It is that which lets us know what the right path is, and if we had looked into the humble home where a dear grandmother and grandchild lived in the old country, there we could have seen the grandmother reading the word of instruction to guide the dear child as to what she should do, and so she was bringing up her grandchild in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
What wisdom is to be found in God’s Word! He knows the end from the beginning, and He knows all the bad results of bad ways, and therefore He warns us of the wrong things, and wants us to go in the paths of righteousness and peace, and there we shall find real happiness.
That Word also shows us the way of salvation, so that we can be sure of having an eternity of bliss, instead of an eternity of woe. The Lord Jesus has said,
God’s Word thus gives us wisdom for our walk, and shows us that the only way to be saved is through Christ Jesus. He also says,
ML 06/18/1922