. I don't think he'd mind.
By making reference to him, but he was saying back during the last bad depression.
In the 30s or so he just could not get employment anywhere. But he did such things as collected old copper wire and and burn it down and sold it and then anyway that he could make a little money here and there. And I've heard of brethren that have worked for less. And I might just mention that we know some of us know a brother that left an executive job and went into a bus driving job.
Oh, I admire the overcoming spirit in such circumstances as that. It might mean a change, it may mean something that may be less than what we're experienced or trained for. But God can give grace. God can certainly give grace. And I have thought, considered this, that if we have so strong an exhortation as this, I believe that the Lord in some way would enable us to perform. Don't you think so?
He knows the heart, though, and he knows the circumstances and all. And he may test us, and it was certainly a test to us when there was no work. And I tried everything and it was a difficulty, and I anguished over that. But the Lord in his time opened something up. He'll work things out. He knows that we have needs.
And it seemed like we never quite had enough income, as we anticipated each child that came along. And I thought, how are we going to work this out? But the Lord worked it out. I don't know how we didn't even have money at times to to pay for the new arrival. But the Lord worked that out too, you see. So he is able. Oh, brethren, we we must remember these things. And yet let us not close up our affection toward any that have a particular need.
Well, I believe we better stop at that point. That opens up another subject. Shall we just bow our heads in a word of prayer?