A COLPORTEUR was one day leaving a town, with a sad heart, because very few had bought a Bible or New Testament. In the distance he saw a lonely cottage, and approached it. He knocked at the door, but received no answer; then he knocked again, but without success. Just as he was about to turn away, he heard a voice behind him, saying;
“What do you wish?”
He turned, and walked up the steps. He showed the man, who had addressed him, a New Testament, saying;
“These are the words of Christ.” The man went into the house, and as he returned, he handed a New Testament to the colporteur, saying;
“I bought this from a man like you, for my little daughter, who is now dead. She took it to school with her, and read it on the way. She said to me one day;
‘Father, I like to read it ever so much; you bought it for me, didn’t you?’”
Soon after this she took sick, and so, seriously, that all hope of recovery was given up. When I saw that her end was drawing near, I wept aloud.
“Don’t cry, father,” she said, “Jesus, the Saviour has said that the children should come to Him. I am quite happy. He said to the thief on the cross:
‘Today thou shalt be with Me in paradise and He will also receive me.”
Shortly after that, she passed away. Since then I have been reading this book.
This message encouraged the colporteur very much.
Say, dear children, do you love the precious Word of God?
ML 06/26/1927